truffle oil

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Pairing a wine with this dish was a ton of fun. Chock full of butternut squash, mushrooms, white beans, parmesan shavings, and truffle oil, this warm salad is intended for cool fall nights. If it was chilly out, I would pair this with a Cabernet Franc, hands down, to bring out all of the earthiness.

To my pure delight, however, it still feels like summer! Now if only we could make the sun stay out longer. . . Since the night was still nice and warm when we sat down to dinner, and since I have been on a Riesling kick since Riesling #WineChat, I paired this dinner with an Austrian Riesling. There will certainly be time for reds and winter white wines, (Speaking of, this article on fall white wines on Palate Press is a great resource.), but a cold glass of Riesling did the trick with this dinner.

This is a very simple, rustic dinner, inspired by a similar, amazing salad I had at a Venge wine dinner years ago. The most time consumed is for the roasting of the butternut squash. I tossed a couple of cups of butternut squash cubes in oil and roasted them for 20 minutes at 380.

butternut squash

I then added in chopped baby bella mushrooms and roasted everything together for another 10 minutes.


The other steps in this recipe are easy. Drain and rinse a can of cannellini white beans.

white beans

Toss with the roasted butternut squash and mushrooms, then top with truffle oil and parmesan shavings. I like this Monini White Truffle Oil because it offers concentrated truffle flavor at a great value.

white truffle oil

The end result is a delicious, hearty side or main dish full of flavor. You could always add in some chicken or chicken sausage for more protein to round the meal out, though I found myself pretty full after a bowl of this dinner and a glass of wine.

warm fall vegetable salad

Flavors like this definitely make the earlier sunset a little more bearable and remind me of the good parts of changing seasons.

Have you found any new fall recipes lately?

Tags: butternut squash, dinner, Food, food and wine pairing, healthy comfort food, healthy dinner, mushrooms, truffle oil, Vegetarian

Are you completely over pumpkin by now? I know I am. It annoyed me when pumpkin beer and pumpkin this and that started popping up on Twitter and blogs in AUGUST when I was still fully immersed in the summer, and by the time late September rolled around, I pretty much didn’t want to see another bit of pumpkin again. But, I happened to have one can left in the house, and since we are traveling soon and didn’t buy any fresh fruits or veg this week, I decided to work with it as a source of vitamins and fiber. As usual, on my trip to NJ, my mom sent me home with a ton of food, including some beautiful sea scallops that I couldn’t wait to cook.  After discovering the deliciousness of butternut squash and white beans a few weeks ago, and being without the risotto I thought we had, I decided to make scallops atop a puree of pumpkin and white beans.


With black truffle oil, of course. I actually went back and forth because I was craving spice and pondered making a sesame oil and sriracha glaze for the scallops, but I really didn’t want to overpower their natural sweetness. 

black truffle oil

Earthy black truffle oil and sage won this time.


I had soaked my white beans for a day, changing the water a few times before cooking them until soft. Before I got started on the scallops, I just combined the hot beans with the pumpkin, right out of the can, along with some truffle oil and sage, in the blender and blended until really smooth. I set the puree aside and cleaned the scallops, drying them thoroughly with a clean towel so I would get a nice caramelized crust.


Into a searing hot pan they went until browned on both sides. Unfortunately, the caramelized crust started to fall off, but I was able to somewhat salvage it. I think that might be my favorite part of scallops. I topped the warm pumpkin and white bean puree with six scallops for each of us, drizzled with black truffle oil, and we were ready to eat. This quick dinner, made with three things we had on hand (Frozen scallops, thawed completely, can be just as good as fresh, I discovered. I had previously been a frozen scallop snob!) proved that a delicious, restaurant-like meal can be healthy and really fast. The longest part of the process was soaking the beans, and you could easily use canned.


I received a bunch of great wine samples recently and decided to pair the scallops dish with a Michel Torino rosé  of Malbec. The wine was beautiful with lots of bold fruit and floral flavors , but it was a little overpowering and too up front for the subtly flavored scallops. I would pair it with a dish that had bigger flavors next time, but I would definitely try this wine again. And at $13 a bottle, it’s definitely  a great value. Red, White, Boston is recommending rosé for Thanksgiving, something I can definitely get behind, and I think this would be a great choice.

Michael Torino Rose of Malbec

I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner in Ireland, so I kind of have to wing it on wines and the menu until I get there and go shopping which is part fun, part exhausting just thinking of it! Are you cooking Thanksgiving dinner or any dishes for the meal? Have any favorite Thanksgiving wine pairings? Hard to believe, but it is three weeks away!

Tags: dinner, pumpkin, recipe, scallops, truffle oil, white beans, wine

In New England, it seems soup weather lasts about 10 months out of the year. The cold and rainy weather earlier in the week had me wanting something warm and cozy, velvety and comforting, but without the fat that cream and butter add to hearty winter dishes. I am glad the weather is finally starting to cooperate with my desire to get healthier!

I have an old school vegetarian cookbook from back in the day when I was hardcore vegetarian, and it had the suggestion for using potatoes to make a soup creamier without the cream. I had a head of cauliflower in the house for snacks, so I decided to whip up a quick cauliflower and potato soup.

sweet onions

I started with one and a half sweet onions, peeling and chopping them finely. Then I scrubbed three russet potatoes and about 3/4 head of cauliflower clean and chopped them, adding them to a pot of boiling water until they were soft.

russet potatoes


Once the cauliflower and potatoes were soft, I drained them out and added them to the blender, filling it up with a few cups of vegetable stock. You could also use chicken stock if you had it laying around.

chicken broth and vegetable broth

The veggies will be nice and soft and will puree up into a velvety, creamy soup. Beautiful!

cauliflower and potato soup

To serve, I scooped a few ladles of the soup into bowls and topped with with some white truffle oil.


If you don’t have truffle oil, a bit of olive oil would work just as well. I added some black pepper for a bit of extra flavor.

cauliflower and potato soup

You would probably never be able to tell that this soup didn’t have cream in it, it was so rich and creamy. The flavor of the cauliflower was subtle but definitely came through in a nice way. You know how cauliflower can smell kind of funky when cooking, but this was very mellow. I love potatoes, and I love sneaking healthy veggies in wherever I can, and this was a total hit.

Tags: cauliflower, potatoes, recipe, soup, truffle oil, vegan, Vegetarian

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