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Halfway through a Market Basket shopping trip at 2:30 in the afternoon, it hit me. I hadn’t eaten breakfast yet. As much as I love to cook and eat, there are definitely days where I seem to wake up busy and completely miss the most important meal of the day. On this particular day, I woke up, did some quick blog and social media work, got ready, and headed to visit family for a few hours.

Market Basket shopping is definitely not my favorite thing in the world. It is crowded, disorganized, and not super clean, but boy is it cheap! Once I realized I needed to eat, I was a speedster, winding in and out of people as my husband stood in one spot with the grocery cart.

With a growling stomach and lingering sore throat, all I wanted were vegetables, and Market Basket tends to have cheap veggies in bulk which was perfect for what I wanted for our mid-day meal.

The second we got home, I got started chopping carrots, zucchini, red peppers, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, an onion, some garlic, and yes, that is a habanero.


I love spicy. Angry smile

veggie ingredients

I also gathered olive oil, tahini, curry powder, almond butter, coconut milk, couscous and wheat berries.

wheat berries

I added some boiling water to the wheat berries and whole wheat couscous to let them soak while I prepped the vegetables.

garlic and habanero

I made several extra servings of this dish for weekday lunches, so the pan was FULL of veggies. I ended up transferring everything to a bigger pot with some olive oil to get the cooking started.

pile of veggies

I separately boiled the couscous and wheat berries until cooked through.


When the veggies were starting to soften, I poured in coconut milk, a few shakes of curry powder, a scoop of tahini, and a scoop of almond butter. Stirring everything together made for a creamy, flavorful sauce.

vegetable curry

At the last minute, I added in the cooked wheat berries and couscous, gave it a good stir, and served.

I probably share way too many recipes with coconut milk on this blog, but I just love it. It makes eating lots of veggies somehow much easier, and who doesn’t want to fit more veggies in their diets?

Do you ever skip meals completely unintentionally because of work or other activities?

P.S. The winner of the Kerrygold giveaway is Brian from A Thought for Food! Brian, please email me with your address so I can get that to the awesome people at Kerrygold.

Tags: coconut milk, Food, healthy, recipe, vegetables, Vegetarian

When life (or Kerrygold) gives you lots of butter and cheese, the obvious choice is to make a soul-warming, cozy dish of homemade baked macaroni and cheese.

I am not lying when I say I have a lot of butter and cheese. After a long run in the most bitter of temperatures on Thursday, I came home to a big box that included this.

Kerrygold butter

Yes, 20 bars of Kerrygold butter! And 10 blocks of various cheeses, Kerrygold shopping bags, and a gorgeous Newbridge silver cheese knife. How nice is that?! Smile

Kerrygold Dublin and Aged Cheddar

I will be picking a winner for the Kerrygold giveaway tonight, so enter and spread the word if you haven’t already!

Kerrygold butter

To make my mac and cheese, I consulted a few online recipes for technique and timing. I wanted to make sure I made the cheese sauce properly without making it clumpy.

I started with a few cups of whole wheat rotini.

whole wheat pasta

While the pasta was boiling, I wrapped 6 garlic cloves in foil and popped it in the toaster oven at 400 for about 20 minutes, until I started smelling garlicky goodness.

Then I got to shredding the cheese. I used a mix of Dubliner and Aged Cheddar. Yum.

Kerrygold Dubliner

The base of my sauce was a quick roux, a mix of butter and flour cooked unti light brown in a pan. To that I added stuff I had left from baking adventures, 1/2 cup of light cream and about 1/2 cup heavy cream. After stirring the cream and roux and making sure it wasn’t lumpy, I added a scoop of Dijon mustard for some extra flavor.

Dijon mustard

I also grated in a bit of nutmeg, always a great addition to cream sauces. When the garlic was soft enough and cool to the touch, I squeezed it out of its skin and mashed it into the cream.


And at long last, I added in the grated cheese, stirring slowly on low heat to make sure it melted evenly and really blended into the sauce.

The cooked pasta got the royal treatment when I added it to the simmering, bubbling bath of cream and cheese. What could be better?

macaroni and cheese

I poured the pasta into a buttered glass baking dish and topped all of this with Panko bread crumbs that had been mixed with a bit of melted butter in a frying pan on low heat.

Panko bread crumbs

Popping it into the oven for 20 minutes at 350 was all it needed for a golden breadcrumb crust. . .

baked macaroni and cheese

And piping hot bubbly cheese. . .

baked macaroni and cheese

The roasted garlic, mustard, and Panko really give this mac and cheese a bit of sophistication Winking smile and make it an ideal dish for a potluck, family dinner, or even as a workday lunch. Add a green salad, and you have a pretty complete meal!

I am already thinking of the lobster meat I have in the freezer for next time. . .

What is your favorite kind of mac and cheese? Do you have a special cheese you like to use or any fun additions?

Tags: Aged Cheddar, Dubliner, Food, garlic, Kerrygold, macaroni and cheese, recipe, whole wheat pasta


When I left my full time job at the end of October, I thought that I would want to cook a gourmet meal every night of the week. While I have spent my fair share of time experimenting in the kitchen, there are definitely those nights where spending hours cooking is the last thing I want to do. Not to mention, eating a big meal every night added to all of the holiday festivities isn’t the healthiest thing for us!

Sunday night, after spending the day volunteering out in the freezing cold and then organizing closets, I was not in the mood to think about food. The result? I made a meal of a bunch of veggie sides. It ended up being fun because of all of the different flavors in one meal, and it was a nice break from eating meat and fish.

The first course: Cherry, Honey Goat Cheese, and Italian Greens

Morello Cherries

I started with jarred Morello Cherries from Trader Joe’s, draining them and rinsing them off before serving. I hate fruit in syrup!

I added several scoops of cherries to some bitter lettuces and a generous portion of Trader Joe’s Chevre with Honey which is a-m-a-z-i-n-g! Laughing out loud

Goat Cheese with Honey

cherry and goat cheese salad

The second course: Sweet Potato “Fries” with Sriracha Aioli

sweet potatoes

I simply cut a few sweet potatoes into fries, coated them in olive oil, and roasted them at 425 for about half an hour. Served with a blend of Sriracha and mayo, these truly satisfied my recent fry craving.

sweet potato fries

The third course: Garlicky Green Beans

This is a holiday dish in my sister’s house, and it is a perfect way to get in some green veggies with a kick. Fresh green beans dressed with olive oil, LOTS of ground black pepper, and garlic powder, yep powder, sautéed until they are cooked to your liking. I could eat, and have eaten, a huge bowl of these all by myself. Embarrassed smile I am hoping to see them at Christmas dinner!

garlicky green beans

A dinner of sides was the perfect, simple way to use up some of the food in our fridge, get some much-needed veggie nutrition, and to have some good food on the table without much effort and without ordering takeout! I love eating tapas-style, so I could eat like this everyday.

I am really excited for the blogger event at Whole Foods tonight. See some of you there?

Do you have a favorite side dish? Do you enjoy eating lots of appetizers/small plates, or are you more of a main course with all of the fixings type of eater?

Tags: dinner, easy meals, Food, healthy eating, healthy recipes, sriracha, sweet potatoes, vegetables, Vegetarian

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