And Then There Was Me

Day 1, no job. I haven’t been without an organizational tie in, oh, 8 years, and this is weird. Very, very weird. It is far too soon to make a judgment on whether or not I like it, so for today I will embrace the freedom for a hair cut and some post-pneumonia recovery. By this time next week, I predict I will be craving a full time job.

My last day at work was what I should have expected, really nice. You see, despite being aggravated much of the time at some of the DISorganization I experienced, the organization itself housed some pretty fine people. I may have left that out, but I will miss being with some of them every day, a lot.

After I said my tearful goodbyes, me, my shoes, and all of my wine club wine, an entire case, split up among various bags, took a walk through Boston, not knowing what to do without a job to go to the next day.

The light was spectacular.

Prudential tower

I meandered down Commonwealth Avenue, which, if you pay attention and take it all in, is quite grand.

Commonwealth Ave Comm Ave

Comm Ave

I sat on a bench under the great big trees for a very long time, wondering if I had made the right decision and decided that right or wrong, it was the best decision I could make right now.

Before I headed to meet my husband at Island Creek Oyster Bar, I photographed one of my favorite places in town, a quiet underpass on Comm Ave that means nothing to most people.


The last steep incline of the Boston Marathon, this is also the quietest spot. An underpass under Mass Ave, it is the only time over the course of 26.2 miles that no one can see you, and I love it for that. It is the place where,  for a few seconds, there is the solitude to collect your thoughts about what you have just done and what you are about to do.

Kind of a symbolic place to find myself on such a monumental day in my life.

Back later with a full Island Creek Oyster Bar review. . . if I am not back there eating MORE oysters Winking smile

Thank you all for your support over these rollercoaster weeks! You are simply the best readers and friends a girl could ask for!

  1. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    Congratulations once again. I know it’s a scary time, but following your heart and taking a risk is very brave. Enjoy your first day of no work!!


  2. Jean at The Delightful Repast’s avatar

    Meghan, congratulations. Ever since I first started reading your blog, I wondered “When is she going to just quit that job?!” It’s a huge leap, but now you’ve done it. I feel very excited for you–good things are sure to come!


  3. Michelle’s avatar

    Meghan, your decision was brave and a well-thought out one. I know that you will find success no matter what the next step in your personal journey is!


  4. Simply Life’s avatar

    Congrats on the last day – I can’t wait to see what’s ahead!


  5. Enrico’s avatar

    I agree with the good ladies above – congratulations – very brave – cant wait to see whats in store… you go girl! If there is no office ceiling above your head, you can truly reach for the stars 😀


  6. A Boston Food Diary’s avatar

    CONGRATULATIONS 100 times! No matter what- if you were unhappy- you made the right choice! I cant wait to hear all about the new adventures awaiting you!

    I think I’m headed to Island Creek tonight- I cant wait to hear your review!


  7. Mark’s avatar

    Good Things Happen to Good People! All the best to you Meghan!


  8. Megan’s avatar

    I love walking down Commonwealth Avenue. That area is a great place to hang and collect your thoughts. Of course, most of the time, my thoughts are… why can’t I live here?


  9. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

    You will do great things, I know that and can’t wait to read about your upcoming adventures 🙂


  10. Daisy’s avatar

    I can not wait to see where life takes you next. even if it is more oysters at Island Creek. 😉


  11. Tina’s avatar

    I am so, so, so happy for you! Good luck! Onward and upward! 🙂


  12. alicia’s avatar

    So proud of you!
    You are bound for great things! xoxoxo


  13. Jessica Maillet’s avatar

    That spot under the overpass holds a special place in my heart too. It was when I mustered up the energy to finish the marathon. I cried a little bit under that bridge, and then powered through to the end. As soon as I saw that picture, the memories came flooding back! 🙂

    Good luck with all of your future endeavors (job, life, boston marathon and all!) and it will be such an adventure –


  14. Elizabeth’s avatar

    Congratulations on embarking upon your next adventure! It takes guts, girl! I love how you captured the meaning of a place many of us pass by each day without a thought. Pretty amazing!


  15. Grace’s avatar

    It is SO important to have a break once in awhile! You will probably return to working feeling refreshed and be a million times more productive and happier. We Americans seem to think that working ourselves until we are sick is a good thing, unfortunately.


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