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Healthy Cooking

Happy Monday! It truly is a happy one for me; I am starting on some fun new projects for work this week that you will undoubtedly be hearing about. We had a tiring weekend in Killington, VT (post to come!); I could not get to sleep for the life of me either night and promptly fell asleep upon arriving back home in Boston. I am hoping to build some good energy to put toward marathon training and work this week. And we have a meeting tonight to work on the details for our Boston Marathon fundraising party.

I’ve been cooking up all sorts of simple, healthy meals lately and thought I would share a couple today. The first features Pete & Gerry’s eggs from our Stone Hearth dinner last week. We actually already buy eggs from the Pete & Gerry’s brand, but at the dinner, I also received some of their heirloom eggs, these lovely light blue eggs below.

heirloom eggs

It’s so easy to build a meal around an egg, so for lunch one day I poked around the kitchen to see what I might eat. I started by making a half cup of wild rice from Minnesota. Wild rice, as you may know, is not rice at all, but is the grain from a grass-like plant that grows in and around the lakes in Minnesota. It’s black and brown and kind of chewy and nutty, and it makes a nutritious base for lots of recipes.

kale and eggs

In this case, I topped the wild rice with crispy kale made by quickly cooking it in a little bit of olive oil in a pan. I also cooked one of the heirloom eggs at the same time and added that to the wild rice mix. I topped the whole thing with half of an avocado, some garlic powder, and nutritional yeast, and I had an amazing, filling lunch.

kale and eggs

Another easy dish I made recently was a twist on orange shrimp. My lightened up version was sautéed, not fried or breaded, so the result was different but fresh and flavorful. 


The saucy ingredients? Lots of fresh cilantro, a sprinkle of brown sugar, a pinch of curry paste, 1/4 cup of peanut butter, two cups of orange juice, and lots of sriracha.

orange sauce

A little sesame oil and soy sauce to taste.

soy and sesame

All mixed up in one big pan with peeled and cleaned shrimp and heaps of broccoli. I simmered it to thicken the sauce, which didn’t really happen, so we went ahead and used spoons and forks for this dinner. I can literally still imagine the bursts of citrus, sweet, peanut butter, and cilantro, with a kick of spice.

I love meals that are pulled together with all sorts of random ingredients! We’ve been doing a pretty good job sticking to our healthy eating plan for the New Year, and although the meals are sometimes too simple to even be blog-able, we are feeling great!


Are you looking forward to anything this week?

Tags: eggs, Food, healthy, kale, recipe, shrimp, wild rice

Have you ever eaten at Sandrine’s Bistro? Somewhat hidden from the hustle and bustle of Harvard Square on a side street, Sandrine’s is a Cambridge institution that has consistently received rave reviews for the last 15 years.

My first experience at Sandrine’s was last spring, a wine dinner with Red White Boston that featured two fabulous women in wine, Maureen Martin from Clos du Bois and Janet Myers from Franciscan Estate.

I loved the event, which had a special menu paired with Clos du Bois and Franciscan wines. This past Tuesday night, I, along with a small group of Boston bloggers, had the opportunity to feast on items from Sandrine’s regular menu.

We all received a warm welcome from our server as well as Sandrine’s chef, Raymond Ost. Then we got down to the wine and food.

I started the evening with Trimbach Pinot Gris, a white wine from Alsace that was a perfect pairing with the starters we all shared.


{Moules Marinières  P.E.I. mussels sauteed in Riesling wine, with garlic, shallots & onions}


{Traditional Baked Alsatian Escargots}


{Tarte Flambée (Flammekueche) crispy flat bread topped with nutmeg-scented fromage blanc}

Everything we tried was delicious and perfectly-made. The escargots were garlicky and so tender, not the least bit rubbery or chewy as people often expect them to be. And the Flammekueche was light, cheesy, and smoky. I could have eaten the whole thing myself, but I knew I needed to save room for dinner.

When it came to ordering an entrée, I had a hard time deciding as Sandrine’s menu offers many appealing options. Did I want lobster risotto? Or the traditional, meaty Choucroute Garnie? I ran 15 miles earlier in the day, so I definitely wanted something hearty. I ended up going with the duck, which is something I have only eaten a few times. It was tender and flavorful with brandied cherries and a heavenly mushroom risotto. To pair with the duck, I switched to the red wine option our server had chosen for us, a Rhone blend which went great with the duck. It mirrored the dark cherry flavors in the dish and also had a nice smokiness to it. I love Rhone wines!


{Roasted Maple Leaf Farm Duck Magret  Mushoom risotto, brandied cherry reduction}

Dessert was another tough decision. Luckily the group was willing to share!


{Chocolate Kougelhopf  warm dense chocolate cake, caramel coulis,
vanilla ice cream and chocolate ganache}

The Kougelhopf, a luscious chocolate cake, was pretty incredible. It was almost like a molten chocolate cake but not quite molten. It is a must-order.


{Milk Chocolate Pot de Crème Peanut mousse, salted brittle}

But my Pot de Crème won me over even more. Rich and creamy chocolate, topped with a creamy peanut butter mousse and served with light peanut brittle, this was a sophisticated mix of pb and chocolate, one of my favorite dessert combinations.

The service at Sandrine’s was outstanding. Our server was charming, knowledgeable, very helpful, and fun to chat with. The cuisine of Sandrine’s is from the Alsace-Lorraine region of France. Our server was from Lorraine while the chef is from Alsace, and I think the experience was extra-special because it was authentic.

Sandrine’s has a cozy, romantic vibe with a menu that is perfect for chilly weather. You will definitely not leave the restaurant hungry!

My dining experience was complimentary, but I would definitely return for dinner again in the near future. Perhaps Valentine’s Day? Or rather the day before Valentine’s Day, since we prefer to stay in on the holiday itself.

Thanks to Sandrine’s for taking such good care of us!

Tags: cambridge, Dining out, Food, Restaurants, Sandrine's Bistro, wine

Winter comfort food to me is generally hot and spicy. True, I love a good baked mac and cheese as much as the next person, but eating too much hearty, cheesy food bores my palate, leads me to overeat, and just doesn’t excite me.

My husband, on the other hand, grew up in Ireland, where as he says, ketchup is considered spicy. Over the years, he has built up not just an impressive tolerance for spice, but a love for it. Just last Friday, he was calling me weak when our takeaway Vindaloo made me sweat.


Marathon training has me craving comfort food in the form of carbs as well as satisfying protein, so I recently whipped up a super simple meat sauce to coat ribbons of fettuccini.

I started with my veggies:

2 cups of small, sweet peppers

1 yellow onion

6 cloves of garlic


Instead of chopping these by hand, I pureed them. I really wanted them to kind of disappear into the sauce rather than being chunks of veggies. I was all about the meat in this dish, but I know I need my veggies too.


For this meat sauce, I used a package of hot Italian turkey sausage, removed from the casing and broken up, cooked in a little bit of olive oil and crushed red pepper to add more heat.


It smelled amazing.


Once the sausage was cooked, I poured in a can of crushed tomatoes and added a sprinkle of salt, a few pinches of dried basil, a dash of garlic powder and a pinch of oregano. I also added a splash of red wine from an open bottle, stirred it all up, and let it bubble away on the lowest heat while I worked.


I checked on the sauce over the course of about two hours, dipping pieces of bread in for a taste. When we were little, if my mom was making her amazing homemade sauce, she would always cut up bread for us and give us little bowls of sauce after school. I can still taste it, and it is still one of my favorite ways to eat sauce.

I couldn’t even wait for my husband to get for dinner to eat. I had one bowl before he got home and another with him. This sauce was easy, incredibly flavorful, and made for a pretty balanced meal.

I am always looking for easy, hearty meals to make for after training runs when I am ravenous and craving comfort. What are your favorites? Feel free to share links!

Tags: dinner, Food, pasta, recipe, sauce, turkey

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