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Snow Day

Snow days are good for the soul. I am not known for my love of winter in general, but when snow falls at a convenient time (weekend or holiday) or is enough to keep my husband working from home, I don’t mind it. I just like for it to melt quickly rather than lingering, freezing on un-shoveled sidewalks, and turning filthy.

Saturday was just that sort of day. Last week I completed five pretty intense workouts. I won’t lie; I am super proud of my Boston Marathon training right now. I will never be very fast, but I feel strong and healthier than I have in marathons past. But the workouts make me crave fat and rest.

I also had a bunch of meetings last week with new or potentially new clients. Being a consultant is like constantly job-hunting it seems; putting myself out there so much is something that takes it out of me every time. I’m not naturally outgoing. . . at all.

By the time Friday night rolled around, I was achy, hungry, and exhausted.

The remedy? A snow day.

After sleeping for over 10 hours (!), I woke up to this. With nowhere to go, I read blogs, sipped on tea, and relaxed until I was ready for a spinning workout. I had planned on a day off, but the sleep made me feel so good!

Boston in the snow

The rest of the day was spent watching Downton Abbey.

Downton Abbey


And baking a chocolate chip cookie pie.

chocolate chip cookie pie

chocolate chip cookie pie

And bringing that chocolate chip cookie pie, along with a bottle of one of my favorite wines, Piazzo Barbera, to our neighbors’ house for a lasagna dinner and movie watching.

This Barbera was one of the first wines I ever tried and purchased at The Urban Grape. It was such a solid introduction to their taste in wine, and it is one of the reasons we keep going back.

Piazzo Barbera

We watched Bridesmaids, feasted on lasagna stuffed with spinach, mushrooms, and turkey sausage, with a side of a garlicky bread, and followed it up with my cookie pie topped with vanilla bean ice cream.

We made the short, snowy walk home just after 11 pm and had another early-to-bed night. It’s great having neighbors who are also good friends. Despite all of the complaints we have about our actual condo, I love our neighborhood, especially in winter and summer!

If you had a snow day this weekend, how did you spend it?

Tags: baking, Boston, Food, snow, wine

Our trip to Stowe last month was absolutely perfect and made us wonder why we don’t visit Vermont more often. There was so much to do, and even though we were there for just a weekend, I would say we fit a lot in.


We didn’t really plan a ton of activities for Stowe, but when we got there, we passed by quite a few attractions that made for a Saturday afternoon filled with a food and drink: a visit to the Cabot Coop store, chocolate sampling at the Lake Champlain chocolate store, followed by a visit to the Green Mountain Coffee store. I followed this trifecta with a beer tasting at the Trapp Family Lodge, making for a fun and tiring day.


Our first stop was some cheese tasting at Cabot. Since we were planning a sparkling wine tasting, I took my cheese tasting job seriously.

In the end the hot habanero, extra sharp cheddar, and horseradish made it into our basket. I live by the rule that there must be at least three cheeses in the house at one time.


Next up was a visit to the Lake Champlain chocolate store. We sampled (and purchased) Aztec hot chocolate and some fudge.

Lake Champlain fudge



And I fell head over heels for their milk chocolate praline crunch and dark chocolate disks. We may have purchased a lot of chocolate, but I figured we were helping the post-Irene Vermont economy, so it was okay.

Green Mountain Coffee

After getting hopped up on chocolate, we got our caffeine on at the Green Mountain Coffee Visitor Center and Café. Housed in an old-fashioned train station, the café smells of divine dark roast. It was toasty and warm, but unfortunately the visitor center portion wasn’t opened.

Green Mountain Coffee Visitor Center

Instead of touring the visitor center, we wandered around outside, getting a good dose of chilly air and loving the neat little train station touches. It reminded me of Anne of Green Gables; I was just waiting to turn a corner to see Anne and her carpet bag waiting for Matthew. Winking smile

Green Mountain Coffee

We made an afternoon of leisurely checking out these three local gems, and it was perfect. As always, I enjoyed bringing home some food gifts to remind us of our time away. We’re headed to Vermont again very soon, this time to Killington for a little skiing (him) and apres ski (me) and to spend some time with good friends. I am trying my best to not hate the winter. It’s not really working. I am ready for this.

How’s winter treating you?

Tags: Cabot, cheese, chocolate, coffee, Food, Green Mountain, Lake Champlain, snow, Stowe, Travel, Vermont

I love weekends! Rather than complain about the snow, yesterday we decided to enjoy it by heading to the Weston Ski Track, right off of the Mass Pike, and only about 20 minutes from our house, for some outdoor fun. If you were reading the blog last winter, you may remember our first adventure at Weston Ski Track. On this day, I learned what a great workout a few hours on snowshoes is and declared it my favorite form of marathon cross training.

Yesterday was very cold but bright and beautiful in the Boston area, and we arrived at the Weston Ski Track in no time, rented snowshoes, and were on our way.

Weston Ski Track

Weston Ski Track

We immediately wandered away from the groomed cross country skiing trails to trudge in the two-foot deep snow. It’s better that way Winking smile

winter in New England

A little pond and tiny streams, hills, and trees provided us with constant beauty, and a couple of falls into the deep snow provided some belly laughs in the snow. The sky, as you can see in the photo below, was magnificent. I was truly amazed that these berries survived the winter.

winter in New England

The path among the trees was quiet and well worth veering off for.

Weston Ski Track

Don’t I look glam?


On our walk, we discovered this badly broken tree, likely affected by one of our wintry storms this year. If you squint, you can see the head of a little woodpecker, pecking away with delight at this wonderful discovery. He was LOUD!


We spent over two hours walking around the Weston Ski Track property, which is actually a golf course during the warmer months. This truly is a great workout; our hearts were pounding, our legs sore, and I was as tired as could be when we got home. I love fresh air!

After a long bath with Philosophy Hazelnut Espresso bubble bath, I made a blogger-inspired dinner. . . you will have to wait until tomorrow for that! But I will share our post-snowshoe cocktails with you. Inspired by our Thursday dinner at The Elephant Walk, I decided to make Lemon Ginger Martinis. I started by making a quick ginger syrup with water, sugar, and chunks of fresh ginger. Hint, take the peels of ginger and run them in your garbage disposal. It smells amazing!

ginger simple syrup

In addition to the syrup, the other ingredients for the martini were vodka, limoncello, and a splash of bubbly ginger beer.

lemon ginger martini

And a squeeze of half a lemon in each glass.



I very simply added four teaspoons of ginger syrup, two shots of vodka, two shots of limoncello, and about 1/2 cup of ginger beer with ice to a cocktail shaker and shook. I poured it over a pasta strainer into my favorite Waterford martini glasses which don’t get enough use! They are lovely, and I was excited to dust them off.

lemon ginger martini

A day of snowshoes, fresh air, and beautifully sunny blue skies added to a strong but incredibly delicious cocktail was enough to knock me out. I absolutely love how a day in the snow, like a day at the beach, just takes it all out of you. Bliss.

I already asked this question last year, but since I have some new readers, I would love to know: what is your favorite day trip from where you live?

Tags: Boston, cocktails with ginger, ginger syrup, Lemon Ginger Martini, outdoors, snow, snowshoes, Weston Ski Track, where to snowshoe near Boston, winter

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