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Raise your hand if you’re a diner fan! Growing up in NJ, where the best diners in the world are, I ate at these cozy, sometimes greasy establishment for breakfast, lunch, and late-night throughout my entire life. When I visit home, I don’t get to diners often enough, but I often crave favorite diner dishes like chocolate chip pancakes, iceberg salads with homemade dressings, and Reuben and Rachel sandwiches.

I don’t crave the not-so-healthy, salty corned beef that results in feeling not-so-great. Enter the Tofu Reuben. Sure, sandwich purists will laugh at this one, but our dinner last night was one to remember. It gave me the same flavors and textures of a traditional comfort food in a slightly healthier version. Served up with mixed greens and a light, homemade blue cheese dressing, it was a perfect meal. All it needed was a big slice of pie from a rotating dessert display.



1 block of extra firm tofu, liquid pressed out

1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce

2 cups of red cabbage, shredded

1/2 cup rice vinegar

4 pieces whole grain bread

thinly sliced Swiss cheese, as much as you’d like to melt over your Reuben

1 cup Russian dressing

The magic of this recipe starts with tofu that’s been pressed and drained, sliced into thin slices, and marinated overnight in Worcestershire sauce. When ready to get started on the sandwiches, get a nonstick pan nice and hot, and use tongs to place tofu slices in the pan. You’ll want to hear a nice sizzle.

Let the tofu sit perfectly still on high heat for a few minutes before flipping. The outside should have a nice crust. Once both sides have a nice sear on them, pour remaining Worcestershire over and let it cook down.

marinated tofu

While your tofu is sizzling, mix up the cabbage and vinegar and simmer on low until it cooks down. It will be tangy and vibrant with a little bit of crunch.

Before you’re ready to assemble your healthy Reuben sandwiches, you’ll want to make sure the bread is nicely toasted so it doesn’t get soggy. Either  a toaster or oven works perfectly. I let my bread toast up at 375 while I prepped everything else.

pickled cabbage

The last step is building your sandwiches, tofu, cabbage, Russian dressing, and Swiss cheese slices. I popped these in the oven at 375 for about eight minutes. Swiss cheese melts quickly!

healthier Reuben sandwich

While the sandwiches were baking, I made a delicious, homemade blue cheese just by mixing up buttermilk, Greek yogurt, blue cheese crumbles, garlic powder, and salt. This definitely rivaled any restaurant dressing I have had recently and made for a light topping for fresh mixed greens.

homemade blue cheese dressing

Our Reuben sandwiches were out-of-this world, crazy good. We definitely didn’t miss the meat because all of the flavors were there, and these sandwiches were very filling.

Do you have a favorite diner food?

Tags: diner, homemade, recipe, salad, sandwiches, tofu, Vegetarian

Busy, busy, busy. The next five to six weeks are going to be full of marathon training workouts, new work, blogging and social events, and travel. Keeping on an eating budget and making healthy meals is still a priority, so on our most recent Market Basket trip, we kept an eye out for some affordable shortcuts. The Market Basket in Woburn was in-freakin-sane on Sunday, I have to tell you. I witnessed one fight and got yelled at by an elderly man because apparently my cart was at an angle he didn’t like.

Don’t mess with me when I am picking out bananas.


As always, my paltry patience somehow prevailed, and we got some great stuff, including a rotisserie chicken that was on super sale. The smell of the chicken was pretty enticing, so it was easy to add one to our overflowing cart.

I already had a giant pot of kale and three bean chili set up to cook for Sunday dinner, so I decided on a Monday night chicken salad for the rotisserie chicken.


Chunky Chicken and Fruit Salad

The ingredients:

1 rotisserie chicken, meat removed and chopped into chunks

2 medium apples, chopped

1 /2 cup each dried cranberries and dried cherries

1/4 medium red onion, chopped

3/4 cup Fage Greek yogurt (I used 0% because it was on sale, but I prefer 2%.)


Assembling this salad was, of course, very simple. I made it during my lunch break, added some salt and pepper, and let it chill until dinner time when I served it on a whole wheat ciabatta, also on sale at Market Basket. I also made a giant batch of simple roasted broccoli, mostly because I wanted to stand next to a 420 degree oven. And also because we needed greens, of course.


Everything about this salad said summer, so it was a nice treat. Lots of crunch and chew from the fruit, and it had a nice zing from the onion. I love Greek yogurt for recipes like this; I planned on adding a few spoons of mayo, but it just didn’t need it.

Healthy, simple, make-ahead, it was just what we needed. I have a dinner out tonight and another tomorrow, so luckily there are chili and chicken salad leftovers for the husband.

What are you eating this week? Do you have any shortcuts to quick, healthy meals?

Tags: chicken, dinner, Food, healthy, recipe, sandwiches

This is the third post in less than two weeks that starts with the word grilled. Grilling is not just seasonal, it is so much easier than cooking in other ways. For one, there generally isn’t much prep. A little cutting, maybe some marinating, but it really is a great way to show off beautiful ingredients while saving time. Perfect for summer.

eggplant, zucchini, squash

I also happen to be on a pretty big zucchini, squash, and eggplant kick, and am trying to eat lighter than I did all winter. I can’t seem to lose the winter weight I gained, even though I am eating better and moving a lot more, but that’s a story for another day.

Our simple dinner was just a blend of eggplant, zucchini, onion, and squash, doused in olive oil and garlic powder. I love fresh garlic, but I tend to burn it in marinades, so garlic powder is a great, concentrated substitute.

grilled vegetables

Ssssssssssssss. . . look at those grill marks! I grilled the eggplant the longest; I find I don’t like it at all if it is not cooked enough. I really like for the eggplant to be almost falling apart.

grilled vegetables

Once the veggies were done, I popped some whole grain English muffins on the grill to brown. I am loving English muffin sandwiches these. They remind me of being a kid.  My mom used to make me English muffin pizzas with sauce and cheese, and to this day, any time I taste something similar, it is like being at home, such a warm feeling.

grilled vegetable sandwiches

We piled our sandwiches high with veggies and drizzled them with aged balsamic vinegar and some more olive oil. Then, I sat at the table, with my plate apparently too close to the edge, went to cut my sandwich in half, and pushed the entire thing off the table, my sandwich tumbling on to the floor. A floor which I try hard to clean but one that is run by two cats, resulting in a not-so-delicious, furry sandwich.

Luckily I made enough vegetables. . .

Do you have a favorite childhood snack or food that just brings you back every time you eat it?

Tags: dinner, easy recipe, Food, sandwiches, vegetables, Vegetarian

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