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Before today’s post, a couple of updates:

I have added a professional background page to my About page; check it out if you get a chance.

Today my first guest post on CRAVE Boston was published. It covers one of Boston’s best wine shops, The Wine Bottega, and you can check it out here:


Recreating my meal at zazu was what I had in mind when I started in on this Israeli couscous creation, and I must admit, I was quite successful. Minus, of course, the beautiful Santa Rosa scenery and TasteLive! friends.

zucchini, onions, tomatoes, couscous

On Saturday night, I opened the windows, put on some Grateful Dead, and got to cooking this delicious dish.

I cut 3 medium sized zucchinis into thin discs, then slowly sautéed them on a very low heat with a sweet farmers’ market onion. 


In the meantime, I took an entire box of Israeli couscous and mixed it with a few teaspoons of olive oil, garlic powder, and black pepper and allowed it to start to toast over a low flame. Then I squeezed in the juice of three lemons (would use at least two more next time!) and then added a couple cups of hot water to allow the couscous to cook all the way through.

To the zucchini I added semi-cooked corn and raw heirloom tomatoes, then some olive oil, sea salt, and black pepper.

I squeezed half of a lemon over the cooking veggies, then combined everything and topped it off with a good pour of olive oil.


lemony veggie couscous

Such an easy, flavorful, and filling vegetarian recipe. It was no zazu, but it was close and quite delicious. I will keep working on it to see if I can make it more up to zazu standards, but until then, I have a new vegetarian dinner in my repertoire, and you can’t beat that.

Do you have a favorite restaurant meal you have tried to recreate? Where was it from, and how did you do?

Tags: couscous, Food, garlic, heirloom tomatoes, Israeli Couscous, lemon, recipe, tomatoes, vegan recipe, vegetables, vegetarian recipe, zazu, zucchini

Hotel conference food can be hit or miss, and the food at my conference so far has been lacking. A light lunch coupled with a lack of the variety of afternoon snacks part of my normal routine, and by 2:00 yesterday I was hungry, cold, tired, and wanting to be at home to make some real food. Specifically, the delicious dip that I made on Sunday to go with spicy turkey burgers, a recipe that will be posted at a later date.

While prepping the dip for the first time, I made good friends with it, dipping raw zucchini and red peppers in it, then using it as a dressing for arugula. Oh the possibilities!

The goods:

2 cups Greek yogurt, I used 2%, but you could easily use 0%

1 cup roasted piquillo peppers, dried with a paper towel to remove as much moisture as possible

4-6 cloves garlic, I went for 6

1/2 TSP crushed red pepper flakes

sea salt and ground black pepper to taste

red pepper dip

It’s spicy, creamy deliciousness, poured over a turkey burger, with pita triangles, and really I love vegetables, but this dip could get a veggie hater to give them another try.

turkey burgers  

I love the simplicity of this dip and the variations that could come from it. I have made similar dips before, but for some reason, maybe the proportions I used, this just rocked!

I am thinking of adding ginger, garlic, soy, and curry powder this weekend, and I can’t wait to make this for entertaining.

Other food this past weekend included my amazing zazu inspired couscous dish which I will post later in the week and this mezze platter from Sultan’s Kitchen in downtown Boston.

For less than $10, I had feta, hummus, tabbouleh, baba ghanoush, salad, grape leaves, and olives. It was divine!

vegetarian mezze

I ALSO bought some summer reading this weekend, The Vintage Caper by Peter Mayle and Candace Bushnell’s One Fifth Avenue. I feel like some good trashy beach reads were missing from my life.

What have you been reading lately?

Tags: entertaining ideas, recipe, yogurt

Looking for an easy appetizer, light dinner, or side dish? Look no further. I am currently obsessed with store-bought phyllo dough and the variety of sweet and savory purposes it has.

My other obsession is local tomatoes, so I decided to pair the two for a quick tomato tart with crumbled Amish blue cheese.

I started by preheating the oven to 375 and lining a pie dish with about 6 layers of phyllo dough which can be found in the freezer section of your grocery store.

I then sautéed 3 large tomatoes in some garlic, olive oil, and oregano. Next time, I would use 2-3 more tomatoes as they really shrunk down. 


I used a slotted spoon to remove the tomatoes from the pan and gently placed them into the phyllo dough, making sure to not have too much liquid in the pie. Then I placed it in the oven and kept a close eye on it. When the dough was browned, I turned the oven off and kept the pie in for a couple of minutes.

Then I added about 1/4 cup of crumbled blue cheese to the top.

tomato tart

tomato recipe

I suggest waiting until the pie cools before taking a bite. I completely burnt my mouth diving in too soon.

tomato basil blue cheese tart

After my first few bites, I decided that the pie needed some fresh basil, so I added a small sprinkle, then let it cool before eating any more.

As you can see, there is plenty of room for more tomatoes, and this dish would definitely be more filling with a bit more cheese. Overall though, it is a perfect way to simply highlight fresh ingredients in a crispy crust. Eaten at room temperature with a side salad or some soup, this would make a great summer dinner.

My weekend is over, and I am off to a work event later. It was short but absolutely spectacular; the weather in Boston was complete perfection.

I watched Julie & Julia again last night just because I felt like zoning out. I can’t help but wish it was just about Julia. . .

Have you seen the film? What did you think?

Tags: blue cheese, phyllo dough, recipe, tomatoes, Vegetarian

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