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This week is going to be bananas. Weeks after weekends away are always a little off for me; the house is a mess of laundry and luggage, I didn’t get to cook all weekend, and I didn’t work on the weekend like I usually do.

This week just happens to also be chock full of meetings, events, and getting my body ready to run the Boston Marathon. I am exhausted already!

Luckily, I had a fantastic Easter weekend with my family, complete with a belated birthday dinner celebrating yours truly.

My sister hosted, and we kicked off with some playing outside with my niece and nephew while sipping on Gloria Ferrer Va de Vi, undoubtedly one of my favorite sparkling wines.

Va de Vi

Gloria Ferrer

table setting

My brother-in-law manned the grill, cranking out a feast of grilled sweet peppers (SO good!).

roasted peppers

He also grilled perfect filet mignons; you could cut them with a butter knife. I had a few bites; I don’t eat a ton of red meat, but these were too good to pass up!


And grilled shrimp, as I requested. Brushed with garlic and oil and quickly grilled, these were perfect and tasted like summer.

grilled shrimp

Dinner also included corn on the cob, baked potatoes with sour cream, and an ice cream sundae bar. A great meal paired with people I love the most is more than I could ever ask for.

In an unfortunate “twist” I was running around with the kids searching for Easter eggs on Sunday when I stepped into a hole and landed hard on the side of my ankle. Not the best timing! It’s throbbing as I write this, and I can only hope there’s enough ice and Advil in the world this week. Fingers crossed. . .

Now I am off to Newburyport for a long afternoon meeting and hoping to make it back in time for a last yoga class before the marathon, modified for my ankle, of course.

I hope to see some of you tomorrow at the TAPEÑA Meet Up at Tapeo!

How’s your week lookin’?

Tags: celebrations, filet mignon, Food, Gloria Ferrer, grilling, holidays, shrimp

Carb loading? Why yes, yes I am. It’s Boston Marathon season, and the best part of carb loading is the beer  pasta!

I’m actually not a huge fan of carb-y things in general. I skip the bread basket and don’t go crazy for bread or pasta unless it’s really good and usually homemade. But every now and then I get a pasta craving, and a chilly Sunday afternoon was the perfect time to let a pot of sauce bubble away.

As I mentioned earlier in the week, I unexpectedly ended up having a VERY frustrating work day on Sunday, and going into the kitchen to chop onions and pound chicken tenders was the perfect release. It’s been a week of business lessons for me, the main one being, get everything in writing. Everything.


I wanted to make a really rich and delicious tomato sauce so I started with some anchovies. This was actually my first time cooking with anchovies, and I was surprised that they didn’t smell at all.

I melted them down in a bit of olive oil with a ton of garlic and onions. Ahhh. . . the sizzling sounds and the garlicky, nutty smells. They truly transformed me from my funk, at least until I checked my email again Smile.


When the onions were soft, I poured in a can of crushed tomatoes and added a few spoons of tomato paste. I also added a few pinches of salt and a hefty shake of crushed red pepper.



Next came the chicken. I wanted chicken cutlets, but I accidentally bought these tenders. They were just fine; I took some of my frustration out on them to get them the same thickness, then dunked each one in flour, egg, and Italian bread crumbs.

chicken cutlets

After browning them on each side, I popped them in a 350 oven to cook through while I got my pasta going. I love these little pasta nests.



chicken cutlets

My chicken came out golden brown, the pasta perfectly al dente, and the sauce packed a flavorful punch.

tomato sauce

I topped my bowl with some parmesan cheese, curled up on the couch, and enjoyed a leisurely Sunday evening.

What’s your favorite Sunday dinner?

Tags: chicken, dinner, Food, pasta, recipe, sauce

Like Mother Nature, our lunch this week is caught between two seasons. I was inspired to whip up a healthy lunch salad for the week by some fresh asparagus I picked up at Target, and I decided to mix it with one of my favorite wintry veggies, Brussels sprouts.

I started with a bag of whole wheat Israeli couscous from Bob’s Red Mill. I may be a whole grains loving nerd, but I can browse the Bob’s section at Market Basket for a really long time. I am so intrigued by how many different options there are. Melissa mentioned in a comment that Bob’s products are cheap at Ocean State Job Lot; I need to empty out the trunk of the car and head over there!


While I was boiling up some water to cook my couscous, I chopped my fresh asparagus and started thawing my Brussels sprouts.


I also got the oven heated to 425 in order to roast a small head of garlic. I went to a class at Whole Foods River Street last week with Chef Chad Sarno, and he showed us how to roast garlic in vegetable stock. I didn’t have any on hand, so I just filled this little ramekin about 1/4 of the way with water, chopped the top of the garlic off, and popped it in. It worked out really well and didn’t require oil.


Chef Sarno also showed us how to caramelize onions using a really hot pan, then deglazing it with liquid. I have tried this twice in the past week, and I have made the best caramelized onions I have ever made. Again, you avoid using unnecessary oil here but still get a great result. I am all for oil and other fats, but it’s nice to be able to cut back when you can.


While all of that was going on, I was stealing bites of asparagus. I can’t get enough!


When the couscous was cooked, I stirred the asparagus in, letting the heat of the couscous do its thing. I tossed the Brussels sprouts in with the onions and let them cook.


And then it was time to make the “sauce” for the salad. This might be a really weird idea, but it was delicious. I pureed the Brussels sprouts, roasted garlic, and caramelized onions with some salt, pepper, olive oil, truffle oil, and nutritional yeast, then tossed the couscous in it until coated.


This was definitely an interesting dish, and one I would make again. Pureeing the sprouts gave the salad a ton of flavor and nutrition without making it seem overwhelmingly filled with vegetables. It was a good way to use them up!

And it was very nice to have lunch all set for both of us for the next three days!

In other news, you may remember a call for recipes I posted awhile back. Well, the book is now available online:

You can find out more about Where Hash Rules and buy a copy by clicking on the link below. or visiting the Amazon page:

Here’s a little bit of information about the book.

Where Hash Rules is the story of Charlie’s Sandwich Shoppe, a cultural landmark in Boston since 1927, with tales and photographs about the many interesting characters who have enjoyed turkey hash and eggs through the years. Named an “American Classic” by the James Beard Foundation in 2005, the diner has evolved to be as much a part of local folklore as the tea party.

Have a great day, everyone!

Tags: asparagus, brussels sprouts, couscous, Food, healthy, Lunch, recipe, salad, vegan, Vegetarian, whole wheat

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