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This Wine Wednesday I bring you a favorite Wine of the Week in addition to a new favorite Boston restaurant, one that I can’t stop talking about and thinking about and planning year-round visits to.

On Friday night after a cocktail and an appetizer at Legal Oysteria, we decided to take advantage of the warm summer night and our free parking with a wander around Charlestown. We love anything near the water, so the Navy Yard was an obvious choice for strolling and taking in the sea air. After a little walking, I found myself hungry again and remembered that the Navy Yard Bistro and Wine Bar, a place I had wanted to try forever, was nearby.

We bypassed outside lines and grabbed a seat at the dark and cozy bar, instantly loving the friendly vibe and maritime feel of the place. It reminded me of bars we visit in Ireland, and it felt so comfortable.

I also really loved their wine specials and by-the-glass wine list, especially when I discovered a North Fork wine as one of the specials! I grabbed a glass of 2013 Bridge Lane Rosé and paired it with a big, steaming bowl of Steamed Mussels with Leeks, Garlic, White Wine, Lemon, and Shaved Almonds.

2013 Bridge Lane Rosé



Navy Yard Bistro

Mmmmmm. We had the very end of the dark bar, it was Friday night, and the wine and mussels were the perfect treat. The wine, made from my beloved North Fork Cab Franc, was perfectly dry with strawberry and herbal notes, and of course, it went great with seafood. The food was absolutely amazing. My husband had a pork special which was completely decadent and delicious. Friendly, knowledgeable service paired perfectly with both!

As you know, I love my North Fork wines, and I love that the Navy Yard Bistro and Wine Bar actually offered one by the glass, a rare occasion when we are out. I can’t wait to add more of this wine as well as the bistro into my life.

Tags: 2013 Bridge Lane Rosé, Boston, Long Island, Long Island wine, North Fork, North Fork wines, rose, summer wines, wine, wine of the week, wine tasting

Let me start off by admitting I went to the new Legal Oysteria twice in two days. It’s that good, and it doesn’t hurt that it’s pretty close to my office.  I didn’t spend much time at Olives, the restaurant previously in its space, except for the epic reopening party, where it seems Todd English spent all of his money on a seven hour open bar. . .

But I loved the space and location, and well, while Todd doesn’t seem to have a love for Boston, Legal does, and I had a feeling they would get it just right.

Legal Oysteria maintains that same bright, open layout and design that Olives had, with a beautiful white marble bar and a variety of types of seating, including a dining area, bar, and high tops.

The cocktail menu offers many aperitif and digestif type drinks; a number of them have bitter elements like Amaro. I started with a Prosecco Cocktail, a refreshing and too-easy-to-drink blend of Prosecco, Aperol, Aperitivo Rosa, Citrus, and Soda. The paper straw it came with was cute, but it disintegrated pretty quickly.

prosecco cocktail

Legal Oysteria is the perfect place to dine with friends who are up for trying lots of bites. Every single one was delicious, and we filled up before we had the chance tp even look at the entrée menu!


{Crispy Fried Calamari, Salsa Rossa}

Tender, salty, perfectly crisp, the calamari was a surprise. I often try calamari that I don’t love, but this one really was perfect.


{Eggplant Caponata with Grilled Focaccia}

I love eggplant, but I love it even more when someone else cooks it for me. This caponata was dotted with sweet raisins to provide a flavor contrast, and the bread was fluffy and buttery,

grilled oysters with fennel butter

{Grilled Oysters with Fennel Butter}

This is possibly the most heavenly and decadent way to eat oysters ever. Warm fennel butter mixed with plump grilled oysters was a combination new to me, but it is something I want to eat again and again.


ricotta fritters with spiced honey

{Ricotta Fritters with Spiced Honey}

These little fritters reminded me of donuts. They were awesome, but I think they might belong on the dessert menu.

shrimp and chickpea fritters

{Chickpea and Shrimp Fritters}

I had these both nights at Legal Oysteria. I loved the mix of shrimp and chickpeas in a piping hot fritter, and the spicy aioli was a perfect addition.

clam pizza

{Roasted Clam Pizza, Garlic, Oregano, Mozzarella, Pecorino}

The roasted clam pizza was our main course, and it was delightfully crispy and garlicky, the perfect end to the meal and the bite that put me over the “too full” edge.

Legal Oysteria is an excellent addition to the Boston dining scene, and I am certain it will become an after work favorite for me and my colleagues.

Tags: Boston, Charlestown, cocktails, Dining out, Food, oyster bar, oysters, Restaurants, seafood, summer

I don’t even want to think about the fact that this is my last CSA Friday in July. That thought literally makes me want to cry, to feel a little panicked. I noticed one night this week that I needed to turn a light on earlier. I am trying to savor each moment of this magical season without thinking of the inevitable hell that is some of fall, all of winter, and much of spring, but it’s hard not to.

At any rate, our CSA share is showing its own love for summer in the bounty we have been provided. The past couple of weeks have introduced tomatoes, potatoes, garlic, lots of squash, and fields full of cucumbers in addition to various herbs and lettuces.

Red Fire Farm CSA

The new potatoes in our CSA last week were some of the most delicious potatoes I have ever tasted. Tender and buttery, they were perfect boiled up, then smashed with sautéed CSA onions, garlic, parsley, and butter. I let them sit until browned in the butter, and we ate them with a big salad. Simple, fresh, and local, this was one of my favorite dinners of the summer so far.

smashed potatoes

The arrival of heartier vegetables like carrots was more than welcome; these keep for longer than a few days and can still be eaten, lessening the frenzy to eat allthevegetables in one day.

local carrots

Simple weeknight meals have included CSA carrots and squash mixed in with jarred sauce. I love this Golden Gravy, picked up at Fruit Center Marketplace in Milton. You can read about their amazing wine dinners here.  This butternut squash based gravy helped to turn our field veggies almost into a stew. It was perfect for some cooler nights.

Valicenti Golden Gravy

A crazy abundance of cucumbers resulted in easy pickles. I simply cut the cukes into chips and set them aside while I boiled white vinegar, onion, garlic, sugar, and crushed red pepper. Once cool, I poured the vinegar mix over the cucumber chips and refrigerated. The end result was perfectly crisp, tangy pickle chips. The garlic from our CSA is something else. It is sweet and mild and easy to eat all on its own. It lends beautiful depth of flavor to dishes.


Finally, the last few weeks we have been devouring blueberries from our CSA. I planned rustic pies, but these are best eaten by the fist full. Sometimes they don’t even make it home. . .

local blueberries

My husband points out almost daily how my soul shines in the summer, and I am feeling it fully, from the tips of my sunbleached hair down to my bare toes. It’s been amazing to enjoy our CSA and the fruits of local farmers’ labor this year, summer coming inside our kitchen and staying, at least for now!


What summer foods have you been loving lately?

Tags: CSA, farm to table, farms, healthy eating, local food, recipes, Red Fire Farm, summer food, vegetables

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