Curried Peach Chicken Salad

Chicken salad has become a staple in our weekend boating diet. Simple to pack and bring along to eat with bagels, wraps, crackers, or slices of baguette, it’s a filling meal that staves off hunger at sea. Our friend Jill is a magician in the kitchen and makes one of the best chicken salads, and we have been luck to have her bring it along lately.

Even after eating it several times in a row, I found myself craving chicken salad this week and decided to whip some up using seasonal ingredients I had in the house. What resulted was far different than what I planned on making, but is definitely a new favorite recipe in this house.

I started with a bunch of organic chicken tenders, tossing them in olive oil and curry powder before putting them on a hot grill pan.

marinated chicken

curried chicken

Once all the chicken was cooked through, I chopped it finely and set it in the fridge for the afternoon while I got back to work. One of the many joys of working from home.

curried chicken

A few hours later, I chopped half of a small red onion, a few ribs of celery, and a jalapeno and tossed them with the chicken, along with a heaping tablespoon of mayonnaise.

curried chicken salad

I sprinkled in a bit more curry powder, tossed everything together, then added a sweet ingredient, chopped fresh peaches. The juice mixed in with the rest of the ingredients and made for a nice sweet, soft contrast with the crunchy celery and spicy jalapeno. A bowl of summer was born!

curried chicken salad

I served the chicken salad in Tortilla Land tortillas which I had cooked and then let come to room temperature and filled with baby spinach. My camera battery died, so I didn’t get a shot.

I am excited to eat this chicken salad for lunch today!

How is your week going so far? Is it crazy that I am already very ready for the weekend? I am taking a half day Friday for a fun food tour, so I am trying my best to get as much work done as possible during the week. It’s a little overwhelming.

I hope you are all having a great day!

Tags: chicken, curry, dinner, healthy, peaches, recipe, salad

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    We have a few chicken breasts left in our freezer and I think you and Megan have inspired me to make a creative chicken salad dish! I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow evening!


  2. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    I love curry chicken salad and your addition of peaches looks perfect for these hot days… I am also dying for the weekend btw!


  3. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    This sounds delicious. Perfect for a picnic!


  4. Megan’s avatar

    I was going to try to go to the food tour Friday, but it’s just a bad week for me to leave work early. 🙁 That said, chicken salad looks lovely! Guess we both had similar cravings!


  5. Michelle Collins’s avatar

    I love the addition of peaches! Sounds delicious.


  6. Michelle Collins’s avatar

    I love the addition of peaches! Sounds delicious.


  7. Renee’s avatar

    This looks so refreshing? Got any leftovers…I want this for dinner 🙂


  8. Daisy’s avatar

    looks amazing i love the idea of adding peaches to chicken salad!


  9. Charlene’s avatar

    That looks delicious and seems pretty simple / straightforward to make! Thanks for sharing!


  10. alicia’s avatar

    Sounds incredible….I love chicken salad with a contrast of sweet and savory. My mom puts dried cranberries and walnuts in hers….but i LOVE the peach and curry combo!!!!!!!


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