“Chicken” Salad on Homemade Focaccia

Muahahaha. . . would my husband notice if I replaced the chicken in our chicken salad with Quorn meatless chicken cutlets? Would I notice a huge difference? Let’s find out!

Quorn chicken cutlets

As many of you know, I am a former vegan and vegetarian who has, in recent years, discovered the deliciousness of humanely raised, organic meat. But, for our health and the environment, I have been returning a little to my vegetarian ways and have been looking to get enough protein while eating more meatless meals.

Quorn chicken cutlets

With a plan to make a sweet and spicy chicken salad in mind, I decided to just substitute Quorn chicken for the real stuff.

For my salad, I started with about a cup and a half of grapes, cleaned and cut in half.


I also cleaned and chopped three stalks of celery, including the leaves.


And about two tablespoons of ginger


I mixed up the faux chicken, celery, ginger, and grapes with a sprinkle of salt, several spoonfuls of curry powder, and about a cup of Greek yogurt.

chicken salad ingredients

chicken salad

I served the salad on homemade focaccia bread, the easiest yeast bread I have ever made, and one that I will be making again and again, maybe even several times a week. Interested in the recipe? Read my afternoon post!


The sandwich was, perhaps, a little unseasonable for a snowy night, but it was delicious.

The look? Just like chicken salad. The taste? Pretty darn close. With all of those ingredients mixed in the chicken took a back seat. It provided a nice, chewy texture and mild flavor and I had to ask my husband later if he noticed anything different about the chicken Smile To his credit, he had worked over 14 hours after four hours of sleep, so I can’t blame him for missing the change. I have to say, I might have been fooled myself!

Do you have any healthy substitutes that you just love?

Tags: focaccia, Food, grapes, healthy recipe, meatless, Quorn, salad, Vegetarian

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    Bret and I both eat meat regularly but we very weirdly adore the frozen “chicken” patties that we keep in our freezer for a quick lazy meal when we don’t feel like cooking!


  2. Elizabeth’s avatar

    I didn’t know you used to be vegan. I was vegan for a year in high school. I can’t stand fake meat though, I don’t even like tofu much. Thus it’s beans and legumes for me. Those sandwiches look fantastic though. I’ve always like waldorf-type salads.


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I was a vegetarian for about 9 years and a vegan for maybe 6-8 months. I went about it alllll wrong, so it didn’t work. I would imagine it would be easier now.


    2. MichellePC’s avatar

      We’re on the same page – I also just posted a recipe for “chicken” salad! 😉


    3. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

      I love those! I like the Morningstar Farms crumbles too.


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        I will definitely be buying them again. No real reason to eat chicken all the time when Quorn is so close!


      2. Daisy’s avatar

        yum grapes in chicken salad are my favorite!!


      3. Jean | Delightful Repast’s avatar

        That looks great, Meghan! I’m not a big meat eater and would probably waste away were it not for beans and legumes. Haven’t tried Quorn, but I really must now.


      4. Shannon’s avatar

        My roommate buys Quorn a lot since she’s vegetarian… so from time to time I’ll have some but it’s kinda expensive for me. I like the soy nuggets from Trader Joe’s and I make those from time to time and the meatless crumbles are good in lasagna!


      5. Megan’s avatar

        I love putting grapes in chicken salad! (You had to go and add the curry though, huh?) Ha ha. Hmm… healthy substitutes — well, last night instead of having a pile of nachos, I made a taco salad, does that count?


      6. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

        I love those breaded morningstar chick patties. With pickles and a toasted bun you do not miss the meat! That said, I’ve always had some pretty nasty meat substitutions and sometimes think I’m better off with chickpeas!


      7. RavieNomNoms’s avatar

        That is amazing, I really like that you put this on homemade focaccia! YUM


      8. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

        I have been thinking about trying those Quorn cutlets too, but somehow end up chickening out 😉 Using it as a sub for chicken salad – or any other recipe that has other ingredients – sounds like a great idea!


      9. Jason Phelps’s avatar

        I love the Quorn products! Even though I eat meat sometimes it is a nice way to mix it up.



      10. Justin @JustinCanCook’s avatar

        Looks like chicken… but i have weird issues with fake meats. Like, why do they need to make it look so much like chicken?


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