Grill It

Happy wedding day to William and Kate! I can’t wait to check out all of the royal wedding fashion, food, and wine recaps! While the happy couple will never read this, I wish them all of the happiness in the world. I hope the British monarchy doesn’t do to Kate what they did to poor Diana.

If you aren’t William or Kate, I wish you a Happy Friday! Are you ready for the weekend and what looks like a lovely day? What are your weekend plans?

I am hoping to schedule my work day around some time outside, and then I will be getting ready for my nephew’s christening weekend. He has changed a LOT since that post!

As Healthy Recipe Week moves along, I have been doing a very good job of both creating healthy meals and getting myself moving every day. I am happy to report that a pair of pants that was quite snug a few weeks ago is fitting again, and I am overall feeling much more energetic and happier, except for the fact that I have been having horrible nights of sleeplessness. What is up with this humidity?!

Anyway, with the weather getting warmer, I was in the mood for some indoor grilling this week, and what is better grilled than asparagus and salmon?


I thawed a bag of frozen asparagus overnight and blotted them off to make sure they grilled nicely.

For flavoring, I cut up a few of the oranges I bought at Trader Joe’s. You can’t tell from this photo, but they are really pink inside, so pretty!

pink oranges

To get cooking, I rubbed a little bit of blood orange olive oil on a salmon filet and started cooking it skin side up on my indoor grill pan.

grilled salmon

After a few minutes, I added the orange halves, face down, next to the salmon and the asparagus to the back of the pan. When the oranges were getting lightly browned, I squeezed two orange halves over the salmon and asparagus.

orange and salmon

The salmon was cooked perfectly with lovely grill marks. I served the salmon and asparagus with additional grilled orange halves, discovering that eating grilled oranges is one of the best things ever. The orange pulp was warm and juicy and easily came out of the skin because it had been heated. Give it a try!

We ate this meal with a glass of my favorite white wine, Sheldon La Naris, proving once again that wine is indeed part of a healthy get-in-shape plan Smile

This was such a fresh and flavorful meal that I felt really good about eating. Hooray for brightly colored food all grilled up together!

What are your favorite things to grill?

Tags: asparagus, grilling, health, Healthy Recipe Week, oranges, recipes, salmon

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    I love grilling up burgers on our indoor grill pan…I just wish we had an outdoor grill!


  2. Di’s avatar

    I love salmon and asparagus! I’ll have to grill it the next time I have it. 🙂


  3. Daisy’s avatar

    I posted about salmon today too!! mine involves a different citrus fruit (lime!)
    but I love the idea to brighten it up with orange!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I love your post, especially the ginger part, but I can’t comment on blogger blogs at all 🙁 I need to look around this weekend to see if they can fix that or if it is something I can fix 🙁


    2. Elizabeth’s avatar

      Ahh, this post makes me want to be outside and grill! The weather today really is insanely gorgeous. I need to go get some asparagus asap.


    3. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

      Yay for grill season. I love grilling shrimp, kabobs, pizza… almost anything. I think this weekend is gonna be prime for dusting off the grill!


    4. Megan’s avatar

      Grilled orange halves? I am intrigued! That sounds so good!


    5. alicia’s avatar

      I need to get some charcoal, stat!!
      I love grilled food – for meat I like burgers and sausage, and I LOVE grilled veggies like peppers, zucchini, and eggplant.


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