Tired Food

We’ve all had those nights, the ones where the day (or week, in this case) has really caught up with you. Forget blogging, getting into the kitchen to make something to eat seems to daunting, and going out to eat somewhere requires too much contact with the outside world. All you want to do is flop down on the couch, throw your arms up in the air and stop thinking and doing. This week has been an intense roller coaster of interviews, fun meetings and projects, life decisions, disappointments, fears, and excitement, and I definitely had a couple of nights where I couldn’t do anything else.

One day, we ordered from our local pizza place, Pantry Pizza, and the other day I used fridge staples to try to recreate a sandwich we had at a farmer’s market in Marin.

Marin Farmer's Market

Not healthy, but oh-so-good, a bacon and egg grilled cheese made with turkey bacon and Kerrygold Killaree cheddar.

turkey bacon

It was as easy as it sounds, a few slices of fried bacon, added to a couple of fried eggs.

fried eggs

On top of buttered slices of bread, topped with melted cheddar, heated on both sides until gooey and golden brown.

Kerrygold Killaree

Simple. My other simple meal was a new favorite sandwich from Pantry Pizza, far too messy to photograph, a vegetable parmesan sub consisting of a whole bunch of vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and peppers, topped with tomato sauce and cheese, then stuffed with pickles, onions, lettuce and raw tomatoes. Amazing.

I am very ready for the weekend; it truly can not get here quickly enough.

How’s your week going? Do you ever have days where you feel so drained you can’t imagine doing anything?

Tags: breakfast, dinner, easy recipes, eggs, Food, sandwiches

  1. Daisy’s avatar

    we all have those days. sounds like an intense week. I think you need a Friday night dinner pick me up.


  2. Michelle’s avatar

    I’m constantly cooking big meals that are easily freezable for exactly moments like that. I hope all of your interviews are going well! xo


  3. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    Been there! No matter how lazy I am, though, I usually am happy when I just suck it up and make dinner. But there are definitely nights when that doesn’t happen! I am so fortunate that my husband made a casserole on Sunday night…we’ve been picking at throughout the week.


  4. Justin @JustinCanCook’s avatar

    I’m with Daisy on this… Friday dinner can’t come fast enough.


  5. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    Why are you teasing me with this?


  6. Megan’s avatar

    Last night I was too drained to make dinner and we got takeout… I had a veggie-loaded sandwich… but somehow I regained energy enough to bake some dessert!


  7. Sues’s avatar

    Egg sandwiches are definitely one of my “tired” foods 🙂 If I’m REALLY drained, I don’t even add the bacon! Tacos are another one! Love them and they’re so easy 🙂


  8. alicia’s avatar

    finally catching up…
    I absolutely have tired days (very easy with 3am walks for Roscoe).
    I went to be last night at 9

    the egg sandwich sounds deeelish.


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