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I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, blah blah blah. We all know how it goes. Either we make them, we don’t make them, or we secretly make them and maybe don’t stick to them since no one really knows.

We all know that you can make changes in your life at any time of year. Back-to-school season always feels like a good time to do that to me, but when the calendar turns a new year, it’s natural to reevaluate your life to make some changes.

This year I am inspired by fellow Boston blogger Molly, who wrote a great year-end report on her 2015 resolutions. I hope to be back here in 360 days or so to report that I’ve reached all of my goals.  Or perhaps, in looking to reach these goals, I will discover new ones. I had a really great 2015, and I am so excited for what 2016 has in store! Please feel free to let me know your resolutions or goals in the comments.

Gloucester Twin Lights

1) Run six races in 2016. Racing makes me incredibly anxious at the beginning and absolutely elated at the end. At the end of 2015, I ran a half marathon that I hadn’t trained for (photo of the beautiful race course in Gloucester and Rockport above), and I LOVED it. I have been hard on myself when it comes to running and times in the past, and in this one I ran with friends for some and rocked out to a great playlist and gorgeous scenery during the rest of it. Despite no proper training, I was really proud of my time and finished smiling. So in 2016, while I would love to say six half marathons, I will just say six races so that I can welcome opportunities for 5 and 10k races as well as marathons.

2) Secure a new wine industry client. In 2015 I got to work on Sonoma Wine Country Weekend, which was so great and let me work finally in a wine region I love so much. My client plate is pretty full right now, including with one wine client, a travel client, and some retail clients, but there is room in my heart for more wine work and learning, and I would like to make that happen.

3) Visit two new places. Travel will always be a priority to me, and while I don’t know that I can top my 2015 travel (though I really have the wanderlust bug again, despite saying I wanted to sit still in 2016) I want to see new places. We may even skip our annual Sonoma trip to make room for a new city or country. Hopefully two places won’t be too difficult. I look forward to sharing my travel experiences!

4) Send more cards. I occasionally sent handwritten cards throughout 2015, and the response was so positive and happy that it makes me want to do it more often. You never know when someone could really use a piece of positivity in the mail, and I find that I am so much happier by making others happy.

5) Take an honest look at my diet and exercise. I’m not getting any younger, and while multiple dinners out a week, filled with wine and cocktails might have been fun and do-able when I started blogging many years ago, I am starting to realize that they aren’t doing me any favors these days. I need to eat more vegetables, to eat less sodium and meat, to drink more water, and yes, sadly, to drink less wine. My face is feeling puffy and not looking so great, and I know if I just make some small changes I can both feel and look better.

6) Better organize my work day, make plans, and stick to them.  When I left my in-house hotel job in June, I had already been working on the side with two clients and basically never took a day off after. Instead I dove straight into the work, adding more clients as I went along and saying yes to everything. This often meant cancelling doctor’s appointments, lunches, exercise plans, and more so I could be available at all times. Sometimes that’s necessary, but it’s not sustainable long term. More plans and fewer pop-ups in 2016!

7) Get paid by the scamming plumber and close that chapter of our lives. Long story short, we have been in a legal battle for almost two years with a real gem of a plumber who scammed us, threatened us, did property damage, and more. We’ve been to court more times than I can even remember, and being the slippery  slimeball he is, he just keeps getting away. Hopefully 2016 will be the year we can get paid what we are owed and then file away this guy as  a really bad memory and a lesson to be careful who to hire. If you are in the Boston area and looking for a plumber, feel free to contact me so I can tell you who NOT to hire!

8) Move more. I have a plan to do three 40 minute cardio sessions per week, whether it be hiking, running, or spinning, along with two yoga or barre sessions and two weight sessions. Each week, I will write all of these down and cross them off as I complete them. Index cards on my desk are my best friend when it comes to accountability!

How do you stay on top of your goals?

Tags: goals, life, resolutions

Coffee Talk

Let’s catch up, shall we? It’s been two weeks and many miles since my last blog post, and I miss this space. Grab a cup of coffee (Or a glass of bubbly if you’re done work for the day!) have a seat, and let me know what you have been up to.

Hotel Healdsburg

I’ve been on the go-go-go, and I am exhausted. I worked all summer long on PR and social media for a big wine event in California, and it happened over Labor Day weekend. Lots of work, long days, plus travel made for one crazy week-plus!

The work part finished up for the most part about two and a half days before our departure, so we scooted out of our work hotel in Sonoma and headed straight for Healdsburg, where we visited new and old wineries and relaxed. Blog posts on Sonoma County to come.

I thought that once the event was over, I would be happy, relieved, excited to have a bit less of a workload for a period of time, but instead, I find a little free time to be anxiety inducing. Does that happen to you? I suppose it’s the nature of my work; there are ebbs and flows and I can’t keep up with 13 hour days all the time, but at the same time, I am always hoping to have enough work, if that makes sense.

Being present is something I struggle with terribly, but I am trying to practice that now, grateful for and proud of what I have done, while being excited and optimistic for all the possibility to come. I am meeting with a new client this week, and I can’t wait to get started!

It was an interesting summer for us. Our boat died, we didn’t get a CSA because of our travel schedule, and my garden was not great, so I was missing out on a bunch of things that make summer “summer” to me. In exchange though, we discovered new beaches, took day and weekend trips, spent time on friends’ boats, and had a vastly different summer than in years past. And it was okay. I tend to have a set view on how I want everything to look, and sometimes I have a hard time living a different reality.

Between Ireland, two Sonoma trips, a trip to the Cape, one to NJ, and another to Mystic, I was away from Boston a lot this summer, and there’s more travel to come. We have a wedding in Myrtle Beach in late September  and plans to travel to Chicago for the Chicago Marathon, which I am registered for. . . But I am injured and not sure what to do about that. I have until Tuesday to defer, and while I would feel incredibly guilty doing so, I also want the experience to be a healthy, positive one.

Also weighing on my mind is our recent addition of Lua, a sweet and spirited cat who unfortunately is not good with other cats. We’ve had to separate her from the rest of the clan, and even though she is well cared for and loved, it makes me feel awful. The current solution is not permanent. Ideally we will find her a home with no other cats and someone who will love and play with her. Until then, I lay awake at night worrying about her, hoping she’s happy, and wondering how we can find her a happy ending.

Also keeping me up at night is all that’s going on in the world. My mind races when my head hits the pillow, and my heart breaks for refugees, wonders what the answer is, and finds it unfathomable to be in their situation or that of their loved ones abroad. Most of us will never know such fear or poverty or violence, and how lucky are we to live where we do.

As always, I’m trying to take it all one day at a time, focusing on the good or what I can do better to make things good, feeling lucky, trying to get some coveted sleep.

What’s new with you?

Tags: life

Good morning! I wish I could say it is a bright and beautiful Monday here in Boston, but it is not. No more snow please! It’s starting to mess everything up, from work to social activities to getting anywhere. Having trash day delays? Also a major problem. I feel like we have way more trash than ever these days, or maybe I am just noticing it more now that it’s so difficult to get rid of? At any rate, I am hoping for a bright, warm, sunny day sometime soon.

One thing that recently made my day in a stretch of gloom was being nominated for a Liebster Award by a blog I love, Boston Chic Party. The Liebster Award is dedicated to sharing blogs you love, all with 3,000 or fewer followers. The questions are a fun little glimpse into the blogger’s thoughts. My answers are below. I nominate Made in Sonoma, Pop Bop Shop, and the Jogging Concierge.

I’d love to hear from all of you though; feel free to answer a couple of the questions in the comments if you would like!

Q: What is your blogging process?

I have a running list of blog topics. It’s always the most fun when I have been busy, whether when I return from a big trip, have been cooking a lot, or have been going to a bunch of events. I try to keep the list a mix of wine reviews, travel posts, restaurant recaps, and my own cooking adventures both to keep it interesting for me and to appeal to readers’ interests. I hope it’s working; it’s been fun for me!

Q: What was the best thing to happen to you this week?

Our new, semi-feral kitten Poppy has started to let me pet her. She was born outside and never had human contact until we rescued her, so she is skittish and afraid. It’s taken a lot of patience, but it’s amazing to see how far she’s come.

Q: If you had one super power what would it be?

I would definitely choose teleportation. I love to visit new places and to see family often, but I hate the whole process of getting there.

Q: Are you a cat person, a dog person or neither?

Both! We’ve had our original cats, Smuckers and Scout, for 10 years. Then, as fate would have it, this past summer, a sweet young cat had four kittens in our yard, so we now have the mama cat and one of her babies. I never imagined having four cats, but these two just happened into our lives, and what is life about, if not making space in your heart for those who need it most?  I do want to adopt a dog someday soon too, probably once the cats are all settled. Above all, I am for adoption of pets ONLY. I volunteered at the MSPCA for years, and there are amazing pets of all ages, sizes, breeds who need loving homes.

Q: What was the last song you listened to?

Waterfalls by TLC! My friend and I just bought tickets to the NKOTB/TLC concert at the Garden in June, and I am SO excited!

Q: Do you prefer morning, afternoon or night?

I am a morning person for work. Any big projects, especially anything analytics-related or content creation/writing-related is best done in morning. I am an afternoon person for working out. My ideal schedule would allow me to run at 2 or 3, then head back to work for a few hours.

Q: Are you extroverted, introverted or a mix of both?

I think I am a mix of both, but more introvert-leaning. I think  I am pretty outgoing a lot of the time, but I am also very much in my head.

Q: What fashion trend can you completely not stand?

Tights as pants. There is a time and place for leggings, but I have seen too many inappropriately worn, thin pairs of tights masquerading as pants. Fabric is your friend!

Q: Name one thing you can’t live without and why.

I take this question to mean inanimate object (as opposed to say, a person), so I definitely would say my iPhone. I love to be connected/am addicted to being connected.

Q: Finally, if you could achieve one thing from blogging, what would it be?

It’s already happened! Blogging for almost six years has connected me with some of the best people I know, both professionally and personally. I honestly can’t imagine my life without all of the opportunities that have come from blogging, whether it be blogger events, meet ups, or travel.

Tags: blogging, life, lifestyle

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