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Edited 10/3/12 – I have learned that, unfortunately, TerraVino has closed its doors. Best wishes to the owners in their future endeavours!

Blogging, wine and food events, and social media have introduced me to hundreds of great people over the years. Sometimes I remember when and where we met, other times, it seems like people are just kind of there, familiar faces that pop up in a crowd and I am always glad to see.

Knowing people, first through a channel like Twitter and then in real life, has also given me the great privilege of following people as they make life changes; moves, marriages, babies, new jobs, and starting businesses. This past Thursday I finally had the time to stop by TerraVino Wines, Brookline’s newest wine store, opened by a great young local family.

I met TerraVino’s owner, Christopher, at a wine event last year, and his knowledge of and passion for wines that are sustainable, biodynamic, and organic has come to life in this spacious store on Harvard Street, very close to the Brookline Trader Joe’s.

TerraVino Wines

The store is uncluttered and well-lit, making it easy to read labels and check out the selection Christopher has chosen for his customers. Shiny wood floors, wooden shelves, and a rustic tasting table all make for a cozy and comfortable space, perfect for tasting and browsing.

TerraVino Wines

This is a true neighborhood store with great deals and a selection of interesting and affordable wines. For example. last Saturday, the store did a tasting of Yellow +  Blue, boxed wines that get great reviews and sell at the store for $12.

TerraVino Wines

TerraVino Wines

For me, it was love at first sight when I saw this table of pink. Everything about rosé is lovely. We just need some rosé weather!

TerraVino Wines

TerraVino also sells craft beer, and just as they do with wine, they have local beer in stock.

craft beer

TerraVino Wines offers a variety of wine tasting events, including a Spanish wine event for Cinco de Mayo today.

In addition to tasting events, the store has eight wines available for tasting in their tasting machine. Almost all of the wines currently in the wine station are under $20, making this the perfect opportunity to try a wine or two and to stock up for May events.

This month’s featured wines:


  • Honig Sauvignon Blanc 2011 $17.00
  • Angerer Grüner Veltliner 2010 $18.00
  • Guy Bossard Muscadet 2009 $17.00
  • Domaine de Fontsainte Corbiéres ‘gris de gris’ 2011 $16.00


  • The Pinot Project 2011 $17.00
  • Monje Listan Negro 2008 $24.00
  • Fuso ‘Barbera’ 2010 $14.00
  • Peyrassol ‘La Croix’ Red Blend 2010 $16.00

wine tasting machine

sparkling wine

Christopher has done a great job with the store, and I really look forward to seeing what he has up his sleeve for his customers as time passes. If you are in Brookline, definitely stop in and say hi. And if you are on Twitter, you can follow and stay up-to-date on TerraVino news.

Have a great Saturday, everyone!

Tags: Brookline, wine

I didn’t plan on blogging about it. I didn’t even take any photos. It was simply going to be dinner on a rainy night after my American Institute of Wine  Food Board meeting, a new monthly tradition that my husband and I have started. Since my meetings are at Newbury College, dinner in Brookline makes the most sense. Last time we had a great (unblogged) meal at American Craft, and this time, we tried The Abbey.

Let me first start by saying that I needed cheering up. Remember the time my Trader Joe’s bag ripped on Boylston Street.

Well I know I will never trust a Trader Joe’s bag again. I usually bring my own bags when I go shopping, but in both of these cases, I was out and about and decided to grab groceries because I was in the neighborhood. It was also my turn to bring food to the Board meeting.

I found myself walking up the giant hill to Newbury College in the pouring rain with three heavy, PAPER bags. Which quickly disintegrated in the rain, first the handles ripping off, the boxes of crackers poking out the sides, and then every single grocery item going splat on the sidewalk. Multiple curse words later, I was on the ground recovering the items, wrapping them in what was left of the paper bags, and carrying them in my arms the rest of the way. It was so not fun. Did I mention the nagging chest cold I have?

Dinner out was a much-needed respite from the stress and a chance to really see my husband. I have been away on my own for two weekends in a row, and I missed him!

We arrived at The Abbey in a total downpour and were told there was about a 20 minute wait for a table. We opted to wait at the bar, ordering a Harpoon Oyster Stout  to keep us busy while we waited. The bartender was incredibly friendly and helpful, and The Abbey has a literal book of beer, wine, and cocktails.

Our table was ready in no time, and we took our seats in the cozy, very dimly lit dining area. Our waitress was very sweet and attentive throughout the entire meal.

The Abbey’s menu is not large, but somehow we still had a hard time deciding on what to order. So many things looked delicious!

I knew I had to have a charred Caesar salad. Ever since lunch at Diavola a very long time ago (I need to get back!) , I have ordered every grilled salad I could find. This one was exceptional. It was charred on the outside, warm on the inside, but still crunchy enough, doused with creamy dressing and coated with nutty parmesan.

For our entrees, we decided to share the mussels with white wine and garlic and shoestring potatoes and the bison Bolognese with fresh linguini. I also ordered a delicious cocktail, the Channel Lox – Irish whiskey, scotch, simple syrup, lemon juice, bitters.

This cocktail was nothing short of amazing. Tart lemon juice perfectly balanced the whiskey and bitters. It was delicious.

The food. . . we were out for a quick dinner, and I really wasn’t even thinking that I might discover new favorite dishes. The food was fantastic. The mussels were nestled in with shoestring fries in a light, garlicky sauce. The bison Bolognese was rich, spicy, filling, with perfectly al dente linguine. Spearing bits of the Bolognese sauce after twirling long pasta noodles around my fork provided such warmth and comfort as the rain was absolutely pouring down in buckets outside.

Our experience at The Abbey was simply outstanding. I wish I had taken photos, but it was nice to just focus on my company and the food. We will definitely be back!

What are your weekend plans? Do you have any fun eating, drinking, or traveling adventures coming up? It has been awhile since I hosted guest posters, and I would love to have a few!

The Abbey on Urbanspoon

Tags: beer, Brookline, cocktails, Food, Restaurants

Boston has so many great events for foodies, but there are none better than when a great restaurant brings people together to both celebrate and do good. Last night I had the opportunity to spend some time helping Lovin’ Spoonfuls at the 5th anniversary party of Lineage, one of Brookline’s most-loved restaurants.

Having had only incredible experiences at Lineage, I jumped at the chance to head over to celebrate their anniversary. And having wanted to help out Lovin’ Spoonfuls in some way for quite some time, I was glad to finally have the chance.

Have you heard of Lovin’ Spoonfuls? The work that they are doing is incredible. From their website:

Headquartered in Brookline, MA,  Lovin’ Spoonfuls is a 501c3, non-profit organization that facilitates the recovery and distribution of perishable and unserved foods that would otherwise be thrown away and wasted. We deliver this food directly to local crisis centers, soup kitchens and other social assistance entities. Lovin’ Spoonfuls was incorporated in 2010, and is committed to do its part to help eradicate hunger in Massachusetts.

It sort of seems like an obvious act; people are hungry, and food is being thrown away. Get food being thrown away to the people who need it. Yet it hasn’t been happening, and Lovin’ Spoonfuls is changing all of that.

Lineage Brookline

Lineage is the perfect size for a restaurant. It is small but does not feel crowded, and it has a really nice, laid back vibe. Last night the usual tables were removed so that people could mix and mingle throughout the event.

A wood-fired oven is the central fixture in Lineage’s bar area, and it provides some toasty warmth and incredible aromas throughout the restaurant (and neighborhood!).



A table was set up with a Lovin’ Spoonfuls guest book. Elizabeth, Fiona, and I had the easy task of asking guests to fill out their contact details so that the organization could follow up with a tax receipt.

The evening was chock full of good food, as you would expect from such a great restaurant. There were bowls of homemade chips and spiced nuts scattered throughout.

homemade potato chips spiced nuts


Island Creek set up an oyster boat, and they were shucking fresh oysters all evening.

Island Creek Oyster

It seriously seemed like a never-ending supply of oysters.

oysters oysters

Spoonfulls’ founder, Ashley Stanley, got in on the shucking action.

Lovin' Spoonfuls and Island Creek Oysters

Servers passed other delicious treats like mashed potato pizza, lobster tacos, and sliders, along with signature cocktails. This is a Beekeeper, made with rye whiskey, honey, coriander, and lemon. It was the perfect blend of sweet, spicy, and tart, with a kick from the whiskey. I am excited to have a new cocktail that I love!

Beehive cocktail

While all of the food throughout the evening was great, I went back for seconds of the cauliflower soup. Served in cute, easy-to-hold little cups, it was velvety, warm, with a subtle roasted cauliflower flavor and a little hint of saltiness, in a very good way. I didn’t see this soup on the menu, but I could definitely eat a huge bowl of it on a cold day.

creamy cauliflower soup

The vibe at the event was great. It was clear that everyone attending loves Lineage and was happy to be there to celebrate its anniversary and also to learn about Lovin’ Spoonfuls, if they didn’t know about the organization already.

It may have been a raw Boston winter evening, but there was a lot of love, joy, and warmth in the room. People can say what they want about Bostonians, but I am constantly amazed at how many people I meet who want to do good things. Smile 

Happy March 1! Do you have any goals or travel plans for the month?

Tags: Brookline, cauliflower soup, charity, cocktails, drinks, events, Food, Lineage, lobster tacos, Lovin' Spoonfuls, pizza, wine

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