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Important! My ALLY Foundation raffle ends on April 1 at 12:00 noon Eastern time! You don’t want to miss the chance to win a $100 gift card to William Sonoma and other great prices. Plus you are supporting the work of an important charity that aims to keep us safe from sex offenders.

On Saturday night, my friends and I celebrated my birthday at Woodward, the new restaurant at the Ames Hotel in downtown Boston. We started with a round of cocktails which we drank while looking over a “through the years” photo album that my friend Meghan put together. The photos were funny and pretty embarrassing! Some of the hair and fashion choices that I have made over the last 11 years were awful. It was fun to think about all we have been through together though and to relive our college and post-college days living in Boston.


Our drinks, a Sazerac, French 75, and a Model Behavior, a refreshing blend of St. Germain and Hendricks gin topped with Chandon Brut and a cucumber foam

Island Creek Oysters

Instead of bread, Woodward gives diners a bowl of house pickled veggies and fruit. I enjoyed the pickled cukes and carrots, but thought that the watermelon was a little odd.


Our server suggested that we order a bunch of different dishes to share, and the kitchen sends things out as they are made. I love this approach to serving and eating food, especially with friends or family. We started with my favorite,  incredibly fresh Island Creek oysters with a spicy ginger mignonette.


Next up, mussels with white wine, pickled garlic, and preserved lemon. The mussels were perfectly cooked, melt in your mouth, and swimming in a lemony, buttery sauce. Luckily they included toasted bread for dipping. I could have seriously picked up the bowl of mussels to drink the broth.

steak and scallops

For our larger dishes, my friend Raija (of the Hollandaise sauce post) had the hangar steak with crispy frites, I ordered the scallops with warmed greens and pickled citrus vinaigrette, and my friend Meghan (the writer of the Cinque Terre post) had the roast chicken with the creamiest most decadent potatoes ever.

Everything was delicious. I didn’t get a photo, but we finished up with the chocolate and almond bread pudding. It was rich, delicious, and perfect for 3 people to share. It was a great meal. I would say that the only downside was that the service was a little TOO overbearing, and toward the end we felt rushed despite several empty tables in our vicinity.

We followed our dinner with drinks at Drink which has quickly become my favorite bar in Boston. I love how fresh and homemade everything is.

fresh fruit at Drink Boston

Drinks are flavored with fruit, vegetables, herbs, and spices.

Drink Boston

I enjoyed a gingery Dark & Stormy. It was delicious!


All in all it was a great night out. Woodward is a must visit location in Boston, and I am looking forward to bringing my husband there soon!

Woodward at the Ames on Urbanspoon

Tags: Boston, cocktails, Dining out, Drink, Food, oysters, wine, Woodward

Happy Sunday from wine country! I hope you are having a great weekend. Today’s post is from Jessie from The Happiness in Health, and it looks delicious! I love peanut sauce but always have trouble getting a good consistency. I can’t wait to try this recipe out!


Hi everyone, Jessie here! As someone who adores Meghan’s blog, I was thrilled when she agreed to have me be a guest poster. On my website The Happiness in Health, I aim to share my knowledge of nutrition and my love of food with readers. I’ve really enjoyed all the conversations I’ve had with bloggers and visitors so far, and I can’t wait for more. There are so many wonderful people out there!

As someone who is half-Asian, I’m always looking to incorporate more “Asian” ingredients into my dishes. This recipe is not very Asian, but it’s simple and it has delicious ingredients. You may have made something like it before.


Versatile Creamy Peanut Noodles with Roasted Veggies and Tofu

(Why “Versatile”? Read on!)

Base Ingredients (makes 3 servings):

1 clove garlic, minced

1 teaspoon peanut oil (or canola oil)

1/3 cup peanut butter

1 tablespoon soy sauce

½ cup vegetable broth (approximate)

A pinch of red pepper flakes

6 oz. noodles of choice (You can use Chinese/Japanese noodles that are refrigerated in the supermarket. I use whole grain fettuccine.)

Cook noodles according to package directions.

Sauté garlic in peanut oil over medium-low heat for 30 seconds.


Add the rest of the ingredients except for the noodles (add the veggie broth in small amounts until you get the consistency you want). Stir and cook over low heat until smooth.



Now here comes the extra fun part! The “Versatile” in the recipe title refers to the flexibility of this dish. You can add roasted veggies, tofu, chicken, water chestnuts, anything! You can even add separate extras on different nights to make easy “leftovers” that taste very unique.

I decided to roast some veggies (broccoli and red bell pepper) and tofu at 375°F for 35 minutes:


I marinated the tofu in soy sauce and sesame oil for two hours before baking.


Toss everything together with the sauce and noodles and enjoy!


Thanks for having me write a guest post Meghan! Have a wonderful week, everyone! 🙂

Tags: guest post, recipe, Vegetarian

Two weeks in a row! I did miss posting my normal Wednesday Wine and Food Pairing yesterday because I really wanted to share all of my photos from Taste of the South End. It was a great event, and I wanted to strike while the iron was hot!

This week’s wine and food pairing is actually from last Friday. I worked from home which is one of my favorite things ever. Without having to waste the time of a commute, I got SO much done and was able to throw together an easy spinach lasagna.

I started out with about 4 cups of fresh baby spinach.



And a 14 ounce can of Trader Joe’s marinara sauce, which I doctored up with extra garlic, basil, oregano, and a teeny glug of olive oil.


The filling was a large container of part-skim ricotta, one whole egg, a handful of nutty, salty parmesan, and a cup of part-skim mozzarella.


I used the “no boil” lasagna noodles. Starting with a layer of sauce in the bottom of a glass baking dish, I layered sauce and spinach, noodles, cheese filling, sauce, etc. The recipe I was roughly following called for another cup of mozzarella sprinkled on top, but we really didn’t need it.


Cover tightly with foil and bake at 375 for about 40 minutes. For the last 4 minutes, I put the broiler on which resulted in bubbly brown deliciousness.


For the wine pairing, I broke into the latest wine that we bought at the Bin Ends fine wine flea market. We tasted a few Sicilian wines there and decided to add a few bottles to our rack.

On this particular evening, we opened a Cossentin Nero d’Avola. This Sicilian wine was a perfect match. Dark red and tasting of dark berries and a little bit of anise, this wine worked well with the richness of the cheese as well as the acidity of the tomato sauce. We have another bottle of this Nero d’Avola left as well as a bottle of Francesco Nicosia Nero d’Avola waiting for us at Bin Ends. I love trying new grapes! The Nicosia wine that we ordered has the perfect blend of fruit with a hint of black pepper which I LOVE in a wine, so I will definitely be giving that its own post once we go pick it up!

Are you ready for the weekend?! I am so happy its almost here and more than looking forward to getting my 21 mile run. . . and my longest pre-Boston Marathon run over and done with!

What are you doing this weekend? Does it involve wine? 😉

Tags: Food, lasagna, pairing food and wine, Sicily, wine, wine and food pairing, wine and food pairings

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