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I have been spending quite a bit of time in the kitchen lately. I think since I have so many weekends away coming up, I am just enjoying hanging around the house and cooking up a storm. Earlier this week, I had the bright idea to make homemade ravioli, perhaps a lofty goal for a weeknight after a day of work, a run, and some blogging, but it turned out okay.

I looked at a bunch of random online recipes and got the gist of the ingredients involved. Since we only had wheat flour in the house (I will remedy that soon!) I was stuck making wheat pasta.

I used three cups of flour, two large eggs and enough water to turn it into dough. It was a messy mess.

eggs and flour

I used my fanciest of rolling pins, an empty wine bottle, to roll out the dough. I do have a pasta maker, but I didn’t set it up for this venture. Probably a bad idea. . .

pasta dough

I let the dough sit for awhile while I mixed up a quick, simple filling of goat cheese, shrimp, and garlic powder.

shrimp and goat cheese

I added scoops of filling along the dough, placed the other layer of dough on top, and used a glass to cut the ravioli out. Finally, I used a fork to seal the ravioli, making sure the filling didn’t fall out.


Totally rustic, right? My dough was a little too thick, and I will  most definitely use the pasta maker next time and probably more water. It kept ripping when I tried to get it thinner 🙁

I planned on making a homemade heirloom tomato sauce for the ravioli, but by the time I was done rolling out the pasta dough and all, I decided to use another of the samples that Lucini sent me, Spicy Tuscan Tomato Sauce. It ended up being the perfect choice. Once the ravioli were cut open, the goat cheese and spicy sauce sort of combined to make a nice, creamy sauce.

Lucini spicy sauce

As we get closer to the holiday weekend, I will be taking a break from my kitchen adventures. I am exhausted!

I am going to a wedding in the Berkshires for our friends’ wedding this weekend, and I can not wait to break out of the office Friday at 2. It has been quite the week!

What are you up to for this unofficial last weekend of summer?

Tags: cooking, pasta, ravioli, recipe

Five Boston food bloggers, a four course heirloom tomato dinner, and three wine pairings makes for a fabulous Wednesday night!

It didn’t start out as such. I made my way over to Harvard Square in the rain, received some disappointing news, and since it was the one year anniversary of Ted Kennedy’s death, decided to walk down by the river and through JFK Park in Cambridge for a little bit of thinking (ahem, crying) time.

John F. Kennedy Park

Due to a hot summer and days of rain, everything was lush, green, and beautiful. The park was empty and peaceful, just what I needed for a little alone time after work.

JFK Park Harvard JFK Park, Harvard

I liked this quote from then President-elect Kennedy in 1961:

“The enduring qualities of Massachusetts–the common threads woven by the Pilgrim and the Puritan, the fisherman and the farmer, the Yankee and the immigrant–will not be and could not be forgotten in this nation’s executive mansion.” Yay Massachusetts!

JFK Park

After I was sufficiently rained on, I wandered back toward Harvard Square where I browsed boots, books, and clothes, and ended up at Cardullo’s ogling gourmet food products.

Cardullo's Cambridge

They have giant jars of Branston pickle, an Irish/English relish that is incredible on cheese sandwiches.

Cardullo's Cambridge

In addition to tons of coffee, chocolate, tea, cheese, crackers, biscuits, sauces, candy, juices, sodas, you name it, from around the world. Le sigh.

Soon enough it was time to head to dinner at Upstairs on the Square. Along the way I met two of my dining companions, Alicia and Michelle.

Upstairs on the Square

And once inside, we found Megan, looking like the queen of the castle on the high-backed purple chair.

image Delicious Dishings blogger Megan

Upstairs on the Square

Soon after we were joined by the lovely Daisy, and all decided on having the wine pairing with Upstairs on the Square’s “The Perfect August Repast; A Tomato Feast!”

We started with an amuse bouche, a shooter of summer gazpacho, served with a Ca’ del Solo Albarino from Bonny Doon Vineyard.  Bonny Doon’s wines always impress me, and this Albarino was no different. Refreshing, bright, and citrusy, it went exceedingly well with both the gazpacho and our next course, the Classic Native Heirloom Tomato Salad with Fresh Market Raspberry Vinegar, Vermont Goat Cheese, and Thai Basil.


The Albarino had great citrus – but not acidic- flavors that paired very well with the slight acidity of the tomatoes. Creamy goat cheese and sweet raspberries brought it all together.

goat cheese tomato salad

The next course was a Parsley & Lemon Crusted Hake with Lightly Crushed Yukon Golds & Lemongrass Tomato Water. Hearty and light at the same time with a delicious kiss of lemon flavor, this was my favorite savory course. With our hake, we sipped a Domaine Caillot Mersault from Burgundy. It had a delightful oaky flavor that really brought out the lemon flavor in the fish but also went well with the potatoes. I discovered that potatoes and wine with a hint of woodiness go well together!


The next course was a beef course, Wood-Grilled New York Strip Steak with a Tomato a la Provencale and Slow Roasted Garlic. While I am not a beef eater, I still loved this course for the fresh stuffed tomato seasoned with garlic and what I think were tarragon and fennel, paired with a spectacular 2006 Artemis Cabernet Sauvignon from Stag’s Leap. The nose of the wine was pure Napa Valley, some nice dark fruits, a bit of dark chocolate, and that earthy, woody smell that just immediately transfers me across the country to the place I would to be most. 🙂

NY Strip Steak

The final course, our dessert, was simply spectacular, delicious, unique, creative, magnifique! Sweet Tomato Sorbet Coupe with Olive Oil Ice Cream, Candied Pine Nuts and Lemon Thyme Shortbread. I can’t even put into words the layers of flavors and textures. The sorbet truly tasted like tomatoes, but in a sweet, light sort of way. The olive oil ice cream was creamy, rich, decadent, and the pine nuts were crunchy, sweet, and light. Top top it off, buttery, lemony shortbread with a savory hint of thyme.

Sweet Tomato Sorbet

We spent the evening eating, drinking, and catching up. It is so much fun to be with such a smart, funny group of women with the same interests AND people who not only understand the need to photograph every morsel, but join you in doing it! We were probably quite the sight, but we had a great time and I can’t wait to get together again.

Before I forget, the winner of the CSN Stores giveaway is. . . Kristy! Kristy, please email me with your contact info so I can get your gift card to you!

Tomorrow I am planning a special local food/farmers’ market blog post, but I DO need foodies to feature in the coming weeks, so let me know if you would like to be featured!

Random question of the day: What is the nicest thing someone has said to you recently?

A very old friend who I haven’t seen in over 12 years left a very kind comment on my Facebook page the other day and made my day, and I would love to hear what people are saying to make you happy!

Upstairs on the Square on Urbanspoon

Tags: bloggers, Boston, cambridge, Food, heirloom tomatoes, tomato dinner, Upstairs on the Square, wine

Despite yesterday’s chilly rain, I had a fantastic evening. After finishing 3 projects for work, I went for an all out run in the rain, splashing in puddles and completely soaking wet by the time I was done. I looked very much like I did in this photo. I can not wait to officially start training and fundraising for the 2011 Boston Marathon.

After a hot bubble bath, complete with Philosophy Pumpkin Spice Muffin bubble bath (adore Philosophy!), I put together a delicious soup using ingredients I had laying around the house.

1 summer squash

1 zucchini

3 heirloom tomatoes

6 potatoes

1 carton organic veggie broth

1/2 red onion

1 cup cubed tofu

3 cloves garlic

olive oil

dried herbs and spices to taste: basil, fennel, crushed red pepper, black pepper

I began by chopping everything in uniform sizes so that all of the ingredients would cook through.

tomatoes squash potatoes

Organic Veggie Broth

I then sautéed the chopped onion and garlic in some olive oil just until soft, pouring in the veggie broth before they started to brown. I added the potatoes first, then about 3 minutes later the tomatoes and tofu, and 5 minutes after that, the zucchini. As I was stirring, I added tiny bits of the herbs and spices, tasting as I went along.  Toward the end, I drizzled in a bit more olive oil, then lowered the pot of soup to simmer for about 15 minutes.

vegetable soup

Once my husband arrived home, I ladled our bowls and grated parmesan cheese over the top.


Served with a small glass of spicy, jammy Nero d’avola, this meal was warming to the core. My Monday workout plus making a big Monday night meal, plus my run made me sore and sleepy. And the rain certainly made me want to go to bed!

Nero d'avola

I am soooo happy it is Wednesday! Dinner tonight at Upstairs on the Square with some of my favorite Boston bloggers which is totally making me smile. I still have to draw a winner for my CSN Stores giveaway, will definitely announce that by the end of the day tomorrow.

What’s your smile-maker today?

Tags: food and wine pairing, recipe, soup, tofu, vegetables, Vegetarian, wine

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