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Listening to my husband play piano while sitting by the fireplace

fireplace Galway

Preferably while drinking a hot Bushmills (more on our Bushmills tour later!)


Walks with Sunny, the 19 year old Pomeranian


Colorful, unique facades for every business

Galway Pub


Beauty is just about everywhere.

Galway Bay

The fast food is way better than in America.


A year-round, outdoor Galway Saturday Market


Galway Saturday Market

Buskers playing really good music on the streets

Shop Street, Galway

Pubs that are older than our country, by hundreds of years

The Quays, Galway

The Guinness is good.

Guinness in Galway

And, we are relaxed and happy.

The Quays, Galway

The Quays, Galway

I hope you are enjoying the guest posts and my check in from Belfast. I have so many more photos to share when I return!

Tags: family, Galway, Guinness, Ireland, Travel

The original plan for last night’s dinner was to continue using up every morsel of food we have in the house. With a swag bag full of beautiful Muir Glen tomatoes from the Garden at the Cellar/Muir Glen Vine Dining event and chicken drumsticks in the freezer, left over from my chicken adobo night, I set out to make a sort of hunters stew like the stew from Nigella Lawson’s Nigella Express.

I started by thawing the chicken and decided to cook it in vinegar as I did for the adobo recipe. Unfortunately, the chicken looked really wrong when it started cooking. Let’s just say there was a lot of blood, and it just kept coming. . . and so my stew became vegetarian.

Muir Glen

The ingredients: 1 can of tomatoes, 3 cloves garlic, crushed, and chopped finely, 1 can of white beans, rinsed, about 20 teeny tiny potatoes, and about 1/2 cup of orzo

garlic white beans

I know, two different starches in one dish; I was feeling physically pretty blah by the time I started cooking last night. I have been having a lot of fun with my really hard workouts lately, but as a result I don’t think I refuel enough.

I seriously chowed down on this dinner.


It was quick and simple. I boiled the potatoes in about a centimeter of water until the water was almost boiled away. To that I added the tomatoes, juice and all, a bit more water, and the garlic and cumin. Once everything was at a nice boil, I dropped in the orzo so that it could soak up the tomato goodness. At the very end, I mixed in the white beans, topped with crushed red pepper, and served myself a giant bowl.

hunters stew

Alongside a glass of Travessia Urban Winery Jester, a red blend made right here in Massachusetts, this meal was perfect comfort food and just what I needed to brighten up an exhausted day. Except, I really wanted nachos, and I still do.

I will be back later with a recap of the Boston Wine Expo, and for the rest of this week I will have lots of great guest posts from recipes to travel posts to a virtual tour of a US wine region. And I will be popping in here and there from Ireland to say hello, hopefully, so check back often!

Are you ready for spring yet? Disappointed smile

Tags: comfort food, Food, garlic, health, healthy, healthy comfort food, healthy recipes, nutritious, potatoes, recipe, simple recipes, tomatoes, Vegetarian, white beans

Muir Glen Organic tomatoes and the Garden at the Cellar proved to be the perfect antidote to the coldest day that Boston has experienced in a long time. From the minute I arrived at the restaurant after a bitter walk from Central Station, until the minute I left, I felt so warm and delightfully at home – not to mention full – that the weather outside mattered not.

Have you been to the Garden at the Cellar? In a small space between Central and Harvard Squares, this locally-focused restaurant features food that comforts and completely delights, all at prices that are more than a value for its prestigious location.

Garden at the Cellar

The focus of last night’s dinner was Muir Glen’s Vine Dining Tour. Muir Glen tomatoes and five award winning chefs have gotten together to inspire home chefs to cook up deliciousness at home using Muir Glen’s 2010 Reserve Tomatoes. As the sign below states, the chefs not only created recipes, but they also participated in the Muir Glen harvest. I am insanely jealous. Muir Glen blogger harvest next year, perhaps? Winking smile


Muir Glen tomatoes

After arriving and meeting our hosts, I snapped a few photos while waiting for my blogger friends. Check out these gift bags, full of Muir Glen 2010 treats:

The Limited Edition Muir Glen Reserve Kit is available now. Experience the exceptional quality of this year’s exclusive tomato variety, Meridian Ruby™. Hand-harvested and hand-sorted in California’s Yolo County fields, these kits make the perfect gift for any tomato connoisseur.

Muir Glen gift bags

And I had a glass of wine. The Garden at the Cellar was pouring a delicious Spanish red, Rioja Vega Crianza 2007, made from Tempranillo, Mazuelo, and Garnacha grapes. It was incredibly smooth with a little bit of spice and red fruit. Quite an easy drink and a reminder that I love Spanish wine.

Rioja Vega Rioja Vega

Before long, I found Brian, Megan, Elizabeth, Katie, and Rachel (and had a brief hello with Project Food Blog winner Jen!), and we got down to eating.

Cauliflower and smoked tomatoes on a flatbread pizza? Don’t mind if I do.

flatbread pizza with smoked tomatoes and roasted cauliflower

Garden at the Cellar

Pork belly with sweet and sour tomato jam? Well, I sort of consider myself a once-in-awhile vegetarian, but when I am at the home of the Notorious P.I.G. pork belly is a must. And can I tell you, this is the second time I have had pork belly but the first time I have had pork belly the way it is supposed to be. Times two.

slow cooked pork belly with sweet and sour tomato jam

I was feeling a little oinky, but I persevered. I was a vegetarian for most of my life. Who am I? Oh yes, someone who really enjoys delicious, humanely raised local food. Oink.

Garden at the Cellar

And then there was Chef Gilson’s signature, tomato soup and grilled cheese, or as Chef put it, what pays his mortgage. If you have been to the Garden at the Cellar and indulged in the comfort that is this combination, you know. If not, go soon.

Garden at the Cellar tomato soup

grilled cheese and tomato soup at Garden at the Cellar

Megan had the brilliant idea of putting our wine down so that we could properly dip our grilled cheese. This is one of the reasons she is my friend.

grilled cheese and tomato soup

After all of the passed appetizers, I would have been happy to head home, but Muir Glen had more in store for us.

local seafood and tomato stew

In the form of a local seafood and tomato stew, dotted with flavorful cilantro and with the slightest spicy kick at the end.

Garden at the Cellar

And the rustic lamb with tomato and curry leaf confit. I avoided the lamb but completely loved the sauce and little roasted potatoes on the fringe.

braised lamb with tomato and curry leaf confit

But most of all, the aromatic, garlicky goodness of the pasta with tomatoes, grilled sausage, and parmesan won me over, bite after bite.

pasta with grilled sausage and parmesan

I think we all had significant garlic breath after this dish, and I am 100% sure it was worth it. Holy delicious, perfectly-seasoned, comforting warmth.

Each dish featured tomatoes from Muir Glen’s organic farms, and as a result, allowed us to indulge in that fresh tomato flavor and texture that we long for all winter long. As Chef Gilson said, we try to cook/eat locally grown and raised food, but that is difficult to do in New England during certain parts of the year. Like when the high never goes above freezing. Muir Glen’s commitment to organic, family farming gives us the next best thing: perfect tomatoes, picked and canned within eight hours, by US farmers and their families. And, of course, fabulous chefs who place significant value on food with heart.

The kind folks at Muir Glen hosted an amazing event and provided us with a sweet collection of Muir Glen canned tomatoes and recipe ideas. And one of Boston’s favorites, Chef Will Gilson, cooked us up a feast, dishes that will hopefully be coming to the Garden at the Cellar menu very soon!

I feel so fortunate to have been part of such a winter warmer that combined great friends and conversation with a company that embodies good food values and a chef that carries those values into the kitchen.

For more info on Muir Glen, check out their website.

Muir Glen:

A Commitment to Quality

  • Muir Glen growers’ certified organic farming methods create healthy, nutrient-rich soil. Our products are all certified organic and bear the USDA Organic seal.
  • We harvest our tomatoes in late summer at their peak of ripeness and deliver them to the processing facility within eight hours of picking. Our processing equipment is triple-washed to guarantee no cleaning agents are present.
  • Our tomatoes are packaged without synthetic chemical additives of any kind.
  • Once processed, we preserve Muir Glen tomatoes’ vine-ripened flavor, pure and intact, in our signature white enamel-lined cans.

Please note that my dinner was provided compliments of Muir Glen. However, as you all well know, I am very opinionated and my opinions are entirely my own. Winking smile

We feasted on summery tomatoes last night. What food do you miss the most from summer?

Garden at the Cellar on Urbanspoon

Tags: bloggers, cambridge, canned tomatoes, events, Food, Garden at the Cellar, Muir Glen, organic tomatoes, wine

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