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Bags of frozen shrimp are one of my favorite kitchen staples, and they often lead to last minute meals that turn out pretty great. A few weeks ago, I bought molasses, anticipating using it in brown bread. My brown bread ended up not calling for molasses, but I started thinking of other recipes for this classic ingredient.


Spicy BBQ sauce was the first thing that came to mind. I started with about a cup of organic cider vinegar and several tablespoons of tomato paste.

apple cider vinegar

Fun fact: my nana drinks organic apple cider vinegar. I can’t do it because I think it tastes gross, but she is rollin’ up on 97 this November, so she must be doing something right!

Cider vinegar makes a great base for a BBQ sauce. I mixed the tomato paste and vinegar in a pot with about a cup of water. I used the vinegar bottle as a vessel for the water to get as much flavoring from the vinegar as possible.

I brought the vinegar and tomato paste to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the paste, then added two large spoonfuls of molasses, about a teaspoon of garlic powder, and two large jalapenos, chopped.

homemade bbq sauce

Toward the end I also added about a tablespoon of grated ginger. I am obsessed with ginger these days, ginger in food, ginger tea, ginger beer in Dark & Stormy’s. Love it!

grated ginger

I made the sauce the night before finishing the dish to ensure the flavors all got together. It was divinely spicy and sweet with a tang from the vinegar.

When I was ready to cook dinner, I peeled and cleaned about two dozen shrimp.


Then I popped the shrimp into the sauce and let them hang out for about half an hour.

marinated shrimp

enriched farina

While the shrimp marinated, I got my “grits” going. I used the Trader Joe’s version of Cream of Wheat, a hot cereal I have been loving lately. I enjoy the texture SO much more than oatmeal, and I thought, why not add it to dinner?


I cooked up a pot of the wheat cereal, and in a separate pot cooked the shrimp in BBQ sauce. To serve, I spooned the cereal into bowls and topped it with heaping ladles of BBQ sauce and shrimp. The sauce sunk down into the soft, creamy cereal, flavoring it, making it a little soupy, and just becoming a bowl of spicy comfort.

I am still cold, even though the weather has gotten nicer, so dishes like this will likely be on the blog for a few more weeks.

What are your plans to enjoy the warmer temps this weekend?

Tags: BBQ, Food, recipe, sauce, shrimp

One of the cookbooks that has been inspiring me this week is The Secret Ingredient by Sally Bee. I wrote about The Secret Ingredient last year, and I picked up again this weekend when trying to plan out some healthy and exciting meals. I love that this book never sacrifices flavor. It treats food as something that is supposed to be pleasurable but also something that is meant to be fueling and healing.

As a lover of fennel, I was excited to try a take on Sally Bee’s Crunchy Baked Fennel recipe. I bought two giant bulbs at Trader Joe’s over the weekend.


I cut the fennel into quarters and put the quarters into boiling water for about eight minutes.


While the fennel was boiling, I sliced a summer squash and a sweet onion. The original recipe did not include either, but I had them and thought they would go well with the other ingredients.

summer squash

Once the fennel was soft, I layered the veggies in my new casserole dish. My sister and family got me a whole set of these dishes for my birthday, including cute little ramekins and new loaf dishes. I love them!

baked vegetables

I topped the layers of veggies with slivers of garlic, panko bread crumbs, and olive oil.

crunchy baked vegetables

Into a 400 degree oven they went, and 20 minutes later, I had these crunchy baked vegetables. The anise-flavor of the soft, gooey fennel, the sweetness of the onion, and the buttery bread crumbs all went perfectly together. This veggie side dish was incredibly enjoyable. And it was the perfect side for my fish in a packet. I wish dinner was this good and healthy every night!

What should I make next?

Tags: fennel, health, healthy recipe, onions, side dish, squash, vegan, vegetables, Vegetarian

So easy, so delicious, so healthy! Fish cooked in a foil packet means a juicy, flavorful, healthy meal with very little cleanup and little to no butter or oil required. Winning! (Did I just write that? For the record, there are few people I can say I hate, and Charlie Sheen is one of them. What a jerk.)

Anyway, back to the good stuff. I have been resisting tomatoes all winter. They are all grown so far away or are just not very good in the winter that I don’t bother. But I have been craving summery recipes in the worst way, so I decided to take the leap and buy a box of cherry tomatoes over the weekend.

cherry tomato

I built the rest of the dish around them. A beautiful filet of haddock from my favorite little local, Dorchester Market, played the part of the healthy protein. I simply laid it in the foil and surrounded it by juicy tomatoes.

fish in a packet

Then I topped it with three cloves of garlic, cut into thin slices. Well, as thin as my patience allowed. To that, I added a drizzle of blood orange olive oil. You could leave this out and just let the fish steam in its own juices, but I am obsessed with blood orange olive oil, and I knew it would make this dish super fancy. Smile

fish in a packet

I topped the fish with slices of lemon and some black pepper, wrapped up the foil tightly, and popped it in the oven at 400 for 17 minutes.

fish cooked in a foil packet

I should mention that I cooked the fish from frozen. I bought it fresh, but when I realized we wouldn’t have time to eat it for days, I put it in the freezer. It was very thin, so the cooking time was perfect. Discovering the ability to cook fish from frozen and still end up with something so fresh is a miracle.

I served this dish with a great veggie side, which I will share in tomorrow’s post. It was a meal that not just tasted really great, but it also felt really good. Now if we could just get some spring weather, and I am talking 60 degrees or higher.

I forgot to announce the winner of the Starbucks giveaway. . . congratulations, Taryn! Please email me with your address so I can send your coffee.

Tags: blood orange olive oil, fish, garlic, haddock, healthy recipe, lemons, recipe, vegetables

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