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Happy weekend! We have all sorts of fun plans that include a trip to Newport, visiting family, and hopefully, if all goes well, lots of time on the boat. If you are grilling and looking for a healthy side dish or perhaps even a dinner for your vegetarian guests, I have the perfect thing. Inspired by some beautiful, local zucchini and zucchini squash, this dish is super simple and utilizes some store-bought ingredients to make it something you can toss together very quickly.


You will need 3 medium sized zucchinis, summer squashes, or a mix of the two.

salad dressing

You will also need a half cup of a good bottled vinaigrette, unless you want to make your own, which is fine. I was purposely looking to cut corners here to get dinner on the table fast. I put my vinaigrette into the food processer with four cloves of raw garlic, crushed red pepper, and a squeeze of my Gourmet Garden basil to make it my own.

harvest grains blend

Once the dressing was all set, I heated up about a cup and a half of chickpeas I had already soaked and cooked the day before. I also cooked, according to package directions, half a package of Trader Joe’s Harvest Grains Blend, one of my favorite products ever. I love the texture!

The last step was simply grilling the veggies and assembling the dish. Right before serving, I poured in the dressing and tossed the grains and chickpeas to blend them together with it. A little sprinkle of salt and ground black pepper, and we were good to go!

grilled vegetable salad

grilled vegetable salad

I adore the flavors of grilled vegetables so much that I had a giant pile of them for dinner a few nights ago. May as well embrace summer as much as possible!

I love how healthy and easy this grilled vegetable salad is, and as I said earlier, it really is a complete vegetarian meal.

What are you cookin up this weekend?

Tags: dinner, Food, recipe, side dish, summer meals, vegan, Vegetarian

Sun Day

The sun finally came out in Boston yesterday. I have a bunch of recipes, a Boston Brunchers brunch, a tortilla party with my favorite Boston bloggers, and more to share, but first, a recap of our Sunday.

After the Boston Brunchers brunch, I met my husband at South Station for about five hours of wandering around Boston, eventually finding our way to our deck for bubbly and relaxing.

Although I just finished brunch, I somehow found a way to eat half a lobster roll at the rebuilt James Hook & Co lobster.

James Hook Lobster

The lobster roll was perfection, sweet, tender lobster salad in a hearty bun, which we washed down with Pellegrino Aranciata before heading off for a walk along the waterfront.

James Hook Lobster

Our wedding flower, hydrangeas, are already blooming everywhere. This is a sure sign of summer to me, though our wedding hydrangeas were pink and white. Smile

summer in Boston

We wanted to get a little closer to the beautiful sail boat, Eos, so we wandered down a side alley and discovered the most beautiful marina and inn, The Boston Yacht Haven. I had NO clue this inn was here, but we may be back to stay there in the near future!

Eos Boston

We got to meet the very hospitable innkeeper, took a little wander around, and then found ourselves in the North End for the parade for Padre Pio, a favorite Saint of my mother as well as of my husband’s mother. I love the North End religious traditions. We stood around and listened to the music for awhile before heading on.

North End

We passed the future home of the Boston Public Market. All I can do is hope. It would be pretty amazing to have a year round public market in Boston, but things in Boston generally take a long time and a lot of red tape. Let’s get er done!

Boston Public Market

No walk through the North End to Faneuil Hall is complete without a stop at Saus. I figured we had burned enough calories walking that we could indulge in a cone of fries with truffle ketchup, bacon parmesan sauce, and the Vampire Slayer, a garlicky mayo. I am clearly happy with my fries.

Saus Boston

Much of the rest of our walk was along the Rose Kennedy Greenway. I have to give some major props to Boston for this beautiful space. It seems like an endless expanse of green, so well taken care of, so beautiful for all to enjoy. I believe Mrs. Kennedy would approve.

Rose Kennedy Greenway

Rose Kennedy Greenway

We ended up walking all the way home, through Southie, along the beach, and finally sharing a summery dinner and some Laetitia Cuvee on our deck. It felt so nice to be warm, to be outside, and to watch the sun go down late in the evening.

Boston is easy to fall in love with when the weather is just right.

What do you love about your hometown?

Tags: Boston, Food, lobster, Saus, Travel

I didn’t plan on blogging about it. I didn’t even take any photos. It was simply going to be dinner on a rainy night after my American Institute of Wine  Food Board meeting, a new monthly tradition that my husband and I have started. Since my meetings are at Newbury College, dinner in Brookline makes the most sense. Last time we had a great (unblogged) meal at American Craft, and this time, we tried The Abbey.

Let me first start by saying that I needed cheering up. Remember the time my Trader Joe’s bag ripped on Boylston Street.

Well I know I will never trust a Trader Joe’s bag again. I usually bring my own bags when I go shopping, but in both of these cases, I was out and about and decided to grab groceries because I was in the neighborhood. It was also my turn to bring food to the Board meeting.

I found myself walking up the giant hill to Newbury College in the pouring rain with three heavy, PAPER bags. Which quickly disintegrated in the rain, first the handles ripping off, the boxes of crackers poking out the sides, and then every single grocery item going splat on the sidewalk. Multiple curse words later, I was on the ground recovering the items, wrapping them in what was left of the paper bags, and carrying them in my arms the rest of the way. It was so not fun. Did I mention the nagging chest cold I have?

Dinner out was a much-needed respite from the stress and a chance to really see my husband. I have been away on my own for two weekends in a row, and I missed him!

We arrived at The Abbey in a total downpour and were told there was about a 20 minute wait for a table. We opted to wait at the bar, ordering a Harpoon Oyster Stout  to keep us busy while we waited. The bartender was incredibly friendly and helpful, and The Abbey has a literal book of beer, wine, and cocktails.

Our table was ready in no time, and we took our seats in the cozy, very dimly lit dining area. Our waitress was very sweet and attentive throughout the entire meal.

The Abbey’s menu is not large, but somehow we still had a hard time deciding on what to order. So many things looked delicious!

I knew I had to have a charred Caesar salad. Ever since lunch at Diavola a very long time ago (I need to get back!) , I have ordered every grilled salad I could find. This one was exceptional. It was charred on the outside, warm on the inside, but still crunchy enough, doused with creamy dressing and coated with nutty parmesan.

For our entrees, we decided to share the mussels with white wine and garlic and shoestring potatoes and the bison Bolognese with fresh linguini. I also ordered a delicious cocktail, the Channel Lox – Irish whiskey, scotch, simple syrup, lemon juice, bitters.

This cocktail was nothing short of amazing. Tart lemon juice perfectly balanced the whiskey and bitters. It was delicious.

The food. . . we were out for a quick dinner, and I really wasn’t even thinking that I might discover new favorite dishes. The food was fantastic. The mussels were nestled in with shoestring fries in a light, garlicky sauce. The bison Bolognese was rich, spicy, filling, with perfectly al dente linguine. Spearing bits of the Bolognese sauce after twirling long pasta noodles around my fork provided such warmth and comfort as the rain was absolutely pouring down in buckets outside.

Our experience at The Abbey was simply outstanding. I wish I had taken photos, but it was nice to just focus on my company and the food. We will definitely be back!

What are your weekend plans? Do you have any fun eating, drinking, or traveling adventures coming up? It has been awhile since I hosted guest posters, and I would love to have a few!

The Abbey on Urbanspoon

Tags: beer, Brookline, cocktails, Food, Restaurants

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