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Meal planning is definitely one of those things that comes and goes in our house. There are some weeks where I have everything from breakfast to snacks to dinner all mapped out, broken down on a shopping list, and ready to go. I love those weeks; if you know me, you know that a hungry Meghan is not a good thing.

Then there are the weeks I sort of lose inspiration or don’t have time and everything is up in the air. You know, the weeks where you are scrounging around the fridge for ingredients for some semblance of a meal.


Sometimes, though, the things you have laying around make for one tasty dinner, like crispy, cheesy chicken tenders with a side of roasted broccoli.


This is a super easy recipe. I grabbed one sleeve of whole wheat crackers and pulsed them into crumbs, adding in garlic powder and black pepper to season.


I shredded about a cup of Cabot extra sharp cheddar.


Sprinkled both on the chicken, in layers. . .


And popped the chicken in a 400 degree oven until cooked through.


For a meal with just three ingredients and minimal prep time, this chicken was amazing. It was nicely cheesy and crispy and made for a perfect dinner.

I love when that happens.

Are you good at meal planning, or do you end up scrambling for dinner ideas?

Tags: cheese, chicken, dinner, Food, meals, recipe

Eggplant Lasagna

There’s food in our kitchen again! Summer definitely kicked my love of cooking out the door for awhile, but I have been slowly meal-planning again, looking forward to spending time in the kitchen chopping, combining flavors, and looking forward to something delicious.

I’ve also been trying to create meals that are both comforting and healthy. As I round the bend to the final stretch of NYC Marathon training, I am feeling exhausted, and I could just chow on fries for all meals. Add in some coffee and maybe a little cake, and I would be all set.

Thankfully, there are lots of great blogs to inspire me. I’ve been loving the Detoxinista, and recently I made an eggplant-based lasagna based on her eggplant and goat cheese lasagna.

The cheese filling in this lasagna, a goat cheese and cauliflower puree, is the creamy, delicious highlight, sneaking in nutrients and fiber without taking away any scrumptiousness.


I started by prepping my eggplant. I cut it into thin slices (they should have been thinner), and marinating them in balsamic vinegar.


Next up, I prepped my “meat”, chopped mushrooms sautéed with garlic and onions with a bit of pepper and salt.


Then came the goat cheese and steamed cauliflower, which I mixed with oregano, basil, and garlic. Then I had a big spoonful before adding two eggs to bind the mixture together. I think these would make a great pancake appetizer with the eggs or a great veggie side dish on their own.


When all of the pieces were ready, I started to layer, first some Bobby D.’s Angry Sauce (which was not at all spicy, sad), then eggplant, cauliflower cheese, mushrooms, sauce, repeat. I baked the whole dish at 425 degrees for about 50 minutes, keeping an eye on it until the sauce was bubbling nicely. The final layer of cheese on the top should be nicely browned; if not a few minutes under the broiler can help.

Bobby D's Sauce

A side note about the above sauce: after getting soaked on a bad run, freezing to death in the air-conditioned grocery store, and ruining my phone and a paycheck in the downpour, I was walking home with this sauce and it crashed through my grocery bag and hit the ground.

Thankfully it didn’t break; the bottom cracked and the lid was crushed. The worst part? The college kids walking behind me laughed at me! The day of this dinner didn’t start very well, but luckily it ended with a cozy dinner.

This lasagna is definitely something I will be making again. Even though it was noodle-free, the cheese and mushrooms really made it satisfying and filling.

How are you warming up your kitchen on these first days of Autumn?

Tags: dinner, eggplant, Food, healthy cooking, lasagna, Meatless Monday, Vegetarian, vegetarian recipe

File this recipe under “make this weekend”. The name of the recipe is quite the mouthful isn’t it? The recipe itself is full of flavor, comfort, and nutrition. With the ridiculously cold weather we’ve been having lately, comfort is all I have been craving. Can’t I just eat grilled cheese every day?

In addition to coming up with something cozy and healthy for dinner on a chilly gray day, I also needed to utilize the delicious  tortillas sent to me earlier this summer by the great people at Tortilla Land. Tortilla Land makes fresh tortillas that are great in all sorts of recipes. I’ll admit, I may enjoy them the most heated up in a pan with a glob of Nutella in the middle, but these tortillas are definitely for more than just dessert.

cumin and paprika

I don’t know where the idea came from, but I dreamed it up when I wasn’t sleeping the other night. Insomnia usually leads to some sort of recipe for me!

It’s an easy one.

Start by chopping and boiling two large sweet potatoes. Toss those, along with a cup of crumbled goat cheese, a teaspoon of cumin, and a teaspoon of paprika into a blender and puree until smooth.

crumbled goat cheese

I absolutely love my Ninja blender. It’s not a Vitamix, but it makes purees very smooth in a very short time. You could really stop right here and eat the goat cheese and sweet potato puree. As you can see, I definitely dipped a spoon in just for quality control.

sweet potato puree

Once the sweet potato is done, add about two cups of soaked lentils to olive oil, garlic, and tomato paste, all to taste. I used a small can of tomato paste because I love the flavor and the lycopene it adds to recipes.

Tortilla Land

Heat a stack of Tortilla Land tortillas in a hot pan until puffy and lightly browned, and then layer ingredients: tortilla, sweet potato mixture, lentils, repeat. Top with enchilada sauce, bake for 15 minutes at 400 degrees and serve with shredded sharp cheddar and salsa.

enchilada pie

As I said earlier, this recipe is pure comfort. The creaminess of the sweet potato really makes it so. I love making enchilada pies because the construction is so quick and easy. Fresh tortillas like the ones that Tortilla Land makes add something a little extra special.

Tags: dinner, easy dinner, enchiladas, Food, goat cheese, healthy, recipe, sweet potatoes, Vegetarian

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