Bacon and Cheese Muffins

What do you get when you combine bacon, caramelized onion cheddar, and almond meal (plus eggs, oil, baking powder, and milk)? The answer is incredible savory muffins just perfect for a post-workout breakfast. Or a lazy breakfast in bed. Or as the base for an egg sandwich. You really can not go wrong.


Ever since my first almond meal cooking experiment, the almond meal pizza crust I made a few weeks ago, I have been a huge fan of almond meal, adding it to yogurt for an extra bit of protein and making cakes with it. I’ve been doing some more weights leading up to the kickoff of my NYC Marathon training, and I have definitely felt the need for protein.

I knew I wanted to bake something else with almond meal, but I didn’t want it to be sweet. A quick Google search brought me to this recipe for Almond Meal Cheese Muffins, and other than omitting the parsley, I followed it exactly.

I decided to use a cheddar with caramelized onions from Trader Joe’s as my cheese. If you see this cheese definitely pick it up. It’s delicious.


I mixed up all of my ingredients, popped the mix into my muffin tin, and let the muffins bake for about 18 minutes. The smell of baking cheese is delicious. When I studied abroad in Ireland, my roommates and I would line baking sheets with foil, sprinkle them with shredded cheese, and make our own cheese crackers since we couldn’t find them there. The smell of these muffins kind of reminded me of that.


When they were ready, I let them cool and then gave one a try. Light, fluffy, savory, these muffins got me thinking about other combinations and additions. These definitely won’t be sticking around for very long. . .


Are you a sweet or savory/salty breakfast person? I personally can not eat things like donuts or Danishes for breakfast; if I do I crash big time and it’s really unpleasant. With all of the protein from the almond meal and bacon, these are just about perfect.

Tags: almond meal, bacon, breakfast, cheese, Food, muffins

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    These muffins look AWESOME!


  2. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    These look amazing! I just picked up almond flour from the store yesterday (and also just googled the difference between almond flour and meal) — I can’t wait to make awesome treats like these!


  3. Erica @ In and Around Town’s avatar

    These sound delicious! WOW!! Perfect for a breakfast sandwich or just about anything 🙂


  4. Daisy’s avatar

    these sound so good!!! I want one for lunch.


  5. Devon’s avatar

    I’m usually a savory breakfast person, but sometimes I’ll grab the danish. Just depends on my mood!


  6. Eric’s avatar

    Holy Deliciousness Batman! such a wonderful start to the day.
    I hope this becomes a regular start to the day. 🙂

    – Eric


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I don’t know that it would be a good idea to start every day with bacon and cheese. 🙂


      1. Eric’s avatar

        awww – maybe you are not seeing it from my point of view…. Bacon and Cheese Muffins – anything after this will be welcomed with a smile and a happy man…. I think I will have another 🙂


      2. Charlene’s avatar

        These look fantastic! I’m totally with you on the need for a savory breakfast to start my day. Donuts can be fantastic but if that’s what I’m starting my stomach on for the day, I will definitely crash too early on in the morning!


      3. Raija’s avatar

        I have bought that cheese from TJs and loved it. I definitely want to make these. YUMMMMM


      4. Megan’s avatar

        I’m definitely more of a savory breakfast person (would love these) — but I often like just a bite of something sweet too.


      5. Eric’s avatar

        more! They are just so good!


      6. Alaina’s avatar

        I am dying right now. These muffins look so good! Bacon AND cheese? In a muffin? Love it. 🙂


      7. Elizabeth’s avatar

        Contrary to popular belief, I actually don’t start gorging on sugar first thing. I like to have fruit and/or oatmeal first. After that though, bring on the sweets 🙂


      8. Jolene (’s avatar

        Yummmm! Bacon and cheese muffins sound perfect. I am much more into savoury foods than sweet.


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