Grilled Vegetable Sandwiches

This is the third post in less than two weeks that starts with the word grilled. Grilling is not just seasonal, it is so much easier than cooking in other ways. For one, there generally isn’t much prep. A little cutting, maybe some marinating, but it really is a great way to show off beautiful ingredients while saving time. Perfect for summer.

eggplant, zucchini, squash

I also happen to be on a pretty big zucchini, squash, and eggplant kick, and am trying to eat lighter than I did all winter. I can’t seem to lose the winter weight I gained, even though I am eating better and moving a lot more, but that’s a story for another day.

Our simple dinner was just a blend of eggplant, zucchini, onion, and squash, doused in olive oil and garlic powder. I love fresh garlic, but I tend to burn it in marinades, so garlic powder is a great, concentrated substitute.

grilled vegetables

Ssssssssssssss. . . look at those grill marks! I grilled the eggplant the longest; I find I don’t like it at all if it is not cooked enough. I really like for the eggplant to be almost falling apart.

grilled vegetables

Once the veggies were done, I popped some whole grain English muffins on the grill to brown. I am loving English muffin sandwiches these. They remind me of being a kid.  My mom used to make me English muffin pizzas with sauce and cheese, and to this day, any time I taste something similar, it is like being at home, such a warm feeling.

grilled vegetable sandwiches

We piled our sandwiches high with veggies and drizzled them with aged balsamic vinegar and some more olive oil. Then, I sat at the table, with my plate apparently too close to the edge, went to cut my sandwich in half, and pushed the entire thing off the table, my sandwich tumbling on to the floor. A floor which I try hard to clean but one that is run by two cats, resulting in a not-so-delicious, furry sandwich.

Luckily I made enough vegetables. . .

Do you have a favorite childhood snack or food that just brings you back every time you eat it?

Tags: dinner, easy recipe, Food, sandwiches, vegetables, Vegetarian

  1. Daisy’s avatar

    those grilled veggies look amazing. i cant believe you knocked the sandwich over! haha


  2. Elizabeth’s avatar

    I totally need to stock up on some zucchini and eggplant at the farmers’ market this week. I would love this sandwich with a little goat cheese in the middle.


  3. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    That’s a great idea for summer vegetables. I like the use of the English muffin.


  4. A Boston Food Diary’s avatar

    I love grilled veggies- and I have the exact same feelings about English Muffins. Your sandwiches look delicious!


  5. Erica’s avatar

    Jealous of your grill – really makes it feel like summer and make veggies taste so god!


    1. Koko’s avatar

      My husband’s fvairote is two pieces of garlic bread and some shredded bbq chicken in between them, heat until the bread is kinda crispy on the outside and serve pickle spears if you don’t like garlic use regular bread with a little bit of mayo and a bit of bbq sauce.My daughter’s fvairote would be a kind of S’mores sandwich: cinnamon raisin bread, mini marshmellows and lots of Nutella chocolate; heat til it’s all melted and the bread is a little crusty (YUMMY)Other than sandwiches you can make omelets in there, you can make filled fritters, French toast, fruit pancakes (breakfast) mini meatloaves, chicken cordon bleu, stuffed fish fillets,etc (dinner).E-mail me if you want some recipes.


    2. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

      This looks light and delicious. I spill way too much of my food, so you’re in good company!


    3. Michelle’s avatar

      Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches always remind me of my childhood! I’ve been loving your simple but flavorful dishes lately – perfect for these hot summer nights!


    4. Megan’s avatar

      Aw… sorry about your sammie! It looks fantastic… I can’t wait to pick up a whole bunch of veggies at the farmers market this weekend.


    5. Heather’s avatar

      I love grilled veggies – I plan on grilling some squash and zucchini this weekend!

      I love a good grilled cheese -one of my favorite sandwiches ever.


    6. alicia’s avatar

      i am loving the same grilled veggies too – whenever we grill outside I make Rafe throw a bunch of veggies on the fire too – lots of sandwiches and salads! YUM.


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