For Fun, Reverb 10

I am 15 days late to join Reverb 10, but better late than never, right? Now that my wine class is over and I am spending allllll day at my computer doing freelance work, job hunting, and blogging, I thought I would do my best to participate in the latter half of Reverb 10.

What is Reverb 10 (or in Twitter speak #reverb10)?

Reverb 10 is an annual event and online initiative to reflect on your year and manifest what’s next. Use the end of your year as an opportunity to reflect on what’s happened, and to send out reverberations for the year ahead. With Reverb 10 – and the 31 prompts our authors have created for you – you’ll have support on your journey.

In a time of year where things get crazy, I think it will be a great challenge to focus on mindfulness for a post each day leading up to the New Year. Are you doing Reverb 10, or would you like to start with me?

Today’s Prompt: 5 Minutes

Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010.

Here are mine.

Sunrise in the Scottsdale desert, underground dining in majestic Prague, Valentine’s Day dinner with my family,  birthday wine tasting and meeting Top Chef Kevin in Napa and Sonoma, each and every step of the 2010 Boston Marathon, a girls’ weekend getaway on Cape Cod, various events where I met new friends through blogging and Twitter, my husband’s birthday on Lake Sonoma, a Berkshire wedding weekend with good friends, Foodbuzz Festival and another wine country adventure, the first time I held my baby nephew, Harrison, Thanksgiving with my family, and finally, tonight or this weekend when I get to hold my new niece for the first time!

Blogging is such a blessing in that it helps me to remember so many of the things I want to remember most.

What are your most memorable moments of 2010? If you are doing Reverb 10, feel free to post a link!

Tags: #reverb10, 2010

  1. Megan’s avatar

    This is such a cool idea. Obviously, for me, getting engaged is one of the most memorable this year!


  2. leslie’s avatar

    i’m thrilled that you’re participating! i haven’t loved all the prompts, but i am loving the reason to write each day. and i liked today’s a lot – it made me realize that my year has been filled with so many wonderful moments that i’d rather capture the way i felt this year instead. which was, in a word, alive.

    your year sounds like it was full of quite a number of wonderful moments too!


  3. Michelle’s avatar

    What a great post! Like Megan, I’d have to say that getting engaged was definitely one of the highlights of 2010!


  4. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    Fun post! I think my most memorable moment was when I snapped out of my eating disorder relapse. I feel much more healthy, vibrant, and most importantly back to my old self. I’m glad I snapped out of it before something bad happened to my health. Hope that doesn’t sound Debby Downerish!


  5. Kim’s avatar

    What an awesome idea!

    There has been so much that has happened this year, good and bad that five minutes would not be able to cover it. Regardless, whether good, bad, or ugly it’s been an incredible year and one I’ve learned a lot from.

    2010 marked the end of one relationship and the beginning of an amazing marriage, time spent with friends, saying goodbye to friends who were moving on to bigger and better things, some travel, letting go of my past, etc. It’s been challenging but worthwhile.

    Thanks for sharing this! It’s wonderful!


  6. alicia’s avatar

    Great post — Our trip to King Arthur, and me moving are 2 of the most memorable things this year!


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