Boating and A Bastille Day Celebration

Happy Bastille Day! Many of the wineries in Sonoma held celebrations this past weekend, and we were lucky enough to celebrate with some delicious food and wine at DeLoach Vineyards.

The first half of our day, however, was spent celebrating my husband’s birthday on Lake Sonoma. If you ever get a chance to go boating on the lake, please do yourself a favor and go for it! What a relaxing and magical day. . .

We started with a hearty breakfast at our Healdsburg bed & breakfast  and then drove North to get to the lake, passing exquisite scenery all along the way.

Dry Creek Valley

Lake Sonoma

We grabbed sandwiches and drinks at the marina and after getting a quick overview of the boat, we were on our way.

Lake Sonoma

After some speeding around, we found a cove and tied up the boat so that we could swim, sun, and eat lunch. It was quiet, the air was SO clean and fresh, the sun was strong, and I was with my favorite person. The perfect getaway.

Lake Sonoma

After some rest, we decided to explore the other side of the lake (which was actually once a valley that was flooded to form the lake!)

Lake Sonoma bridge Lake Sonoma

My photos don’t do it justice.

Lake Sonoma

When the sun started to get to us, we drove back through the valley to Bella Villa Messina to cool off, shower, and get pretty for our visit to DeLoach.

On our drive through the Russian River Valley, we stopped for a quick tasting at Arista Winery . . . more on that later! Then it was on to DeLoach, a winery we visited and loved last fall.

DeLoach Winery traveleatlove Healdsburg

DeLoach had a beautiful spread of picnic foods as well as wine by the glass.

DeLoach picnic



The winery grounds were the perfect place for a summer picnic. We wandered around as we listened to the band and sipped on our wine. One of the coolest (literally) parts of the evening was watching a massive front of fog move into the valley, rapidly cooling the air. You can see the fog in the photo below on the right. By the end of the evening I was freezing! The Pinot Noir grapes of the Russian River Valley love this diurnal shift though, so I suppose for the sake of the wine it’s okay 🙂

DeLoach winery DeLoach winery

We ended the night with a glass of Boisset champagne. Boisset Family Estates is the parent company of DeLoach, and I really enjoyed a bit of their bubbly.

After an hour or so we may have gone to a taqueria in Healdsburg for a little bit of this:

chicken tacos

hot sauce, salsa, guacamole

Mexican food is SO good in California! Just another reason to move there. . .

Our early Bastille Day celebration was a perfect day. There are so many incredible winery events going on in wine country, and paired with the natural beauty, it is simply amazing.

If you could move anywhere right now, where would you go? Or would you stay where you are?

Tags: Bastille Day, California, DeLoach, Food, Lake Sonoma, Santa Rosa, Sonoma, Sonoma County, wine, wine country, wine events, wine tasting, wineries

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    That picnic spread looks DIVINE! If I could move anywhere, I’d have to say San Francisco. I absolutely love the city and have lots of friends in the area. P.S. It was so great to see you last night!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      So great to see you too! You and B are so cute 🙂


    2. Simply Life’s avatar

      oh wow, the entire day just looks perfect!!!


    3. Daisy’s avatar

      Everything looks so beautiful. I think the lake sonoma pictures are fantastic but i guess if you say they don’t do it justice it must be visited in person! gosh i don’t even know where the heck id move. maybe NYC…Brooklyn maybe? realistically i wouldnt be too far from family, and i fall in love everytime i visit!! But if money were no object maybe id move to europe!


    4. Corinne’s avatar

      eeee bastille day! also known as my birthday 🙂 haha

      love the girly pic of you at deloach! so cute. the mexican food has me drooling. do i spy pulled pork!? what a wonderful trip!


    5. Raija’s avatar

      Glad you got a chance to wear that fabulous skirt you bought in P-town — it looks great! And what lovely pictures. And could you please deliver that mexican food to us here? I’ve done all those Bueno deliveries for you!! 😉


    6. Shanna @ Shanna Like Banana’s avatar

      Arista has the best Pinots. Love that place!

      If I could live anywhere, I’d move to Rome 🙂


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        We randomly discovered Arista while having dinner at Dry Creek Kitchen. One of the Arista owners was pouring their wine for the evening, and we loved the Pinot!


      2. Angela (the diet book junkie)’s avatar

        i just found your blog and wanted to say hello! i’m also a runner (training for my first half in september!) and avid wine lover. (i live in Australia, how can i not be?) totally and utterly jealous of your trip to Sonoma. California Zin (red, not the pink stuff) is my favourite and impossible to find out here. if you have any questions about Australian vino though, let’s just say i’ve tasted a few:) can’t wait to read more of your blog 🙂


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          Thanks for commenting! I don’t really know much about Australian wine, so if you ever wanted to do a round up of a few favorites as a guest post, I would love it! 🙂


        2. Angela (the diet book junkie)’s avatar

          there’s always a wine event/tasting going on in Sydney, (which means i get to taste a lot without having to purchase every bottle!) in fact, we have an event this weekend. i’ll be sure to make note of the good ones 🙂


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