Brunch for Dinner

Bloody Mary not required, but highly recommended. Winking smile Last night I was feeling very under the weather and wanted some comfort food which, for me, often ends up being breakfast food. I had eggs in mind as I have really been enjoying a diet higher in protein lately. A little extra meat, beans, dairy, or eggs has been helping me to feel full, and with marathon training around the corner, I need that.

I browsed the interwebs for “easy quiche” recipes and was surprised to find a bunch that involved mixing biscuit mix right in with eggs and other ingredients. I was a bit skeptical, but since I was so tired and hoping for an easy dinner, I gave it a go. As always, I used a variety of recipes as a base, then made my own mixture up.

Multi Grain Pancake Mix eggs


In my mix:

4 eggs

1 cup multi-grain baking mix

1 cup milk

1/2 cup grated Cabot jalapeno cheddar

2 cups chopped spinach

3 pats butter

garlic powder and black pepper to taste


eggs and spinach

I mixed the eggs and spinach together with garlic powder and pepper, then separately mixed the baking mix, butter, milk, and cheese. Before I poured them into a lightly greased pie plate, I thoroughly blended the two bowls.

Yes, that’s butter floating around in there, but don’t worry, it ends up being a teeny bit over the whole dish.


I cooked this at 350 for 40 minutes, then used the broil setting on high for a few minutes, until the smoke alarm went off. That tells you it’s done Smile


As you can see, the quiche was nicely browned on top and had that yummy brown butter flavor. And much to my surprise, the baking mix sunk to the bottom and made for a light and buttery crust. Talk about a lazy girl’s brunch dish! I served this with multi-grain toast, and we really did have Bloody Marys.

I mix in tomato juice, lime juice, Ketel One vodka, juice from my Mezzetta pepperoncini jar, horseradish, black pepper, and hot sauce. Delish!

Bloody Mary

I love the ease of this meal, how delicious and filling it is, and that it gave us leftovers for lunch. I simply can’t get ride of my lingering cold and am feeling super lazy!

Today begins the final countdown. . . one week of work left! Wahooo!

I am also very excited about Blogtoberfest and trying Ginger Park tonight.

What is your favorite meal? Breakfast/brunch, lunch, or dinner?

And just for fun, a photo of my cat Scout scoping out the hood as she does every morning. There is some work being done on our street, ensuring hours of kitty TV Smile



Tags: Bloody Mary, brunch, cheese, eggs, Food, recipe, spinach

  1. A Boston Food Diary’s avatar

    Mmmmm this looks delicious! Brunch or breakfast for dinner is always phenomenal and I love the addition of the jalapeno cheese- yum 🙂


  2. Michelle’s avatar

    I love breakfast for dinner! In fact, I might do that tomorrow night for dinner! My favorite meal is definitely brunch – where you can get some beautiful poached eggs or a burger to soak up the previous evening’s festivities!


  3. Daisy’s avatar

    love that you made a bloody mary too. that is a cool glass. Looking forward to Ginger Park!


  4. Kathy’s avatar

    That looks wonderful. I frequently make a frittata-ish thing like this (no baking mix though) and serve it with a salad of homefries. Also – do you have an actual recipe for your bloody mary?


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I don’t use a recipe, just those ingredients to taste! I like Bloody Marys to be as spicy as possible, so I always add extra horseradish and black pepper to mine.


    2. Heather’s avatar

      I am going to make a quiche this weekend – this looks simpler though then fighting with a pie crust.

      I love quiche – so comforting and hearty. Hope you are feeling better!


    3. brandi’s avatar

      I love breakfast for dinner!


    4. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

      That looks mighty tasty!

      My favorite meal is dinner because there are more options and bigger portions 🙂

      I wonder if your kitty is still looking out the window…


    5. Megan’s avatar

      I am having the worst day and am so jealous of your countdown.

      The quiche looks really good and I would have been skeptical about the biscuit mix too. I have quick quiche recipe with regular crust on my blog if you’re ever looking for another version.

      Happy Thursday!


    6. Jolene (’s avatar

      I love dinner the most, and lunch the least. Breakfast is a close second 🙂


    7.’s avatar

      it looks delicious! 😀


    8. Jason Phelps’s avatar

      Too funny! We had breakfast for dinner last night too. It never fails to please, especially after a long day.



    9. Tiffany’s avatar

      I’ve always been a fan of breakfast for dinner, this looks really good, thanks for sharing! (Hope you are feeling better!)


    10. Anne@ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

      I love dinners… the best time of the day 🙂


    11. Alison’s avatar

      The interwebs always come through. 🙂


    12. Belinda @zomppa’s avatar

      I’d say this is brunch, breakfast, lunch and dinner.


    13. Kerstin’s avatar

      I’ve never heard of adding biscuit mix right in like that- how interesting – it looks fantastic! I’m also a huge breakfast for dinner fan 🙂


    14. Baking Serendipity’s avatar

      I love brunch for dinner…especially this one!


    15. Yesim’s avatar

      it looks reallllllyyyyyyy yummy;)


    16. Angela L’s avatar

      What a fabulous meal! I love anything pizza-related~


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