Peach and Tomato Couscous

Ever since our delicious dinner at Zazu in Santa Rosa, CA, I have been obsessed with Israeli couscous and mixing in new and different ingredients to make it the base of a variety of meals. The recent onslaught of fresh summer peaches and heirloom tomatoes got me thinking a couple of nights ago, and I couldn’t wait for the farmers market so I could pick up some great local ingredients. I find my best recipe development happens when I can’t sleep at night! And speaking of recipes, please buzz my Foodbuzz Alaska Seafood recipe so I can win a trip to Foodbuzz Festival! Pretty please, and thank you in advance! I promise not to be too obnoxious about it, but I would appreciate the buzzes! 🙂

Ok, back to the regularly scheduled post. This recipe was simply delightful, each ingredient shining on its own but also tying in with the others. It was also very quick and a healthy choice for a quick weeknight meal. We are eating the leftovers cold for lunch, and I think it will be just as delicious. I love leftovers!

Narragansett Creamery Feta

The ingredients were really just eyeballed amounts, what I had and felt like mixing in, a box of Trader Joe’s Israeli couscous, a spicy green pepper. . .

hot pepper

Two juicy white peaches

white peaches

Six or so heirloom tomatoes and about half of a red onion

heirloom tomatoes

Premium Select olive oil, sent to me as a sample from Lucini Italia

Lucini Olive Oil

I started out by lightly browning the couscous in olive oil with a pinch of chili pepper and cumin, then slowly added water and stirred it until it was close to done.

In the meantime, I was chopping onions, peppers, peaches, and tomatoes. Once the couscous was ready, I added the veggies, stirred thoroughly, and let the whole thing simmer on low for a few minutes. I did not want the peaches and tomatoes to fall apart or get mushy, just to be warmed, so it wasn’t long.

couscous recipe

After I plated the couscous, I added crumbled Narragansett Creamery feta for a bit of saltiness. I love feta and couscous together, perfection!


We loved this dish! It was so quick to make and bursting with summer flavors. I am glad that after a tiring run I mustered up the energy to cook. It certainly isn’t always that way!

Remember back when it was the big blog trend to do those “Ask me anything” posts? I never did it then, but since I couldn’t think of a random question for you all, do you have any questions for me?!

Tags: Food, Israeli Couscous, peaches, produce, recipe, tomatoes, Vegetarian

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    This looks awesome! I’m not a big fan of couscous but I think I could try this with quinoa instead? Perfect cold summer salad!


  2. May Ling Wu’s avatar

    Love the sweet and savory combo!


  3. Kelly (Hot Cookin')’s avatar

    Yum! I love couscous; this looks like a winning recipe!


  4. Megan’s avatar

    I love Israeli couscous! I love how you can just mix anything you’re in the mood for into it. Minus the heat, I’d love to try this recipe! 🙂 What did you think of that feta? Is it nice and salty? I almost bought it, but I finally found a feta that is briny enough for me so I stopped trying a million different kinds. I’m still curious though…


  5. Evan Thomas’s avatar

    I loved that company’s cheeses when I still ate dairy. They were always so friendly with samples at the farmers’ market


  6. Sues’s avatar

    After my peach gazpacho, I want to put peaches in everything!! This looks delicious and the cheese looks amazing 🙂


  7. city share’s avatar

    Yum! I love Israeli couscous, and if you combine it with summer’s bounty of produce – heaven. Thanks for sharing this great recipe (and beautiful photos).


  8. Debbie’s avatar

    adding peach was brilliant!


  9. ashleigh’s avatar

    I have no idea what buzzing is, but I did it anyway and I hope you win!!


  10. Elina’s avatar

    recipe buzzed 🙂


  11. Camala - CC Recipe’s avatar

    I am a big couscous fan, I love the combo of flavors that you paired together for this dish, I will definitely have to give this a try because I am very much intrigued!


  12. Dana’s avatar

    I love this combo of savory and sweet. Sounds like another great cous cous recipe!


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