Just Peachy

I don’t really care much about dessert. I am the type of eater who fills up pretty quickly to the point where people question if I eat enough, but gets hungry an hour after a meal. It’s just the way my body works, and I have learned to roll with it throughout the years. So, by the time dessert at a restaurant arrives, I usually don’t even want it; stuffing it in just doesn’t feel good.

There are of course always those exceptions, and I do like a snack an hour or two after dinner at home, especially when it involves incredible, seasonal local fruit.

I am trying to completely take advantage of local peaches until they are all gone, so last night I whipped up a sweet and creamy treat using a few peaches, goat cheese, and honey.

It couldn’t be any easier, I cut the peaches in half and pitted them, then placed them in a pie plate in the oven at 400 degrees for 10 minutes. Once the 10 minutes were over, I turned the oven to broil for another 2 minutes.

I removed the peach halves from the oven and plated them on a simple white salad plate, then stuffed each half with crumbled goat cheese.

roasted peaches

The final step was to drizzle honey over the peaches and a little on the plate for decoration. . . and dipping 🙂

roasted peaches

I absolutely loved this dessert with its gentle, natural sweetness from the peaches and the creaminess of the goat cheese. My husband thought it was “weird” but he also liked it. Boys. . .

Are you a dessert person or would you rather a good appetizer?

Have you buzzed my Foodbuzz/Alaska Seafood post yet? You can do so by logging in to Foodbuzz and buzzing this post:


Tags: dessert, fruit, goat cheese, peaches, recipe

  1. Lizzy’s avatar

    I’m not much of a dessert girl either. This looks so good- fresh peaches and creamy goat cheese! This is a dessert I could eat- especially because it involves cheese. My favorite food : )


  2. Estela @ Weekly Bite’s avatar

    I’m not huge on desserts, but I love the sweet/salty combo of the peach and goat cheese! Yum!


  3. Abby’s avatar

    This looks good. Sweet and salty…perfect! I LOVE desserts, although lately I’m finding that I prefer appetizers. But really, I just love food!


  4. Daisy’s avatar

    I think (?) I’ve buzzed your post. I tried but the site looked weird a few days ago, I will try again for sure!!

    What a creative dessert! looks lovely.


  5. Megan’s avatar

    I almost had to stop reading after your first sentence. How are we friends? Ha ha. This looks incredible! There’s a certain boy in my house who would not go near it… but it looks easy enough to make it into a snack for one, so it’s perfect for me! I’ve made a honeyed goat cheesecake before and am imagining those flavors with peaches mixed in – definitely a winning combination!

    Recently I decided that I only want to order dessert when I eat at restaurants that have their own dedicated pastry chefs. Dessert snobbery at its finest. 🙂


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I know! I was hoping I wouldn’t offend you TOO much with that line 🙂


    2. Sonia @ Master of Her Romaine’s avatar

      Yummm! I love the sound of that combo! I love cheese with green apples, too! mmm
      I can never pick between apps or dessert, but since most dessert menus look pretty lackluster to me (always just cake or icecream)… I guess I mostly pick apps!


    3. Michelle’s avatar

      I’m more of a dessert person than an appetizer person but I always like fruit-desserts instead of chocolate desserts! These grilled peaches look great!


    4. Shanna @ Shanna Like Banana’s avatar

      Goat cheese on peaches? What a neat idea! Thanks:)


    5. Jenna @ Healthy. Happy. Well.’s avatar

      That looks absolutely decadent. So simple! I love the purity of the recipe. Thanks so much for sharing.


    6. Heather I.’s avatar

      Definitely a dessert person! I can rarely pass it up, no matter how full I am, it’s sad…haha. Those peaches sound great, a light way to end a meal!


    7. Kristen’s avatar

      Although my family would die if I stopped making desserts, I would much rather have fruit. Those peaches with cheese sound right up my alley!


    8. jana@cherryteacakes.com’s avatar

      HA! i am such a dessert person it isn’t even funny. i LOVE peaches and chevre. i also recommend apricots. i also like to use it as the spread for a cucumber sandwich.


    9. Susi’s avatar

      That looks like such a delicious combination! Love the goat cheese and the honey addition.
      I’m a dessert person but I have to wait at least a couple of hours after dinner before I want it :o)


    10. Amanda@ bakingwithoutabox’s avatar

      I’m a dessert person and loving this one. Simple. Elegant. Not a calorie buster. Wonderful!


    11. Enrico’s avatar

      I just saw your pictures on foodbuzz – I buzzed you. The pictures are very nice – you should follow up with something maybe seasonal in a couple of months – that would show how versatile fish really is…. just a thought.


    12. Simply Life’s avatar

      oh what a great idea- that looks delicious!


    13. Jason Phelps’s avatar

      I am finding more and more that I only like dessert when it has fresh fruit in it. This certainly qualifies, but so does a homemade apple pie!!! Those will be coming out of the oven real soon…



    14. Ellen’s avatar

      this looks DELISH, love the pictures.


    15. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

      This must be SO good. Goat cheese is delicious.. and peaches too!


    16. city share’s avatar

      I love desserts, but I am usually too full to ever enjoy them at restaurants. This is perfect for dessert at home. We have tried peaches with fresh ricotta too (also delicious).


    17. Dana’s avatar

      So simple and delicious! Perfect 🙂


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