Shrimp in Sambuca Cream Sauce

My mom has been making this recipe for years, and I am not sure why it’s taken me so long to try it on my own. An interesting flavor combination, dill, tomatoes, sambuca, and cream, mixed with shrimp and ladled over whole wheat pasta, this dish is SO easy and seems a little bit fancier than your everyday pasta.

I LOOOOVE this time of year and the availability of beautiful, locally grown produce. Tomatoes and dill provide much of the sauce’s flavors.

Tomatoes and Dill

Fresh Dill

A nip of sambuca provides a kick of licorice, a little sweetness, and a bit of spice.

sambuca and fresh dill

While doing my little foodie photo shoot, I checked out my garden, including this habanero plant. There’s something happenin’ here! Can you see the teeny tiny little peppers starting to form? Last year my habaneros were plentiful and spicy, ripe just around the time that we had great tomatoes. Salsa! Let’s hope this year is just as good!

habanero peppers

Once I was back inside, I started the cooking. For this recipe you will need:

2 large tomatoes, seeded and diced

1 pound large shrimp, shelled and cleaned

1/4 cup chopped fresh dill

1/2 cup ouzo or sambuca

1/2 cup heavy cream

1 TSP olive oil

about 4 cups of pasta, I used whole wheat spaghetti

shrimp, dill, tomatoes, sambuca

Sautee the tomatoes and dill in the olive oil for just about a minute. Gently lay the shrimp into the pan so that each is fully exposed to the bottom of the pan. Cook until pink on one side, then flip over. Drizzle the ouzo or sambuca over the shrimp, and cook until the shrimp are pink on the other side. Slowly pour cream in, stirring gently to combine the ingredients. Increase the heat a little so that everything is simmering. Once the sauce is hot and the shrimp are cooked through, add the cooked pasta directly to the sauce and stir.

Whole Wheat Pasta with Shrimp, Dill, Tomatoes, Sambuca, and Cream

Top with some chopped, uncooked dill for an extra punch of flavor.

I paired this with a delicious white wine that we picked up after tasting it at Foodie’s Urban Market in the South End. The Domaine des Cassagnoles white from the Gascogne region of France had some pretty intense grapefruit flavors. Chilled for a couple of hours, it was incredibly refreshing, and the grapefruit really cut through the creaminess of the sauce. and was sweet enough to work with the slightly acidic tomatoes. At $12 a bottle, this wine is a great deal and truly a perfect summer sipper.

This week I am attending the media preview of a new wine shop and am getting ready to head to Provincetown next weekend with friends. I just put in an order for Mix Bakery cupcakes, and I am SO excited! I can already taste the vanilla buttercream topped strawberry cupcakes. . .

What are you up to this week?

Tags: cream, dill, Food, pasta, recipe, shrimp, tomatoes, wine

  1. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    That looks amazing. The addition of the heavy cream really makes the dish.
    Sounds like a fun week ahead for you!


  2. Jessica @ How Sweet’s avatar

    Sambuca cream sauce? My mouth is watering. That sounds absolutely delicious.


  3. Lindsay Meyer’s avatar

    Shrimp pastas are a favorite of mine. Kath eats put up a yummy “bruschetta” pasta yesterday, too… I’m delighted that tomatoes are back. Bring on the caprese sandwiches with fresh basil pesto. Mmmm!

    This week should be rather low key. At least I hope as much!


  4. Jenn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog)’s avatar

    I love Sambuca! Those shrimp look gorgeous. Love this dish!



  5. Daisy’s avatar

    what a fabulous recipe! the sambuca is so original. I need to make this!


  6. Rebecca @ How the Cookies Crumble’s avatar

    Yum! I love pasta and that sounds like an amazing combo of flavor. Shrimp, tomato, dill, Sambuca. Can’t wait to try it!


  7. Epicure on a Budget’s avatar

    That looks delicious. I love how fresh all of the ingredients are. Thank you for sharing!


  8. Belinda @zomppa’s avatar

    This looks amazing! What a great family recipe to pass from generation to generation. Love the peppers.


  9. Lawyer Loves Lunch’s avatar

    Those shrimp look perfect! Plus, anything served with pasta wins automatic points! 🙂


  10. Simply Life’s avatar

    oh my gosh, that looks so fresh – looks like a dish to order from a restaurant!


  11. Chef Dennis’s avatar

    what a gorgeous pasta dish! The sambucca cream sauce sounds wonderful, I’m sure it goes really well with the shrimp!


  12. Raija’s avatar

    Looks amazing! YUM! (p.s. I’m pressing my tofu now!)


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      Yay! In all of the Trader Joe’s mayhem, I forgot tofu 🙁 and I was planning a tofu string bean stir fry.


    2. Katherine’s avatar

      wow those herbs look SO amazing in the recipe


    3. Brian @ A Thought for Food’s avatar

      Ok… now I love me my booze. But I’ve never been a huge fan of sambuca. With that being said, I think this sauce sounds incredible and I’m now curious to try it. I bet the cream really mellows it out.


    4. Elina’s avatar

      Meghan, this looks like it came straight from a restaurant! Absolutely gorgeous!!! Do you think I could sub something else for sambuca? I’m not really a fan.
      Yay for mixed bakery cupcakes 🙂


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        You could probably just leave the sambuca out. The dill makes it really flavorful even without it!


      2. Magic of Spice’s avatar

        Fantastic dish! And love your garden:)


      3. Megan’s avatar

        Sambuca… really? Wow. This must have some really interesting flavors. It’s such a beautiful dish. Got any leftovers? ;o) Seriously though, I think I may need to make this just because I’ve never heard of anything like it before. I’m very curious…


      4. Isabelle’s avatar

        Looks delicious! I make a very similar dish using Pernod and fresh tarragon, but I love the idea of using Sambuca and dill instead… dill makes everything awesome, as far as I’m concerned. 🙂


      5. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

        I have way too much going on this week, but I like it when life is busy at times 🙂

        That dish looks awesome, shrimps! I was so curious about this when I saw the title of your post. I bet this tasted so good 🙂


      6. Steph’s avatar

        Looks great! I love a really fresh tasting meal.


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