Snow Bunnies

On the second day of 2010, we woke to a few inches of snow and more falling. Despite this we decided to go ahead with our plans to go to the Kittery Outlets in Maine and to have lunch in Portsmouth, NH. About 20 minutes into our slippery trip, we came across a major accident and decided to turn around.

Still wanting to DO something after a New Year’s Day spent lazing at home, I went online and googled “snow shoeing Boston” and came across Weston Ski Track. I am not a skier or that familiar with snow sports, besides sledding and tubing, but we thought it would be fun to get outside and to get some exercise.

Weston Ski Track is a very short drive on the Mass Pike from Boston. The Pike was in MUCH better condition than I95, the road we were on to go to Maine, and we were renting snow shoes in no time.



The ski track offers 15 km of trails which we ended up covering in the 2 plus hours we were on the snow shoes. It was so much fun! Over hills, along side a river, across a lovely bridge.


Let me tell you, this is a workout! Every time we stopped for a bit of water, I realized just how hard my heart was pounding and how much I was sweating (gross, but felt good to know I was getting some exercise!)


Apparently snow shoeing, especially off of the track like we were, in new snow, is a killer calorie burner. Using the poles and really planting them had my biceps and triceps burning. My legs, still a bit sore from my 11 miler, actually enjoyed the movement and felt perfectly tired at night. I’ll be excited if I could add this as a regular element to my marathon training, something I need to update on this week!

After we spent a few hours outside, we headed to the Mad Raven in Waltham for a forgettable lunch (with great service though) . Really sort of disappointing considering the appetite that we built up in the great outdoors.

Though we are considering a couple of trips to New Hampshire and Vermont this year to do some cross country and downhill skiing, I was so happy to find  a place to cross country ski or snow shoe 20 minutes away. Having a place so close opens up so many possibilities, maybe even a night time ski or snow shoe after work!

Keepin it local can be fun, and I love discovering things around Boston that I have not done before. Stay tuned for a Keepin it Local post this week about two restaurants within a couple miles of our house that we recently “discovered”

Have you “discovered” any fun local spots near you lately?

Don’t forget to enter my Skin MD Naturals giveaway for a chance to try a great product that will shield your skin from the harsh winter!

  1. Abby’s avatar

    That is so beautiful!!!!! I hate winter and being in the snow, but that is an activity i’d be willing to try!!


  2. Jillian (back to the nest)’s avatar

    What fun! Snow shoeing looks like an excellent cross-training workout for runners. That makes me want to do it really bad!


  3. Kelly’s avatar

    I am definitely going to do this soon- Weston is pretty close to me and I’ve been meaning to Snow Shoe for over a year now! I love ice skating too as another fun winter sport I’ve been trying to get back into.

    Basically finding local touristy things is Eric and my favorite thing to do- that’s how we got into going to wineries and breweries because we discovered Nashoba Valley Winery and it was all downhill from there. We also have been to Stoneham Zoo, and we frequent the aquarium + other museums, there is probably a lot more that I am not thinking of now. We do even more local tourist stuff at the Cape.

    By the way, when you DO go up to Kittery for the day, I recommend stopping on the way home (or the way up) at Redhook Brewery, it’s either in or right outside Portsmouth. We did a tour there the same day as going to the outlets. The tour was a lot of fun (I highly recommend the last tour on Saturdays, I think it’s at 4- I got the same guy both times and he was funny + let us have lots of tastes haha). Okay enough from me!


    1. admin’s avatar

      I want to go ice skating too, but I am so bad at it! Thanks for the brewery tip. If it ever stops snowing we will ge there!


    2. Marisa @All in Good Food’s avatar

      Wow that sounds like so much fun. I’m not a snow person despite the fact that I live in Michgan but I love outdoor activites. I probably wouldn’t do it on a regular basis but I think I would love to try snowshoeing at least once. Thanks for the post. Oh yeah I love the go with the flow attitude I wish more people were like that there would less angry people in the world. ^_^


    3. Madeline - Greens and Jeans’s avatar

      I am so jealous of all the snow activities! I’m in Arizona where it’s 70 degrees! Of course, I feel ridiculous complaining about that, but in January I’d love to be out playing in the snow!


    4. Caroline’s avatar

      That is so awesome that you guys decided to get out and do something active together in the snow! I haven’t done much snowshoeing but am always looking for things to do in (or nearby) the city that don’t involve eating out or shopping! Thanks for the inspiring post!


    5. Monica’s avatar

      Beautiful pictures! That sounds like something I might try one day…if it would ever do more than get mildly cold every now and then down here in South Texas!


    6. Meg’s avatar

      I LOVE Kittery! Oh man, I miss the outlets! North Conway has some great ones too, which is where my husband grew up.
      I’ve snow shoed a few times (in Conway) and loved it! You have such pretty pictures!


    7. Raija’s avatar

      Love the pics of you guys — sounds like a great thing to do!


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