Skin MD Natural Giveaway

Last week I received an email from a representative from Skin MD Natural asking if I would like to sample their skin shielding lotion. Since marathon training in the cold, whipping winds and working in a hot, dry office all day take a toll on my skin, I jumped at the chance to give this unique product a try.


I received a full bottle (for free) plus a few small sample packets in the mail when I returned from my Christmas travels. What a nice surprise! I decided to try the Skin MD Natural after a long run.

The first thing I noticed was the thin, slippery texture, a contrast from other skincare products that I have used. I also was pleased to notice that the product was unscented. While I do like perfumes and some lotions, scented products, especially on my face, often make me nauseous or irritate my eyes a bit.

I applied the Skin MD to my hands and face and found that it soaked in immediately, creating a velvety smoothness to my skin without making it feel greasy or coated with anything. Lately, other lotions have been seriously burning my skin, it is that dry, and there was no uncomfortable burning with this product.

The true test was applying the lotion to my legs which are often very dry in the winter and drive me insane! The Skin MD Natural quenched my dry, thirsty skin, and again while I don’t feel greasy or coated, I can sort of tell it is there by the smoothness of my skin. In reading Skin MD Natural’s website, I learned that this lotion is unique because it not only seals in skin’s natural oils but also keeps out the elements and chemicals that cause so many of us skin problems. I still have almost a full bottle left, so it will be interesting to see the effects of this product over time.

And now, you have a chance to try this lotion as well! Skin MD Naturals has kindly offered to give a bottle away to one lucky Travel Eat Love reader!

To enter:

1) Leave a comment letting me know why you would like to try this product.

2) Mention and link back to the giveaway on your blog.

3) Tweet about the giveaway, if you are on Twitter.

The chance to win starts now, and will close a week from today on Wednesday, January 6. Good luck, and thanks again to Skin MD Naturals for such a great sample!

  1. Kelly’s avatar

    Awesome product! I hate dry skin in the winter!


  2. Christine @ FRESH LOCAL AND BEST’s avatar

    This product looks great and would be useful in countering the dry skin in the winter.


  3. Joy’s avatar

    I would love to try something on my world’s dryest forhead!


  4. Tiffany S.’s avatar

    I’d love to try this product. I have to where night cream during the day it’s so dry!


  5. Clarice’s avatar

    Four words = I live in New England. That should be enough said. Winter just takes it out of you up here.


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