Travessia Urban Winery Wine Club

A couple of months back when we attended the Coastal Wine Trail kickoff in Rhode Island, we had the opportunity to try several different wine from Travessia Urban Winery. Now, we like and drink a lot of wine, but I have to admit that up until recently that for the most part it came from Italy, Spain, France, and sometimes California or Oregon. I had tried Westport Rivers’ sparkling wine a few times at various Boston restaurants, Sel de la Terre, the Boston Harbor Hotel, but didn’t really know much about the great wine being made quite literally (well in comparison) in our back yard.  The kickoff was a really great eye opener, a lot of fun, and probably one of the nicest weather days we have had all summer.

One of my favorite wines that day was the rosé from Travessia, and after we returned home, we ended up joining their wine club online. The wine club is free to join, gives you 10% off all purchases, gets you invitations to fun tasting events, and all you are required to do is buy 3 bottles every 4 months. Last night we attended the first wine club event, and I think it was a great success in addition to being a lot of fun.

Store windows

Store windows

Travessia Urban Winery is located on a very cute side street in New Bedford, MA, about an hour from Boston and very close to the Rhode Island border as well as near Cape Cod. This would be a great side trip for anyone visiting Boston or the Cape as this lovely town seems to have a lot to offer in terms of food, art, and scenery. It really felt a million miles from Boston which was a much welcome thing after our normal rushing around.

The front windows are decorated in rich fabric, wine bottles, and candles, creating a really cool, modern vibe. Once you walk inside the store that rich color scheme is continued in a very clean and well laid out space that could fit right into any major city from Boston to San Francisco.

Travessia Shop

Right behind the register there are big wine tanks and barrels. It’s really cool to see where the wine actually comes from!

Travessia 3

The room that the tasting was in was a very cool open space with local art hanging all around. I wish I had taken more photos of the wall sconces, because they were all different creations from local artists.

Tasting setup

Tasting setup

Over the course of the evening I tried Travessia’s rosé again along with their unoaked chardonnay, vidal blanc, and vidal blanc that had been mixed with chopped strawberries about half an hour before. While I enjoyed all of the wines, the rosé was my favorite once again. It is a lovely pink color with a really fresh taste that reminds me a tiny bit of cotton candy, but not at all in a cloying, sugary way. It has just the right amount of sweetness and lacks the slightly vinegar taste that I have gotten from several of the French rosés I have tried. Without exaggerating, this is probably one of the most drinkable wines that I have had in awhile, and it is without a doubt my favorite rosé. Rosé is our summer go-to wine, especially with boulliabase, grilled veggies, and pretty much any other seafood dishes that we like to make.  We now have 3 bottles in our wine rack, and I am looking forward to enjoying them over the remaining weeks of summer.Love the color!

The owner and winemaker at Travessia, Marco Montez, is a very nice  and welcoming person, and to me it is a lot of fun to see exactly where the wine is made and who is responsible for it. Marco gave a short speech about Travessia and about the wine club in the middle of the evening. He is committed to making wine with Massachusetts grapes, and I am really excited to be one of the early wine club members and to be a part of an already great and growing business.If you live in the area or are planning a visit, I would definitely recommend stopping by this winery or checking out their events page to see where they will be next.

Tags: local wine, Massachusetts wine, wine, wine clubs, wine tasting, wineries

  1. leslie’s avatar

    what a fun event and club to be a part of! i love that the wines are all locally produced – it sounds like a wonderful business to support.

    ps – thank you so so much for the blog award!! it’s my first one too! 🙂


  2. Marco Montez’s avatar


    Just wanted to leave a quick note to thank you again for this kind write up. It’s extremely rewarding to see our efforts written about like this. By the way, I’ve read some of your other posts… you’ve got it going! Keep up the great writing.


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