
You are currently browsing articles tagged foodie.

First things first, the Siggi’s winners are: 

Raija, Jenna, and Magic of Spice

Congratulations! Please email me your contact info so I can get you some coupons for free Siggi’s yogurt. Yum.

I am sorry it took me so long to get around to pulling the winners of the giveaway. What a week! I am so happy that it is Friday. After a delicious but veerrrrrrrrry slow dinner at Bergamot last night, I knew that I could only take so much more this week. . .

Thankfully, I have a truly wonderful blogger for today’s Friday Foodie Feature, Jean from The Delightful Repast. I love her responses to the feature questions, and I am excited about her blog and look forward to seeing how it grows!


How long have you been blogging?
I should have started blogging long ago, but I resist technology. My friends think it’s a wonder I use a modern contraption like the gas stove! It wasn’t until February 15 that I started my blog.

What is your favorite thing about blogging?
As a freelance magazine writer, my articles must adhere to the magazines’ requirements. As a blogger, my posts can just flow out of whatever is on my mind at the time. A tightly focused magazine article may not have room for me to squeeze in anything about, say, the importance of eating seasonal, local, organic food that has been grown, harvested, produced and distributed in a socially, as well as environmentally, responsible way. Or about the importance of families sitting down to the dinner table together.


Least favorite?                                                                                     Narrowing down the possibilities is difficult. A lot of the things I make are outside the theme of my blog. The Delightful Repast’s subtitle is: A Tradition of Good Food ~ Comfort Food with Flair. So I try to stay with that theme. Another challenge is keeping it conversational. I tend to slip into the much more formal magazine-style of writing; it’s what I’m used to.

What has been your most fun blog post to write?
Well, I’ve really enjoyed the ones where I’ve talked about my grandmothers–one Southern, one English. My great grandmother even got a mention in my “Cream Gravy” post. But I must say I really had “fun” with two very early posts (before blogging had become work!). I recall having so much fun setting up the photos for these two. And with the “Enough Already with the Garlic!” I was smiling just thinking of the controversy it could stir up if enough people read it!

Where do you see your blog this time next year?
At that point, The Delightful Repast will be 16 months old. And it WILL be–I’m not going to drop out! I see my blog having thousands and thousands of regular readers by then (long before then, I hope!) and editors everywhere clamoring to have me write for them.

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?
I wish I had started sooner, before there were a gazillion food blogs!

Remember, if you want to be a featured foodie, just email me at traveleatlove (@)!

This weekend I have a blogger meetup, The ALLY Foundation Pink for a Change gala, and a day of REST.

What are your weekend plans?

Tags: blogger, Food, foodie

It’s the weekend! I took a vacation day today to head to NJ to visit my family. It’s supposed to be a beautiful weekend, and I hope you are all gearing up for it! Next week is busy busy. I have a tweet up at the Melting Pot, dinner with some food and wine Twitter friends, a visit to a new cafe, and Taste of Cambridge, so I will enjoy some family time and rest this weekend!

Today’s foodie is a blogger who is new-ish to me, Brian from A Thought for Food. In the few weeks that I have been reading his blog, I have decided that he chose the perfect name for it. It is a beautiful site, and there is clearly a lot of thought put into it. He has some incredible food photos and recipes. My email correspondences with Brian have also really shown a lot of thought. When I needed a guest post because of a broken laptop 🙁 he was the first to respond and ready to help. Overall, he is a great blogger, a super kind person, and someone I hope to meet at a Boston event soon! And I love the post he chose as his favorite so check it out!

A Thought for Food image

How long have you been blogging?
July will mark the first anniversary of A Thought For Food

What is your favorite thing about blogging?
I love that blogging has introduced me to foodies from around the world who share a common love for cooking.

Least favorite?
Planning what to blog about next.  I just have too many recipes I want to make and not enough time to make all of them.

What has been your most fun blog post to write?
A recent entry where my wedding photographer came over and took pictures of a dinner I made, which included a whole grilled haddock. It was a very collaborative experience.

Where do you see your blog this time next year?
It took the past year for me to really find my voice and I see that continuing to develop in the years to come. I also believe that the blog thrives off of other people’s connections to the stories and recipes I write about, so I hope that my readership continues to grow.

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?
I think it’s a challenge for any amateur cook to find an outlet to express their love for food.  But what I’ve enjoyed so much about blogging is that it has allowed me to be creative in a way that few mediums can provide.

Want to be a featured foodie? Email me at traveleatlove (@) I am currently seeking foodies for the next 8 weeks or so!

ALSO since many of you are healthy living bloggers/readers, I wanted to share with you a bit of amazingness. George, who I met at Vino Voyage, is riding across the country to raise money for the Community Rowing adaptive program. You can check out his bio, route, and find more information on the cause here. And yes, that’s riding a BIKE across the country from Boston, MA to Portland, OR. You can follow him on Twitter, and I am sure he would appreciate the support!

Tags: blogger, Boston, Food, foodie

Why does it always seem that short weeks feel REALLY long? I am happy to watch this past work week fade away and to tackle a fun weekend ahead. Other than a late Saturday brunch with friends and some volunteering at the MSPCA, my plans are few. How about you?

Last night, we finally received our beautiful new Vissani wine refrigerator. As part of stocking the fridge, I also decided to catalogue all of our wine. Something like oh, 80 bottles later, I was done. I am going to do a separate post on our home wine list and keeping your home sufficiently stocked this weekend, so stay tuned. It was actually a lot of fun and not as time consuming as I had imagined! It made me realize we have a lot of wine from California, New England, and Sicily but not from too many other places. Must expand wine horizons.

It has been awhile since I have done a Friday Foodie Feature due to some fun and bloggable Thursday night events (Vino Voyage, Boston Wine Exchange tasting, to name a few) and I am excited to bring back the feature with a blogger many of you love, Tina from Carrots ‘n’ Cake! Tina’s was the first blog I ever read and was one of the blogs that inspired me to start blogging. I have had the opportunity to hang out with her a few times, and she is just as fun and down to earth as she seems in her blog, the perfect balance of healthy and fit with fun.  She is always super busy and working hard, and I am happy she had the time to be featured here today!


Vino Voyage, Healthy and Sane, Travel Eat Love, Carrots n Cake

How long have you been blogging?

Just about 2.5 years now. It’s crazy how time flies when you’re having fun!

What is your favorite thing about blogging? Least favorite?

My favorite thing about blogging is the community. I have met so many
incredible people and learned so much from the blog world. My least
favorite thing about blogging is the mean/negative comments. (What’s
the point?)

What has been your most fun blog post to write?

The post announcing that I resigned from my full-time job at Harvard.
The photo still cracks me up!

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

Hopefully, it will be trucking along at the same pace!

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

I never planned for blogging to become such a big part of my life, but
I’ve enjoyed nearly every minute of the adventure!

If you haven’t been to Carrots ‘n’ Cake, you should definitely go on over for your fix of healthy, delicious meals, fun workouts, beer, wine, and other fun.

Don’t forget that I will announce the winner of my wine and cheese giveaway tomorrow!

What are your weekend plans?

Tags: blog, blogger, Carrots n Cake, Food, foodie, wine

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