Stop & Shop Giveaway

Stop & Shop

Thank you to Stop & Shop for this giveaway! It is now closed. Congrats to Megan, the winner of the gift card. If you would like a chance to win a $100 gift card, please check out my ALLY Foundation Boston Marathon raffle.

Over the course of planning our Boston Marathon fundraiser, I have been blown away by the generosity of area businesses. One of those businesses is not just giving us a raffle prize, but they are also giving me a gift card to give away to one lucky reader!

Stop & Shop is a company that started in Massachusetts and has grown throughout New England, New Jersey, and New York.  If you live in these areas, I am sure you have shopped there at least once. Despite their growth, they have stayed true to their values, working with the community on hunger issues, helping out the Jimmy Fund, and more.

Stop & Shop has recognized that times are tough, and in response to that, has launched a new line of products called Guaranteed Value. The Guaranteed Value line is full of products we all use, things like cereal, snacks, sauce, laundry detergent, and other household items. More than 60% of the line is $2.00 or less.

The new items can be recognized by their orange packaging, which is no-frills, free of pricy designs and unnecessary materials, which helps Stop & Shop save and pass that savings on to their customers. Pretty great, right?

Now one of you get to do some Guaranteed Value shopping of your own! Just leave a comment here telling me an item that’s always on your grocery list, and enter to win a $25 gift card to Stop & Shop!

Thanks again to Stop & Shop for their support of The ALLY Foundation!

More on the raffle to come next week. . .

Tags: giveaway

  1. Heather’s avatar

    Chocolate milk and eggs are always on my grocery list!

    Good luck in raising money!


  2. Laura Preshong’s avatar

    Fresh fruit, bagels and dog biscuits. Something for everyone.


  3. Marnely Rodriguez’s avatar

    Always on my list, fresh vegetables and fruit and I love shopping at Stop & Shop because they have great deals on them all the time! My favorite is when they have the 2 for 1 berries!


  4. Simply Life’s avatar

    apples are always on the list! my favorite snack to take to work!


  5. Raija’s avatar

    Milk and yogurt are pretty regularly on my list. Nice to read that about Stop & Shop. I knew they were a local company, but not much more than that.


  6. Joy’s avatar

    Toilet paper and almond milk are always on my list


  7. Erica @ Boston Rookie’s avatar

    Milk and bread are always on my list


  8. Daisy’s avatar

    pretty much the basic dairy products – milk, eggs, cheese! usually canned soups and pasta boxes, too! i love that S&S has created this line of products, i had no idea!!


  9. Carol’s avatar

    Bread and milk for me!


  10. Renee’s avatar

    Milk & eggs


  11. Marcie’s avatar

    Cheese, we go through lots of grilled cheese in this house!


  12. Michelle’s avatar

    Great giveaway! Milk is ALWAYS on my shopping list.


  13. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    Great giveaway. Apples and Greek yogurt are always on my list!


  14. Julie’s avatar

    Milk, eggs, cheeses, fruits & veg… we’re pretty average!


  15. DJ’s avatar

    My necessities are milk,peanut butter and bread,always!


  16. Megan’s avatar

    Half and half and soy creamer are always on our list because we can’t make it through a day without coffee!


  17. Eric King’s avatar

    milk , eggs and cheese – gotta keep the tummy feeling full.


  18. Alaina’s avatar

    I love Stop and Shop! I’m bummed that there’s not one close to me here in Somerville.

    I always have Greek yogurt, bread, and fruit on my list.


  19. KK’s avatar

    Bananas, cheese, and the rest is up in the air.


  20. Cindi’s avatar

    Canned crushed tomatoes


  21. melissa’s avatar

    Milk. Milk is always on my grocery list. If my husband is having a good day he will drink a gallon of milk a day! I know he isn’t feeling well when he doesn’t drink milk.


  22. Mary Beth Crowley’s avatar

    Milk and toliet paper!


  23. Sarah’s avatar

    Milk and pasta! 🙂


  24. Katie’s avatar

    Greek yogurt is always on my list!


  25. Anne Sargent’s avatar

    bread, milk, eggs, butter, deli meats, cheese, toilet paper, paper towels


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