Chambord at Del Frisco’s

The holiday season is definitely a great time for getting dressed up, sparkly things, going out, and enjoying lots of social functions. Friday night I attended a Holiday Chic night out at Del Frisco’s Boston location. Sponsored by Dirty Water Media, the event featured Chambord cocktails, bites of Del Frisco’s best, like crab cakes, and tuna tartare, makeup from Elizabeth Grady, and a bunch of other fun, girly things.


I was actually expecting the event to be a ladies’ night, so I was surprised at the very large number of men there! I arrived solo and enjoyed a sample of a Chambord martini while waiting for my friend to arrive.

Chambord martinis

I sampled some Solixir, a really delicious line of refreshing drinks infused with healthy botanical extracts.


And checked out some glittery hair pieces and hats that were for sale.


When my friend arrived, we decided to head out to the Del Frsico’s bar area to get a little bit of air. While everything at the event was delicious, it was very well attended, and the crowd was not the most mannerly group I have ever met. People cut in line for drinks, pushed, shoved, walked in front of things while I was taking pictures. Liberty Wharf, as much as I love it, unfortunately tends to attract the self-important type. As the great Countess Luann put so well, Money can’t buy you class. Winking smile

Before we headed out we grabbed the fabulous gift boxes which contained a can of Solixir and an Elizabeth Grady mud mask which I was very excited about. It also contained a gift card for lunch at Del Frisco’s. I am definitely going to make a point of a fancy business lunch sometime soon! Del Frisco’s also has a fun Sunday deal; I can imagine Sunday would be a little less crowded, thus making for a great date night.


Our experience at the Del Frisco’s bar was much better. We promptly got seats thanks to some nice gentlemen, and we each had a VIP martini and a lemon drop martini. Del Frisco’s has a fun bar scene that makes for good people-watching. Their cocktails are truly first rate (and strong!), and the whole vibe is kind of swanky. It’s a great place to grab some bar bites and cocktails or even an after dinner drink. We ended up having a  fabulous evening on the water. But we both agreed that our preferred way to visit Liberty Wharf is by boat. Only six months to go. . .

What’s the best cocktail you had recently?

Tags: blogging, Boston, Chambord, cocktails, Del Frisco's, events, Restaurants

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    Eek! I got your text and had no idea how bad it was!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      Yeah, it just would have been better as a ladies’ night with a smaller crowd. They do make some fabulous cocktails there though! 🙂


    2. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

      Ugh, too bad it was a mob scene… Del Frisco’s does seem to put on some pretty popular events!


    3. Daisy’s avatar

      glad you escaped the madness/rudeness and had some good cocktails. I agree, Del Frisco’s does a great job with them. The best cocktail I had lately was a passionfruit jalapeno margarita (from a margarita luge!) at a wedding tasting event!


    4. Erica @ In and Around Town’s avatar

      Annoying about the crowd, but looks like you got some good swag nonetheless! I had a cocktail at Highland Kitchen with cucumber vodka and lemonade – delicious!


    5. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

      I like your polite way of saying the people were jerks. Sorry it was so packed and people kept getting in your way. It sounds like the bar was fun though 🙂


    6. Molly Galler’s avatar

      LOVE that you just quoted Countess LuAnn. Sorry you were getting pushed around by jerks. Maybe if we close our eyes and really concentrate on wishing, it will be June again.


    7. Alaina’s avatar

      I haven’t been to Del Frisco’s yet! Those cocktails sound yummy. 🙂

      I’ve heard that that whole area gets so tough to get into during the summer. Even for us concierge! We can never get a table there.


    8. Megan’s avatar

      I love Chambord… probably not with vodka but more like with Champagne. 🙂 It sounds like there were some good parts to the event aside from the crowd and I’m sure you’ll find it quieter when you head back for lunch!


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