Easy Roasted Red Pepper Dip

Sunday’s dreary weather put an end to our plans to bring friends out boating. Instead of going out, we spent the day being somewhat lazy (much needed!), working, and grocery shopping.

Since we weren’t getting together for the afternoon, one of the couples invited everyone over for an early Sunday night dinner. After a long day and night on the water on Saturday, an early, low key meal on Sunday was just what I wanted.

In addition to bringing some beverages, I wanted a simple appetizer to share, so I whipped up this easy roasted red pepper dip.

easy roasted red pepper dip

As with all of my recipes, I just eyeballed and tasted until I had the perfect flavor. I used about a cup and a half of roasted red peppers, a cup of crumbled feta, 1/3 a bar of Neufchatel cheese and a drizzle of olive oil.

roasted red peppers

I pureed the above ingredients together, then added some salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper flakes for a dip with a kick.

easy roasted red pepper dip

Along with the dip, I brought a few Iggy’s baguettes, one seeded and one with onion. They both provided a soft, chewy dipper, but this dip was also delicious with Kashi multigrain crackers (when I was sampling), and would be incredible with carrot sticks or other veggies.

I love dips that can easily be pulled together for last minute entertaining. Good wine, friends, and music also always help.

What are your entertaining secrets? Favorite recipes, music, themes etc.?

Tags: appetizer, entertaining, Food, roasted red peppers, Vegetarian

  1. Daisy’s avatar

    sorry the weather spoiled your boat plans. sounds like you made the best of it. i love this dip!


  2. Lindsey @ BeantownEats’s avatar

    This recipe sounds perfect to bring to a bachelorette party I’m going to in a couple of weeks. Thanks!


  3. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

    I always have cheese, nuts, and Italian meat (prosciutto or salami) for instant entertaining. And I keep some desserts in my freezer at all times 🙂 See you later!


  4. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    Glad you got to enjoy this dip, despite the weather. I made something very similar to mimic Oleana’s dish (but then heated it and added crab meat) — isn’t feta and red peppers a magical combo?? My entertaining secret (as you will learn shortly) is to be very anal, make lists and prepare days in advance!


  5. Megan’s avatar

    Love easy dips like this. The Peppadew one we learned at Whole Foods is my go-to dip now, but I am always looking for other easy ones too.


  6. Michelle’s avatar

    My go-to dip is usually a white bean dip. This looks lovely and I love the addition of feta!


  7. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    I usually just bring hummus and chopped veggies. It’s a crowd pleaser.


  8. Elizabeth’s avatar

    Red pepper and feta go so well together. PS. It was nice seeing you tonight! I feel like it’d been a while


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