Holiday in Newport

Newport, Rhode Island is one of my all time favorite New England towns. Summer perfection, in each and every purple hydrangea, in the sparkling blue sea, and sailboats, Newport is certainly dripping with wealth, but it is also laden with New England charm and is an affordable day trip from Boston.

Over the 4th of July weekend, we were fortunate to be invited to visit friends who were borrowing a house in Newport for the weekend. We set off Saturday morning for our favorite New England winery, Travessia, to try the 100% Massachusetts grown Pinot Noir that was just released. I’ll post about that later, but let me say, it is fantastic. You should visit Travessia and eat at Ginger Grill after for kimchi and dumplings. But, again, that’s another post.

We arrived in Newport in the early afternoon and got a tour of the house, which was a block from the Newport Harbor.

Newport, RI

A massive old carriage house style home, this house has five bedrooms with bathrooms and two kitchens. The stove was amazing, the fridge was a gigantic SubZero, and I wanted to move in. It was a seriously large, beautiful, but comfortable house decorated appropriately for its age.

awesome stove

Saturday was one of those gorgeous New England summer days that should last forever, so we didn’t waste much time inside the house. Instead we headed to one of the Newport area’s beautiful beaches, 3rd Beach, a secluded bay side swath of soft sand and warm water. I hate to say it, but I can’t get over just how much nicer Rhode Island beaches are than Massachusetts beaches. So much warmer! And cleaner, and the sand is so much softer. I will always love the Cape, but for swimming, I might be heading South more often.

3rd Beach, Newport

Once we had our fill of sand, we headed to Castle Hill for cocktails on the lawn. Talk about beauty, elegance, and feeling like you are in The Great Gatsby or The House of Mirth.

Castle Hill’s expansive lawn transforms you back to another time, with views all around from the outdoor dining area, bar, and Adirondack chairs sprinkled throughout.

Castle Hill

Castle Hill

Castle Hill

Indoor dining areas are equally impressive, sparing no detail, and taking full advantage of Castle Hill’s views. Once we had our cocktails (a Dark & Stormy for me!), our friend used his keen eyes to spot some Adirondack chairs opening up on the lawn, and we went for them.

Castle Hill

Castle Hill

Lounging on the lawn at Castle Hill was the perfect way to wrap up the afternoon before heading back to the house for a barbecue. I can’t believe I had never been there before, and I can’t wait to go back!

The weekend is almost here again! Do you have any fun day trips planned?

Tags: beaches, cocktails, New England, Newport, summer, Travel

  1. Amanda @ The Hungry Wanderers’s avatar

    Newport is one of my favorite New England towns, at least from my memory (it’s been so long since I’ve been up there). My dad was born there and my parents eloped there so it has extra special meaning as well. I haven’t vacationed in Newport in a long, long time and hope to get back there in the coming years 🙂 Thanks for the beautiful pictures!


  2. Elizabeth’s avatar

    I’ve never been to Newport and it is definitely on my list of places to visit this summer.


  3. Daisy’s avatar

    such a cute pic of you and Eric. and those views are stunning!


  4. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

    Love that pic with the chairs, so summery and quintessential New England. You look so pretty in your dress!


  5. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    Castle Hill looks so charming. You definitely got a lovely weekend for the trip! Hooray for summer in New England!


  6. Cathy’s avatar

    Thank you for this beautiful post! My husband and I love Newport! I introduced him to Newport 3 years ago and we have returned every year since. Our trip this year is for the Labor Day weekend and we can’t wait!


  7. Erica’s avatar

    Looks like a fantastic trip – beautiful views! I have never stayed in Newport, but it seems I might have to change that soon.


  8. Elizabeth’s avatar

    I love Newport– and hydrangeas are my absolute favorite. We are headed to Boothbay Harbor this weekend, another quintessential New England spot. 🙂


  9. Sues’s avatar

    Looks like such a wonderful and beautiful weekend!! Yay for summer 🙂 🙂


  10. Michelle Collins’s avatar

    I absolutely love Newport – glad you had a great holiday weekend!


  11. Megan’s avatar

    Castle Hill looks gorgeous. I could definitely spend a day there! Looks so relaxing.


  12. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    I live 30 minutes from Newport, but the traffic is killer. I want to get down there soon!


  13. Michelle’s avatar

    Aw, you guys look so happy on the lawn! I’m glad to hear that Saturday was so much fun. We’re exploring the city this weekend…and doing lots of packing!


  14. Alicia’s avatar

    I love Newport – my friend Kirsten is getting married there in August!! Your pictures get me even more excited for their nuptuals.

    I still need to go to Travessia!


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