Guest Posters

Happy Sunday, friends! How is your weekend going so far? Mine has been fabulous. Friday night we visited friends for St. Germain cocktails and sushi delivery. After a night of laughs, I slept very well. Saturday we had hoped to go boating with some other friends, but due to my malfunctioning Blackberry that was caught in a rainstorm with me on Wednesday, we didn’t connect with them in time and missed our tide window to leave the dock. Because we are new to the yacht club, our dock space is dead last, and when the tide goes out, we are basically in the mud. Not good for the engine, and if we don’t get back in time, we could miss the opportunity to park for several hours.

Probably too much information, but our lives this summer pretty much depend on the tides.

We have plans today to head out on the boat, and then I am off to Rialto for dinner with the ladies. I was thinking last night how I haven’t had a Friday Foodie Feature or any guest posts in quite awhile. I love guest posters because they give you all a break from me, and because I love reading new perspectives.

So. . .

I am collecting guest posts to post for the rest of the summer? The theme? Dream _____________. Write a post about your dream vacation, your dream dinner, dream business, job, whatever. Feel free to include photos (with sources) if you would like. Email your post to me at traveleatlove Cat face The cat is what happens when you put in @ in parentheses. I didn’t know that, but I might use it again. I apologize in advance.

Questions? Let me know! I am looking forward to your posts!

Tags: guest posts

  1. Megan’s avatar

    I’ll try to think of a dream post for you. See you tonight!


  2. Kelly’s avatar

    Oo, I may do this… except for the fact that me thinking of my dream vacation could be a dangerous game- I really have a trip planning problem haha


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