Easiest Black Bean Soup

Our dinner at Temazcal had me thinking of one thing I wished I had tried, their black bean soup. Being that we were there on a 90 degree day and were stuck in a sweaty crowd for half the time, I opted not to get a piping hot bowl. But a few days later, when the weather cooled down and became complete weather perfection, I decided to go for it.

My own version of black bean soup was incredibly simple. I started by chopping half a white onion and a jalapeno.

onion and jalapeno

I added those to a bit of oil and got them cooking while I added garlic powder, chili powder, and cumin.


Then I added in my black beans, liquid and all and simmered it all together, grabbing my immersion blender and blending the ingredients for a smoother soup.

I let it simmer a bit more while I prepped the most important part, my toppings.

I gathered shredded Mexican cheese, chopped jalapenos, Greek yogurt, chopped onion, and cilantro.


And when my bowl was ready, I went to town on the toppings. All of the additions made for a contrast with the hot, velvety soup. I added a bit of the yogurt after the photo was taken; I really love Greek yogurt over sour cream.

black bean soup

This was another easy meal that made for great next day leftovers, served for lunch over Trader Joe’s grains blend.

Do you eat hot soup in the summer?

I also really enjoy cold soup, and just in time for the dog days of summer, my friend Chef Robin White is having a virtual cold soup party this August. I’ll be whipping up some of the recipes and sharing the experience here. Join in if you like!

Tags: Food, recipe, soup, Vegetarian

  1. Megan’s avatar

    Sounds so simple and delicious. I really need an immersion blender! I actually do eat soup during the summer too… some summer veggies make the best soups. I remember making a delicious zucchini and tomato soup last summer.


  2. Michelle’s avatar

    Immersion blenders and food processors make soups really easy! I’m working from home today with the most horrendous sun/heat rash and the last thing I want is hot soup!


  3. Jolene (www.everydayfoodie.ca)’s avatar

    I don’t care how hot it is outside, I will ALWAYS eat soup 🙂 I love it extra piping hot too!


  4. alicia’s avatar

    Yum – Love black bean soup. I will sometimes eat hot soup in the summer (especially when my office is over air-conditioned) but I usually eat lighter soups than in the colder months.

    Had a delicious miso soup today with lunch!


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