Yearbook Time

A blast from the past came to me this weekend when my sister attended the closing reception for the Catholic school that we both went to from Kindergarten to 8th grade.

While I am not sad at all to see the school close; my memories are full of awful priests and nuns, Mean Girls (and sometimes I was one of them, just to be included), and an education that left me behind my public school counterparts, I guess other people did have fond memories and wanted to see the place one last time.

Throughout the event, my sister texted me photos from my 8th grade yearbook, and I thought I would share. Everyone needs a good laugh on a Monday, right?


Apparently, at the age of 14 I was the most likely to succeed. In a class of 12 people, I don’t consider that much of an achievement, but here’s to hoping! All I can think about was how uncomfortable those navy blue sweaters were. So itchy! I don’t really look much different 17 years later. I guess that’s a good thing?

Other categories included prettiest, smartest, and best couple. We had ONE couple in the class. So funny and silly and kind of not-so-nice of adults to even let kids decide these sorts of things.


My official 8th grade graduation photo! My hair is actually kind of cute, and what a genuine smile Smile


Some of the artifacts of yesteryear even included yearbooks I had signed. Check out that fab handwriting, not to mention that fact that my career goal was to be a Marine Biologist. I guess there’s still time? I can’t for the life of me ever remember wanting to do anything scientific. The math and science programs at the school left most things to be desired, and I hated the subjects from 3rd grade on. Sister Margaret was our 4th grade teacher and fell asleep most days and had nosebleeds on others, leaving us to our own learning devices!

Also, I was allowed to choose my high school and went to public high school which was a scandal to the max. I would surely end up pregnant or shot or as a dropout if I went to public school, according to the other Catholic school parents. . .

Ahh memories! Those years definitely shaped my feelings about religion, that is for sure. Many years later, I can look back and laugh. Yearbooks are a great thing!

Did you like the schools you went to growing up?

Did your yearbook have silly/fun categories for students? Did you become what you wanted to be when you grew up?

  1. Beth’s avatar

    crazy! the Catholic school I went to also closed just this year unfortunately. Your post takes me back…there were only 25 of us and we were together from 2nd grade – 8th grade. I have to laugh when I think back on it.. we fought like siblings. I also went to public high school and remember people worrying about the same things… public schools were scary and full of evil, criminal kids, right? Guess everyone always fears the unknown 🙂


  2. Megan’s avatar

    Too funny! I’m supposed to become the first female president, according to my 5th grade class… looks like I still have a little time to work on that one. 🙂 Cute pictures!

    I only went to Catholic school for kindergarten, so I never had to wear the uniforms.


  3. Raija’s avatar

    Hey You!!! I was voted Most Likely to Succeed too!!! Did we know this shared kinship with eachother?? Did you know since you are steel-trap, and I have early onset? I LOVE the picture. Have you seen mine — me and Jon shared the spot. I’ll scan soon and send 🙂


  4. Michelle’s avatar

    I have my high school and college yearbooks at home and cringe at how I looked in both photos. Still, i love reading all of the notes in my high school yearbook!


  5. Jolene (’s avatar

    Most likely to succeed!!! That’s awesome!!!

    I loved my schools!!


  6. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    Well, you’re definitely succesful! I was class clown in 8th grade and 12th grade.
    We had the same haircut 🙂


  7. Julie’s avatar

    So glad you chose public school!! =)


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