Strawberry Salad with Grilled Scallops

Strawberries, scallops, and peppery arugula all taste like summer to me. After a long winter, there is nothing I crave more than strawberries. Well, maybe heirloom tomatoes, but they don’t arrive until later in the summer, and I don’t want to rush things.

Strawberries, plump and red, if you are lucky, juicy enough that they are more than a little messy to eat, are perfect on their own. We all know that they make a happy union with shortcake and cream, and who doesn’t love a strawberry cupcake? I foresee myself making all of the above, but this past weekend, I wanted a strawberry and scallop salad.


Salads are the essence of summer, their simple preparation welcome after a day in the sun. I started this salad by cleaning and slicing strawberries on the beautiful Oxo cutting board I got at Eat, Write, Retreat.

I paused for a second to smell the sweetness of the raw scallops before putting them on a piping hot grill pan. I love how a fresh scallop smells as much as I love the taste. I did my best not to move them around in hopes of getting a golden brown, caramel color on each side.

sea scallops

While I left the scallops alone, I plated fresh arugula, strawberries, and crumbled goat cheese, finally adding the scallops when cooked through. They took no more than six minutes total.

strawberry scallop salad

I thought about adding some honey balsamic vinegar to the salad, but the flavors were perfect on their own. Happy, happy almost summer. Smile

What is your favorite way to eat strawberries?

Tags: healthy, recipe, salad, scallops, strawberries, summer, summer meals

  1. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    I agree – strawberries exude summer (and TJ’s is selling 4 lb containers now, so I have a lot to use up!). This salad looks perfect for the impending heat wave!


  2. Elizabeth’s avatar

    Interesting mix of ingredients. Headed to NY currently and I can’t wait to get strawberries at the farmers’ market.


  3. Daisy’s avatar

    I never thought to pair strawberries and scallops! fun combo!!


  4. Lauren at Keep It Sweet’s avatar

    This salad looks delicious, a seriously perfect summer meal!


  5. Michelle Collins’s avatar

    This looks great! I love adding strawberries to my morning cereal, or just eating them as a snack.


  6. Megan’s avatar

    That looks like the perfect summer salad. I love making strawberry ice cream and strawberry shortcakes with ripe strawberries.


  7. Shannon’s avatar

    I’m making a salad with strawberries tonight… LOVE them. Those scallops look great, I need to pick some up ASAP.


  8. Enrico’s avatar

    Gotta be wimbledon Season again – Strawberries and Cream please …. YUM!!


  9. Betsy’s avatar

    When I was reading the first sentence about scallops, strawberries and arugula i was thinking “mmmm, just add some goat cheese and I’m sold” and then you did! Yum! This is everything I love all in one! We’re hosting an online seasonal potluck and June is strawberry month. If you’d like to link your recipe, we’d love to have you!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      What a neat idea! I submitted it, thanks for letting me know!


    2. Michelle’s avatar

      This salad SCREAMS summer to me. I’ve been eating strawberries lately simply sliced up with cereal in the morning.


    3. Jason Phelps’s avatar

      I don’t think I have ever had this combination before. I love strawberries this time of year as well! We’ll be out picking ours for the 2011 strawberry wine real soon!



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