Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Bliss

It’s very rare that I have a craving for anything sweet. If you have read this blog for any period of time, you know I would skip dessert for chips and salsa, and that I find most sweet things to be way too much. But lately, I have had peanut butter and chocolate on the brain, and this weekend I decided to do something about it.

peanut butter

I scanned lots of websites for brownie recipes and finally came across a recipe that was for peanut butter brownies, no chocolate involved. The recipe was perfect as I had all of the ingredients in the house already (subbing butter for margarine)

peanut butter blondies

The addition of peanut butter to the batter really gave it a thick, creamy texture, and it smelled amazing. I cut back on the sugar called for in the recipe just a bit to make room for semi-sweet chocolate chips. While the peanut butter would be great by itself some days, I needed my chocolate peanut butter fix!

peanut butter blondies

The end result was perfect. I always end up cooking things for less time than the recipe requires, and it usually works like a charm. I loved the texture of these, moist and buttery but with a bite here and there from the chocolate chips.

I would make a few changes to the recipe next time. I would add more peanut butter to enhance that peanut butter flavor even more, and I would leave out the vanilla. Even the tiniest bit of vanilla extract in a dessert seems to overwhelm me. That’s some strong stuff!

peanut butter chocolate blondies

These made a nice dessert and also a perfect pairing for a cup of tea on a rainy Monday morning. I am going to DC for Eat, Write, Retreat this weekend and despite the gloomy weather outside, am trying to keep upbeat. Spring has to be somewhere out there!

What is your favorite dessert combination? How are you dealing with our extended winter?


Peanut Butter Brownies


  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1/3 cup margarine, softened
  • 2/3 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C ). Grease a 9×9 inch baking pan.
  2. In a medium bowl, cream together peanut butter and margarine. Gradually blend in the brown sugar, white sugar, eggs, and vanilla; mix until fluffy. Combine flour, baking powder, and salt; stir into the peanut butter mixture until well blended.
  3. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes in preheated oven, or until the top springs back when touched. Cool, and cut into 16 squares.

Tags: baking, chocolate, chocolate chips, dessert, peanut butter

  1. Di’s avatar

    Those look so good. I need to make them! I love pb and chocolate. Yum!


  2. Tiffany’s avatar

    I crave sweets ALL the time … and this is right up my alley!


  3. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    I have a total sweet tooth and eat dark chocolate every night. PB and chocolate is such a perfect combo. I’m making these soon!


  4. Elizabeth’s avatar

    These look awesome. I have already baked cookies three times this week due to the rainy weather. The rain is so frustrating!


  5. Daisy’s avatar

    these look like the perfect pairing with a morning cup of tea! You must be getting excited for DC!!!


  6. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

    Obviously you know I don’t like dessert either. Mwahaha. Anything with chocolate is fine with me! Since these brownies don’t have chocolate in the batter, are they considered blondies? Have fun in DC this weekend!! The weather here in Boston is so gross, but it’s the type of weather that’s perfect for fresh baked brownies and cookies so I’m happy with that 😉


  7. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    These sound delicious! I’m not a chocolate fan so I would devour these! I would probably add extra vanilla though 🙂


  8. Angela@RecipesFromMyMom’s avatar

    I can’t stop myself from trying every PB & chocolate recipe I see. Next time you’re hit with the craving again, make Martha Stewart’s Halloween Blondies but use chopped up Reeses PB Cups instead of the Reeses Pieces. These have such a great marriage of chocolate and PB, you won’t be able to stop yourself.


  9. Lauren at Keep It Sweet’s avatar

    Yum! I was just looking for a peanut butter brownie/blondie recipe to try…. these look perfect!


  10. Heather’s avatar

    Have fun in DC.

    These look amazing – I love soy nut butter and chocolate together. I would probably prefer regular brownies though…!

    Save travels!


  11. Shannon’s avatar

    Any dessert that contains peanut butter is a win by me!

    I need sunshine! Ive been craving comfort food with this constant chill in the air.


  12. Michelle Collins’s avatar

    I love peanut butter and chocolate together! These look fantastic.


  13. Megan’s avatar

    I would make those and then put a layer of chocolate ganache on top! You’ve just given me a choc-pb craving, but luckily there is a choc-PB Twix bar sitting on my desk next to me. I hope you have an awesome time this weekend!


  14. Michelle’s avatar

    I’ve been baking up a lot of cookies lately! I’m heading to Philly tomorrow for a quick overnight trip and I’m thinking of baking some more “perfect” chocolate chip cookies for the road trip.


  15. Evan Thomas’s avatar

    I definitely crave desserts more than actual food. I’d eat it all the time if I could.
    As good as chocolate and pb is, I think my favorite combination is really dark fudgy chocolate and raspberries.


  16. Emily @ Life On Food’s avatar

    Peanut butter and anything seems like a great combination to me. My favorite desserts though include coconut!


  17. Belinda @zomppa’s avatar

    I’d crave these anytime, anyday.


    1. The Chocolate Priestess’s avatar

      I love to read about successes in experimentation with recipes. I try hard to remember what I do so that when that happens I have it handy for a future time.


    2. Raija’s avatar

      Now I will go home and proceed to eat all of the peanut butter and chocolate I can find. Thanks! 😉


    3. Raija’s avatar

      P.S. Have you tried Smart Balance Peanut Butter? It’s really good and is fortified with omega-3’s and has no refined sugar.


    4. alicia’s avatar

      I love fruit and pastry desserts — but chocolate peanut butter has a special place in my heart – your brownies look great …. come to think of it, I could go for some dessert….


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