Food Art

Remember that June where it rained every day for the entire month? Yeah, I am pretty sure those dreary “summer” days are hard to forget, and it looks like this May is trying to one up June 2009. Don’t get me wrong. I love rainy days and actually appreciate a cloudy day or two every week. I find them more serene than sunny days, and in this allergy season, I can finally breathe more easily. It’s not so much the rain that is getting me down, it’s the cold! I am back to working in multiple layers of fleece with my down slippers on, sipping on various Yogi teas all day to stay warm. We even put the heat on a few times this week. It’s obviously not as cold as it was all winter, but my body is just longing to feel comfortable, no chattering teeth or blue fingers, just that ahhhhhh when you can sit back, relax and not feel too hot or too cold.

I am ready to feel like that.

To bring the taste of summer into my life this week, I decided I needed a bright caprese salad.

caprese salad

It provided a bright contrast to what I was looking at out of my skylight.

rain in Boston

Caprese salad is such a simple and colorful dish, perfect for a light summer dinner with a baguette and a glass of wine.

This time, I used Shaw’s brand, Culinary Circle fresh mozzarella. Once again, the store brand is just as good as the fancier brands but about a dollar cheaper.

fresh mozzarella

These tomatoes looked gorgeous, but they ended up being a little too hard. It was a little disappointing, but I know I will appreciate local summer tomatoes that much more.

vine ripened tomatoes

My Shaw’s had one box of basil left, and it looked awful, so I bought these Gourmet Garden herbs in a tube.

tube of basil

Tomatoes, basil, mozzarella, olive oil, salt, and pepper. It couldn’t be easier or more delicious.
caprese salad

Served, of course, with a side of Tostitos hint of jalapeno because I am a tortilla chip addict. These beat out the hint of lime chips, in my opinion!

Tostitos Jalapeno

This was actually my mid day lunch, one of the perks of working from home!


What summer foods are you most looking forward to?

Tags: Food, mozzarella, salad, tomatoes, Vegetarian

  1. Enrico’s avatar

    Wow – the presentation looks really beautiful – I bet it tastes even better.


  2. Michelle Collins’s avatar

    This looks great! I love making homemade salsas in the summer – I’ll have to pick up those jalapeno Tostitos!


  3. Megan’s avatar

    I love the way you plated the caprese salad. I absolutely cannot wait for tomatoes and corn. I bought zucchini and summer squash at Savenor’s today… I had a serious veggie craving.


  4. Michelle’s avatar

    I made a parsley pesto pasta tossed with roasted tomatoes and lima beans yesterday for lunch…and it makes me realize how much I am yearning for fresh local tomatoes!


  5. Lauren at Keep It Sweet’s avatar

    I just said the exact same thing today… that June was SO brutal! Hopefully the weather will turn around soon:-) That meal looks like you are moving in the right direction!


  6. alicia’s avatar

    That salad looks great. I can’t wait for tomatoes, sweet corn and local berries this summer! so basically, everything summer.


  7. Jolene (’s avatar

    That salad is gorgeous!!! I love the colour contrast.


  8. Elizabeth’s avatar

    Caprese salad totally is food art. I love that you barely need to do anything except lay out the tomatoes, mozzarella and basil and it becomes a gorgeous platter.


  9. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    So colorful! I could’ve used that lunch this week. I’ve been so down. I blame the rain. Oh well, we could live down south so I’ll just shut up. Have a great weekend!


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