Vegetable Pancakes

On weekends that we go to NJ, we rarely end up doing a big grocery shopping trip. Instead, I try to make time during the week to walk to the store meaning I can only buy as much as I can carry on a 15 minute walk each time.

As I am realizing more and more that I need to. . . ahem. . . revise my eating habits a little after a long winter at home, I made the focal point of this shopping trip fruits and vegetables. I didn’t really have a plan for them, but I knew they had to come home with me.

zucchini and squash

I purchased a huge bag of carrots, radishes, and several summer squash and zucchini, and we ate or drank them little by little throughout the week. By the time Friday rolled around, I needed to do something with the remaining carrots and squash, and I decided to rework the zucchini pancakes I made last summer.

After trying to figure out what veggies I would use, I went with one batch of zucchini and sweet corn pancakes and one batch of carrot and summer squash. I started by grating my veggies.


To those, I added an egg, about 3/4 cup of milk, and 1/2 cup whole wheat flour.

whole wheat flour

I also sprinkled in some garlic powder and stirred until I had a thick, almost doughy consistency.

vegetable pancakes

To keep the recipe as healthy as possible, I pan-cooked these in just about a tablespoon of olive oil, flipping so that both sides got golden brown.

vegetable pancakes

I obviously had to sneak some sriracha in there, so I served these with a side of Greek yogurt mixed with sriracha. I dusted the actual pancakes with nutritional yeast and added a side of chopped radishes. Radishes might just be my new vegetable obsession. I love them all alone or topped with a sliver of Kerrygold. . .

vegetable pancakes

These veggie pancakes were a perfect lunch and a great way to use up a variety of vegetables at once. The whole wheat flour and skim milk meant that these are pretty good for you too.

You’ll be seeing more salads and less wine on this little blog over the coming weeks, and I will definitely welcome any suggestions as I try again to revive my Spring Health Challenge!

Have you ever had savory pancakes?

Tags: Food, pancakes, vegetables, Vegetarian

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    There is a Korean version of zucchini pancakes but they are a little more eggy. This looks fantastic!

    After last night’s meal, I need to be eating more salads too 🙂


  2. Megan’s avatar

    I loved your zucchini pancakes last year, and these sound fabulous too! I have those grocery trips occasionally too where I find myself filling my basket with fruits and veggies. I think it’s my body’s way of telling me I’ve been eating too much crap. I made an egg white omelet this morning to counteract last night’s dinner.


  3. Shannon’s avatar

    I’ve never made savory pancakes but I love the idea! I’m looking forward to the abundance of vegetables available that will be available soon and great salads. I feel like I’ve been a carb fiend this winter!


  4. Daisy’s avatar

    never made savory pancakes! will have to change that.


  5. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    Great idea! I always have trouble finding uses for carrots. Now I just need zucchini to mix them with 🙂


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