Cupcake Camp

Prepare to drool at Cupcake Camp Boston photos. This unbelievable event brought together lots of amateur and professional bakers with their gorgeous, sweet creations for an all-you-can-eat evening of pure sugary bliss, all for a donation to Lovin’ Spoonfuls Food Rescue. Let’s take a wander around my favorites, shall we?


King Arthur Flour cupcakes

King Arthur Flour was the event sponsor and had a table teeming with all sorts of delightful, fun cupcakes.

King Arthur Flour cupcake

I found these coconut cupcakes with a pineapple flower, made by an amateur baker, particularly gorgeous.


coconut cupcakes with pineapple flower

Sweet red velvet cupcakes

Sweet cupcakes

Treat Cupcake Bar make your own frosting

Treat Cupcake Bar

Cocktails meet cupcakes

cupcake camp

Pretty in pink

cupcake camp

Whole Foods River Street two bite cupcakes


Whole Foods Market cupcakes

Mix Bakery Peanut Butter Cup puts the heavenly in buttercream.

Mix Bakery cupcakes

At the end of the evening, after many bites of mini cupcakes, I left Cupcake Camp so impressed by the work of both the amateur and professional bakers. There was so much love and creativity in every bite, and everyone who participated should be so proud of the work they did.

But, a girl has her favorites, and at the end of the night, mine were the Mix Bakery salted caramel and the C Cups red velvet cupcakes were the two that stood out the most. As you all know, I am not one for super sweet things, and I found these cupcakes to be so balanced, the dessert that dreams are made of.

What is the best or craziest cupcake combination you have ever had?

Tags: Cupcake Camp, Cupcakes, events, Mix Bakery, Sweet, Whole Foods

  1. Megan’s avatar

    Ha! My frosting last night from the Treat booth was pretty crazy. Chocolate with mini Reese’s pieces, chocolate sprinkles, and chocolate-covered pretzels! Great to see you!


  2. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    Wow. I would park myself at the frosting station and never leave.


  3. Shannon’s avatar

    Cupcake Camp looks so… delicious! What a great event!


  4. Daisy’s avatar

    you got some gorgeous photographs! sorry I didnt make it, had dinner plans with my sister. sounds like a really great time!!


  5. Vicki @ Wilde in the kitchen’s avatar

    I’m so jealous! This looks like the most amazing night!


  6. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    Great photos!! This looks like a fantastic event… on the one hand, I am very sad to have missed it. On the other, I think I would have eaten every cupcake in sight! 🙂


  7. Jaime @ la vie...j'aime’s avatar

    it’s official- i MUST go to this next year. I love Sweet’s red velvet.. so yum.


  8. Emily @ Life On Food’s avatar

    My cookie addiction is slowly…ok quickly, turing into a cupcake addiction from your photos. These all look amazing and delicious. I think I would have left with a huge stomachache, but it would have been well worth it. Lovely!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I stopped when my teeth started to feel too sugary, so I avoided the stomachache, luckily! SO many cupcakes to choose from!


    2. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

      Too bad I missed you last night – it was a cupcake extravaganza! See you later 🙂


    3. Michelle’s avatar

      What a great event! I’m hoping to find some cupcakes tonight at Taste of the Nation to make up for missing the Cupcake Camp last night!


    4. Belinda @zomppa’s avatar

      Your warning wasn’t sufficient…I want every cupcake!!


    5. Joy’s avatar

      It looks like you had a great time.


    6. Sherry @JustAPinch’s avatar

      What fun! Got some fun ideas from your post. Thanks for sharing!


    7. Amanda L (Tales from a Kitchen Misfit)’s avatar

      I’m still bummed about missing out on the salted caramel! I was so impressed with everyone I wish I could have tried them all!


    8. Raija’s avatar

      Soooooo pretty. I’m sending to Caitlin…she’s potentially starting a little mini-baking business…


    9. Kat’s avatar

      Oh wow! So many beautiful cupcakes


    10. Sharon (umommy)’s avatar

      Amazing photos! The Salted Caramel from Mix Bakery were my favorite too!


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        They are amazing! I want some right now!!


      2. The Chocolate Priestess’s avatar

        Some of these look almost too nice to eat… note the “some” and “almost” part… I’d still eat them!


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