Starbucks Blue Java Giveaway

This post has been a long time coming! A few weeks ago, I attended a coffee tasting at the Starbucks on Newbury Street in Boston. I am a Starbucks lover, so when invited to taste their new Blue Java coffee, I jumped at the chance. Suddenly, a chilly winter day was filled with the aromas of freshly brewed coffee. . .

Starbucks Clover

A small group of bloggers met with a representative from Starbucks and a representative from Starbucks’ PR agency for an event that really opened my eyes to the world of coffee.

Starbucks gift bags

When I arrived, I was delighted to see gift bags. Smile Not so happy to see more snow! But the view on to Newbury Street was lovely.

Newbury Street Starbucks

Starbucks Kona

Over the course of the event, we tasted both the Blue Java and the 100% Kona coffees, treating the tasting just like a wine tasting and using all of our senses to evaluate the coffee. I enjoy coffee immensely, but many times when I am drinking it, the caffeine is what I am after. This tasting was an experience; we noted that the Blue Java had a nose of pine and sage with clean but earthy flavors. It paired perfectly with the Monterey Jack breakfast sandwich.

In contrast, the Kona had citrus and vanilla undertones. Just like with wine, the terroir or growing conditions, of coffee affect the entire experience. It was fun to compare and contrast the coffees. The Kona was paired with a sweet treat, the cinnamon coffee cake, and again, the flavors of the coffee really brought out the food, and vice versa.

Starbucks cinnamon coffee cake

Another portion of the tasting was comparing French press brewed coffee with coffee brewed in Starbucks’ signature Clover machine. The Clover method actually pulls the water through the coffee via a very fine microfilter.

Starbucks Clover machine

Neat, huh? Clover technology is pretty top secret, so I can’t say anymore about that.

Starbucks Clover machine

What I can say is what a huge difference we noticed in the Clover coffee versus the French press! I didn’t catch a photo, but the French press coffee left a very slight film in the paper cup where with the Clover method, the cup was completely clean. The coffee flavors were cleaner as well, bolder, and more intense.

I enjoyed being able to sample a new Starbucks release, seeing my fellow bloggers, and treating coffee like the experience that it is.

Want to find out for yourself? Starbucks is giving me five packs of Blue Java to give to a lucky reader!

To enter:

1) Answer this question in the comment section: How do you like your coffee?

2) If you have a blog link back to this give away.

3) If you are on Twitter, tweet “I want to win @starbucks coffee from @traveleatlovemm

I will choose a winner on Friday morning.

Tags: blue Java, Boston, Clover coffee, coffee, coffee cake, coffee tasting, Kona, Newbury Street, Starbucks, Starbucks coffee

  1. Erin (Travel Eat Repeat)’s avatar

    and I like my coffee with a splash of vanilla almond milk. Yum.


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I like the taste of the vanilla almond milk in coffee, but do you find that it looks curdled a little?


    2. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

      I like my coffee with milk and two Splendas. Maybe a hint of vanilla!


    3. Lee @ RealLeeRunning’s avatar

      I drink my coffee black! I love Starbucks!!


    4. Shannon’s avatar

      Tweeted! (@lemongroveavenu)


    5. Shannon’s avatar

      I like my coffee with SO Delicious Coconut Milk Creamer and a packet of Stevia in the Raw!


    6. Carolyn’s avatar

      I like my coffee black


    7. Jason Phelps’s avatar

      I like mine with a little cream and sugar. I drink high end specialty coffees paired with food black however.



    8. Beth @ The Sailing Foodie’s avatar

      I love my coffee black and piping hot in the morning. Evening coffee with a bit of almond milk.


    9. Justin @JustinCanCook’s avatar

      Cool, I didn’t realize the Starbucks on Newbury has a Clover machine. I make my coffee in a french press 90% of the time and in an Aeropress the other 10%. I feel like a sellout, but I’ve switched to skim milk in my coffee after years of proselytizing about the wonders of cream in coffee…


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        It’s the Starbucks on the Mass Ave end of Newbury. I too have switched to skim milk, but over the weekend, my mom had organic whole milk for my little niece and that was very good in coffee! 🙂


      2. Noel’s avatar

        Love a non fat caramel latte, I can’t drink coffee straight–but my hubby loves his coffee with milk and sugar!


      3. Daisy’s avatar

        I like my coffee strong and dark, with one sugar and one cream. (On most days!) I drink less cream and sugar when I’m at the office an effort to be healthier, but on the weekends i splurge and add in more!


      4. Erica’s avatar

        I love my coffee black…no need to add anything!


      5. Taryn’s avatar

        I like my plain coffee with a little bit of milk and a little bit of splenda! But if I’m indulging, I like to get a non-fat caramel macchiato, or a nice chocolate-y mocha.


      6. brandi’s avatar

        what a fun event! i love trying new varieties of coffee.

        I like my coffee either black or with just a splash of milk. if it’s good coffee, you don’t need anything else!


      7. JW’s avatar

        I always take my coffee black-sometimes I’ll add splenda!


      8. JW’s avatar

        I tweeted! I am @butterjessfly


      9. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

        I like mine strong and with tons of sugar!!


      10. Kaitlyn’s avatar

        A little bit of cream and 2 splenda… I’m such a coffee fiend.


      11. Marcie’s avatar

        No idea about the Clover machine, I normally just use a french press to make my brew!


      12. Marcie’s avatar

        Tweeted about the giveaway


      13. Sarah’s avatar

        I love starbucks! I take my coffee with sugar and a splash of half and half. (although, I have recently tried it with sugar and coconut milk and it was yummy)


      14. Shannon’s avatar

        I love my coffee with some soymilk, that’s all! 🙂


      15. Shannon’s avatar

        Just tweeted about the giveaway, Meghan!


      16. Catherine Applegate @Boutique4aWeek’s avatar

        With Trader Joe’s Vanilla Almond Milk, lots of foam and with the ladies @bostonsportswoman! Join us for a cup sometime. Tweeted!


      17. Elizabeth’s avatar

        Iced with sugar and cream 🙂


      18. Megan’s avatar

        I like a mild breakfast blend coffee with a generous pour of Silk French Vanilla creamer. At Starbucks, I go for soy caraml macchiattos and desperately wish they would bring back the dark cherry mocha already!


      19. Lara’s avatar

        Strong, with a little soy creamer. And I’m with Megan (above) – loved the dark cherry mocha!


      20. Jen’s avatar

        I like my coffee with a splash of cream and a pinch of sugar in the raw-delish!!!


      21. Simply Life’s avatar

        My favorite it with a touch of steamed milk!


      22. Clarice’s avatar

        Just a little sugar makes me happy. If I could steam my own soy milk though, I’d add that too.


      23. Hannah’s avatar

        I like my coffee with soy milk!


      24. Stephanie @ The Cookie Battle’s avatar

        I like my coffee with cream and sugar generally (starbucks caramel macchiato is my fav coffee ever) but if it’s espresso, just a touch of sugar, I totally love the kick!


      25. alicia’s avatar

        I LOVE coffee. I take mine with just a little soy milk, no sugar. At starbucks I usually get soy mistos


      26. Beth’s avatar

        Coffee with soy milk and Stevia


      27. Joyce’s avatar

        I like my coffee dark with a splash of cream


      28. Melissa’s avatar

        Mmm, glorious coffee. I use either skim milk or half and half and sugar or sweetener. As long as my coffee is light and sweet, I don’t care what ingredients were it used to get it that way.


      29. shala_darkstone’s avatar

        Hi, I like my coffee with a bit of flavored creamer.


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