New Year, Why not celebrate?

Happy New Year! Happy Monday! Is it me, or did Christmas just fly by?

Over the top Christmas lights

For those of you who were out and about and not blog reading over the past week, I have quite a few recipes and posts I am excited about.

Here are just a few:

Achieve: My biggest goal for 2011

An attempt at homemade Sachertorte

My thoughts on Michael Vick

Super easy homemade rolls

Are you back at work this week? A little bummed that the holidays are over, it’s still winter, and everything sort of goes back to normal?

January is my least favorite month. I actually like something about every other month of the year except for January. It’s cold, we are coming off of a holiday high, and it just feels bleh.

Amping up my Napa Marathon training and eating more are two things I will be doing to break that monotony. More and more I realize I don’t eat nearly enough for someone so active, and some recent dizzy spells have been the result. I want to kick those in 2011 and make it the year of more energy!

Hiiii yah!

Anyway, I was thinking over the weekend that it has been awhile since I have done a giveaway. To help keep the festive, holiday feeling alive, I am giving away a $50 gift card to the winner’s favorite restaurant. I was able to do this a few weeks ago with, and hearing what restaurants people would choose was a ton of fun.

So let’s get started!

1) Leave a comment, and tell me the restaurant you would choose if you won. If your restaurant doesn’t sell gift cards, I will send you a $50 Visa card toward dinner

2) Be willing to guest post about your meal if you win

3) Link back to this post on your blog or on Facebook

4) Optional – do one thing today in your own life to keep the holiday spirit alive and if you feel like it, leave a comment and let me know what it was. People around you will thank you! Smile And it will be fun for all of us to brainstorm ways to make this the best January yet.

I have a busy day ahead today, a couple of meetings, a hill workout, and lots of writing and social media stuff to do. I am actually looking forward to really getting back into the swing of things. I guess that’s what happens when you allow yourself to take some time off.

Stay tuned for a review of Lolita Boston later today. . .

Tags: giveaway, Restaurants

  1. Carol’s avatar

    Defintely Legal Seafoods, the food is always so fresh and I have such fond memories of visiting there in the past. Happy New Year, love the blog!


  2. Carol’s avatar

    I kept the holiday spirit alive today by paying the toll for the car behind me!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      That is awesome! I love it!


    2. Emily’s avatar

      Awesome giveaway. I’d love to try to Met Back Bay. I’ve gone in for drinks but have yet to eat there… the ham and cheese bar is calling my name!


    3. Emily’s avatar

      Also, not so sure this is “holiday spirit”, but I cleaned up after 4 dogs that weren’t mine this morning at the park… if you know what I mean 😉


    4. Jean at The Delightful Repast’s avatar

      Hi Meghan! I love hearing about your long-distance running because it’s something I would never do myself but can nevertheless understand the appeal! Actually, rather than a dinner, I would choose afternoon tea at one of the Four Seasons Hotels throughout the country.


    5. Daisy’s avatar

      Cool picture of Christmas literally flying by, ain’t that the truth!! I always have so many restaurants I want to try. For the win I will pick Coppa. I can’t say if it is a favorite since I’ve never been, but all the more reason to check them out, and of course guest post!


    6. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

      Yikes! I hope the dizzy spells pass once you start eating more. That can be scary 🙁

      I would love to win the gift card. I would use it at Mistral because I’m dying to try it and I’d invite other bloggers to use it with me!


    7. ashleigh’s avatar

      I would check out Grezzo in the North End. I have been wanting to go for a while. I would love to guest post about it too 🙂


    8. Michelle’s avatar

      Awesome giveaway! Now that I’m going carb free for a bit, I am craving a nice steak dinner at Abe & Louie’s! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Lolita Cocina!


    9. Judith’s avatar

      I’d love the $50 for a great meal at the bar at Rialto! The best food ever and such a great space and vibe!


    10. The Red Menace’s avatar

      I second the comments about the photo – love it! My favorite restaurant continues to be Craigie, I think. I’ve been to lots of fabulous places, but Craigie always has my heart.


    11. Lara’s avatar

      I would love to try Hungry Mother! It has been on my list and I haven’t made it there yet.

      It’s amazing how much food you need when you are training. I did a marathon a few years ago and I was shocked at how much more food I had to eat just to fuel my system. Hope your training is going well!


    12. Lara’s avatar

      To keep the holiday spirit going, I gave up my seat on the train today for someone with a seeing eye dog.


    13. jenna’s avatar

      I’ve been dying to try Towne, it looks very inviting! Thanks for doing the giveaway!


    14. Evan Thomas’s avatar

      Awesome giveaway! I’d choose Tomasso Tratorria because it’s close and has excellent local Italian food.


    15. leslie’s avatar

      this is an amazing giveaway. pick me pick me! 🙂 i think i would choose northern spy, which is a little locavore restaurant in the east village and one of my very favorite places to go. if only they took reservations…

      i’m totally willing to guest post, and i’m keeping the holiday spirit alive by getting cupcakes for a coworker’s birthday today. i think i’m the only person alive who doesn’t feel the need to go on a sugar detox post-christmas.


    16. wishful nals’s avatar

      christmas certainly did fly by! hard to believe it is 2011. but, i am so amped up for it! there are so many good restaurants i want to try. hmmm, if i could go anywhere i would say somewhere new (or old) in cambridge that i have yet to try. i know, super vague, but there are so many!


    17. Melissa’s avatar

      Fun giveaway! I have a long list in my head of restaurants I want to try – I hardly have favorites because I tend to try new places instead of repeat – so this is a tough decision, but I’m picking Ten Tables because I’ve heard only good things about it and really want to try the Cambridge location since I live so close to it! And I’d be thrilled to blog about it after!

      I just got a Starbucks drink and they still have red cups – that counts as holiday spirit to me 🙂


    18. Megan’s avatar

      I would choose Craigie on Main. It’s right down the street, and I still haven’t been.

      Looking forward to your Lolita review. I went last week and hope to get a post up next week.

      January is definitely blah. 🙁


    19. Jacob's Kitchen’s avatar

      Great giveaway! Well I would, of course, love to use a gift card toward a meal at one of my all time favorites the Hash House a go go…. but since the closest one to me is in San Diego/Las Vegas (and I am in Salem, Oregon), I guess somewhere closer would make more sense. =) (but if you live near or plan to visit either of those two places it is a must try for breakfast and for dinner… it’s epic… you won’t regret it!) Hmmmm…. in this area there are too many great choices…. perhaps somethign out of the box…. hmmmm. I would choose Darcelle’s in Portland since I have always WANTED to go but never actually have. I’m not sure that the food would be all that amazing, frankly… but it’s drag queen dinner theatre! What more can one need?! lol

      I hope you have a fabulous new year filled with many new adventures! Happy eating!!!


    20. Tricia’s avatar

      Hi Meghan, what a cool giveaway! I would choose Myers + Chang for the restaurant because I was drooling when I read all about the Mystery Meet on Daisy’s blog.


    21. Elina (Healthy and Sane)’s avatar

      What a fun concept for a giveaway!! I’d like to chose Hungry Mother because I still haven’t been and it’s a tragedy, really. Good luck with all the business today… sounds like good-kinda busy! 🙂


    22. alicia’s avatar

      I’d want to go to the Shish Kebab House of Afghanistan in West Hartford Ctr. I’ve been there before, but I would LOOVE to get the eggplant appetizer again. YUM.


    23. Raija’s avatar

      The month I was born in is your least favorite month?! I feel personally insulted… 😉


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        Yes, despite it being your birth month, it is my least favorite. Cold, drab, bleh 🙁


      2. Simply Life’s avatar

        Great giveaway! One place I haven’t been yet that I’m pretty sure will be a favorite is 10 Tables!


      3. torviewtoronto’s avatar

        lovely picture happy new year


      4. Kate @’s avatar

        I’d love to take my husband to Cafe Lucrezia – I went there once with a couple of friends and fell in love with their food! If I win, I’ll definitely be back to post about my meal.


      5. megan @ whatmegansmaking’s avatar

        I think I’d choose to go to this Italian place we have here – mangiamo’s or bonefish grill. I really like both, and we almost never go out to eat!


      6. Amanda @ BakingWithoutABox’s avatar

        Congrats on the long distance training! That’s awesome. I’ve had a couple of the dizzy, nausea moments from not eating during training in the past month. No fun at all. Hope yours works out well!

        I would pick Green St. Restaurant in Pasadena. Home of the best. salad. ever. This from a woman who thinks most veggies are “poison.” Of course, I’d talk about my meal. And I’m linking to your post on Facebook right now!

        I dug out Christmas thank you cards tonight. I’m sending them to people to say thanks for presents. Just another way to draw out the holiday spirit.


      7. Stephanie’s avatar

        What a great giveaway! I’d love to go back to Ad Hoc again. It has a great atmosphere and, of course, great food. Happy New Year!


      8. Marcie’s avatar

        I love going to Mistral, it’s awful pricey but AMAZING, totally a great experiencce.


      9. Beth’s avatar

        My hubby and I love Bonefish Grill–reasonably priced and the fish is so fresh and delicious and you can customize your sauces. Happy New Year to all!


      10. Joy’s avatar

        I would probably pick gibsons here in chicago.


      11. Deb in Portland, OR’s avatar

        Just discovered your blog, love it! It is now entered as a Favorite. The $50 will go for moules and frites, the pernod version, & Champagne at Bistro Maison in McMinnville, OREGON in the middle of our wine country….well worth the 45 minute drive. January is also my birth month and I have always felt bleh about it. Lots of Vitamin D and evening activites on the calendar to get through this first full month of Winter. Happy New Year to the world. Here’s to mindful eating, local consuming and food waste reduction in 2011 and beyond. deb (PDX)


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          I visited Portland and the Willamette Valley on a work trip a couple of years ago. I am DYING to return!


        2. Joy’s avatar

          Rocco’s in Wilmington will always have my heart – when my mom was dying and still wanted to go out they cleared out a section so people wouldn’t hurt her already compromised immune system! Best place ever!


          1. traveleatlove’s avatar

            That is an unforgettable gesture!


          2. Will’s avatar

            Skipjacks at Patriot Place is just fantastic, great fresh seafood!


          3. Will’s avatar

            I am keeping the holiday spirit alive by making sure to check in on elderly friends and neighbors, even after the holiday season. They seem to only get visitors once a year, so my wife and kids make sure to remember them throughout the year


          4. Lucy’s avatar

            This is a super tough pick, but I would have to say our absolute fave is Ruby Tuesday. Yes, I know it’s a chain, but it is soooo good and the menu offers tons of good options that can please adults and kids.


          5. Lucy’s avatar

            I am keeping the holiday spirit alive by keeping the Christmas music cd in my car and playing it on my way home–it prevents the January blues from setting in!


          6. Laura’s avatar

            The Regal Beagle in Coolidge Corner is my favorite restaurant in the city. It was the first restaurant I went to shortly after moving to Boston with my newly-found Craigslist roommates. It’s also the place my family always dines when they visit from far away. Many memories. Typically flawless food. Stiff drinks. What’s not to love?


            1. traveleatlove’s avatar

              My husband and I have been talking about The Regal Beagle nonstop lately. We haven’t yet been there, but it is at the very top of our list. I love their menu!


            2. Elizabeth’s avatar

              Oooh, Oleana is my favorite that I’ve been to.


            3. Elizabeth’s avatar

              I’m keeping the holiday spirit alive by keeping my tree up well past new years 😛


            4. brandi’s avatar

              What a fun idea!

              I’d definitely pick The Palisades – it’s our favorite local restaurant, is close to our house, and has delicious food. Plus the owners are great!


            5. brandi’s avatar

              I’d definitely do a guest post about it! I love that restaurant and am always happy to write about it 🙂


            6. brandi’s avatar

              oh, and I’m going to keep the holiday spirit alive by making some more treats that I gave to family this year and bring them into the office in the next couple of weeks.


            7. Meesh’s avatar

              ive been DYING to check out o ya. Ive heard some very interesting things about it!

              p.s. would love to guest post about it

              to keep the spirit alive, i ate some leftover chocolates in my office from a holiday gift box! does that count?


            8. Carol’s avatar

              Hard to pick just one, but Cafe Castagna in Portland would get my vote. Even though the flagship restaurant next-door has been getting all the attention lately, I love the cafe for its more casual ambiance, yet consistently delicious menu. The hamburger and fries are killer; the grilled scallops are impeccably sweet and fresh; and, for dessert, the chocolate pots de creme is pure heaven. Definitely a place to lift your culinary spirits in the depths of winter!


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