Veggie Full

Halfway through a Market Basket shopping trip at 2:30 in the afternoon, it hit me. I hadn’t eaten breakfast yet. As much as I love to cook and eat, there are definitely days where I seem to wake up busy and completely miss the most important meal of the day. On this particular day, I woke up, did some quick blog and social media work, got ready, and headed to visit family for a few hours.

Market Basket shopping is definitely not my favorite thing in the world. It is crowded, disorganized, and not super clean, but boy is it cheap! Once I realized I needed to eat, I was a speedster, winding in and out of people as my husband stood in one spot with the grocery cart.

With a growling stomach and lingering sore throat, all I wanted were vegetables, and Market Basket tends to have cheap veggies in bulk which was perfect for what I wanted for our mid-day meal.

The second we got home, I got started chopping carrots, zucchini, red peppers, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, an onion, some garlic, and yes, that is a habanero.


I love spicy. Angry smile

veggie ingredients

I also gathered olive oil, tahini, curry powder, almond butter, coconut milk, couscous and wheat berries.

wheat berries

I added some boiling water to the wheat berries and whole wheat couscous to let them soak while I prepped the vegetables.

garlic and habanero

I made several extra servings of this dish for weekday lunches, so the pan was FULL of veggies. I ended up transferring everything to a bigger pot with some olive oil to get the cooking started.

pile of veggies

I separately boiled the couscous and wheat berries until cooked through.


When the veggies were starting to soften, I poured in coconut milk, a few shakes of curry powder, a scoop of tahini, and a scoop of almond butter. Stirring everything together made for a creamy, flavorful sauce.

vegetable curry

At the last minute, I added in the cooked wheat berries and couscous, gave it a good stir, and served.

I probably share way too many recipes with coconut milk on this blog, but I just love it. It makes eating lots of veggies somehow much easier, and who doesn’t want to fit more veggies in their diets?

Do you ever skip meals completely unintentionally because of work or other activities?

P.S. The winner of the Kerrygold giveaway is Brian from A Thought for Food! Brian, please email me with your address so I can get that to the awesome people at Kerrygold.

Tags: coconut milk, Food, healthy, recipe, vegetables, Vegetarian

  1. Emily’s avatar

    I am also a huge fan of coconut milk. I even put a splash of it in plain rice when there is not curry involved! Sometimes I’ll fast forward and eat lunch at 10am instead of breakfast. It does the trick!


  2. Michelle’s avatar

    This looks like a great meal to help you fill up in a healthy way! I definitely skip breakfast way too often while I’m at the office. I keep instant oatmeal here to remind myself…but I still forget!

    Congrats Brian – I’m super jealous!


  3. Kari’s avatar

    I waaant it! Looks so good! Sadly groceries are crazy expensive here at Vail (hello resort town) so most of my diet comes from the free shift meals I get at my 2 serving jobs. When you’re in town I call for a gorgeous dinner party! There’s also a dearth of asian food restaurants so anything with coconut milk will have me over the top with joy (and bring on that jabenero)


  4. Enrico’s avatar

    how do you make vegetables look sooooo goood!.


  5. Melissa’s avatar

    This looks really good! I’ve never cooked with coconut milk, i’m not sure if I like it but now I’m curious! I was craving veggies yesterday too and cooked up a lot of spinach and kale – yumm health foods


  6. Daisy’s avatar

    congrats Brian! lucky guy.

    I have only cooked with coconut milk once before, I added it to Jasmine Rice. It looks delish in your veggies. I skip breakfast more often than I should when I’m at work. but I make up for that on the weekends!


  7. Jess’s avatar

    LOVE market basket for the cheap products, but totally understand your frustration 🙂


  8. Megan’s avatar

    I’ve never used coconut milk… I will have to try one of your coconut milk recipes one of these days… but no curry for me!


  9. Rebecca @ How the Cookies Crumble’s avatar

    That dish with coconut milk looks super delicious. I love anything coconut and curry!


  10. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

    I love coconut milk too! And spicy 🙂 Dishes like this are great, where I can get a ton of veggie and nutrients, without feeling like I’m eating rabbit food. I do like salads but during the colder months, I want warm veggie dishes!


  11. Julie’s avatar

    Your dish looks delish! Sure beat my turkey sandwich at lunch! Goodness no, I never skip meals!!


  12. Clarice’s avatar

    It drives me crazy that the MB is so much cheaper than everywhere else. Sometimes though I just can’t handle it, and that is when I end up at Stop & Shop with something from Starbucks in my hand. Of course then I’ve spent even more money.


  13. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    No, I don’t skip meals. My stomach doesn’t let me. I don’t know how people “forget” to eat. I feel like I’m going to pass out if i don’t eat.
    I love love love Market Basket! So cheap and it’s always a ghost town. I’m in and out in 10 minutes flat.


  14. alicia’s avatar

    haha – I’m totally with MelissaNibbles. I never miss a meal. If I do I get the shakes and become incredibly shaky.

    Love curries with coconut milk. I’m going to have to try one of these recipes sometime too! Love all the veggies in this!!

    Thanks so much for your company today!


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