
#reverb10 Day 22

So after my first Reverb 10 post, I kind of got busy again and missed a few. So much for completing the last half of the month! T o be honest, some of the Reverb prompts are just way too touchy-feely for me to blog about publicly. Today’s prompt, however is one after my own heart.

Prompt: Travel. How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?

Due to job-related stuff, our travel schedule has been a little light lately, but I have had some great travel opportunities both near and far in these 12 months:

Scottsdale, Arizona

Galway, Ireland

Prague, Czech Republic

Napa and Sonoma (March)

Cape Cod

Napa and Sonoma (July)

New York City

Portland, ME

San Francisco, Napa, and Sonoma (November)

And a whole bunch of trips to NJ to visit my family

Our travel schedule is currently open for 2011, with the exception of another trip to Napa and Sonoma for the Napa Marathon (sensing a theme here?), but we are hoping to squeeze in a trip to visit family in Ireland and Italy, an additional wine country trip or two (or four?Winking smile), and maybe a visit to South America. And of course there is that part of me right now that wants to book a last minute trip to Grand Cayman to escape this dreadful Boston weather! A girl can dream, right?

Where did you travel this year? Where do you hope to travel in 2011?

Tags: #reverb10, Travel

  1. Elizabeth’s avatar

    The plans you do already have for 2011 make me jealous, and I’m sure there will end up being several more. Traveling for me is better than any material thing. The best present I could ask for would be airfare to somewhere I want to visit.


  2. Erin’s avatar

    2010 was light on travel, with my only international trips to Australia and New Zealand (although that was 2 months all together). Next year, I’m considering trips to Scandinavia or South Africa.


  3. Megan’s avatar

    I have a feeling 2011 will be light for us. We’re planning a big trip for our honeymoon in 2012! Let’s see, this year, I went to the Caribbean, Cape Cod, Maine, Vermont… and of course home to CT to see family.


  4. MarathonVal’s avatar

    South America would be amazing! I’m trying to talk Mike into Europe – finally – but we keep dragging our feet because of the expense. I’m crossing my fingers though!!


  5. Amanda L.’s avatar

    We went to Germany for almost 3 weeks in 2010 when we got married! Other than that we only went to Maine I think 🙂

    For 2011 I think we are going to try to go to San Francisco, Belgium, London and Bermuda. Can’t wait!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      3 weeks in Germany sounds amazing! Going back to Germany and seeing more (we have been to just Munich and Frankfurt) is definitely on my list!


    2. Michelle’s avatar

      We haven’t traveled much this past year except to countless trips to Portland and Boothbay, Maine, a few trips to DC, NY and NJ, Martha’s Vineyard, and our trip around Florida (Key West, Sarasota and the Villages!).

      We’re hoping for a trip to Australia in 2011!


    3. Daisy’s avatar

      You have gone to so many places and what a year of travel to look forward to! Local travel brought me to Cape Cod, CT, NH and VT. Airplane travel to Boulder, Colorado and all over the state of Florida!


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