Guest Post: The Mister

A few weeks ago, I received an email offering a review copy of the book Recipes Every Man Should Know. Never one to turn down a free food-related book,  I gratefully said yes, knowing that it would be a fun read and perhaps helpful to my husband.

As the book’s promo site states:

Now guys will have all the essentials covered: Coffee, Eggs & Breakfast Classics • Sandwiches, Burgers & Snacks • Meat & Potato Dinners • Bacon, Beer & Bar Food • Chocolate, Cheesecake & More!

I don’t see any veggies on that essentials list, but sometimes, that’s just okay. My husband works about a jillion hours a week, so making a full meal was pretty much out of the question. Instead, he decided to make the cheesecake recipe from the book.

And before I could tell him that Cool Whip should never ever be used in anything, ever, he was off. . .

cheesecake ingredients

Its been a while since I made anything of the culinary variety – aside from boiling an egg, making toast and tea/coffee.  I wanted to make something that anybody could make – no brains involved, just ingredients, some stirring, and out comes a dessert.  So I opened the book to p. 134 NO-Bake Cheesecake and purchased the necessary items.

1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened.

1 cup sour cream

1/2 cup sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 (8-ounce) container of non-dairy whipped topping

1 graham cracker pie crust or oreo cookie pie crust

As shown above, gather your ingredients together – place the cream cheese, sour cream, sugar and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl, and stir until mixed.

making cheesecake

Adding the Cool Whip (everything is better with Cool Whip – see family guy for further info) makes the stirring a lot easier.vanilla cheesecake

Once mixed for a further 3 minutes, just pour the contents of the bowl into the unwrapped Oreo cookie pie crust* (foil wrap left on for authenticity) In love and place in the fridge for a minimum of 1 hour, or until your craving for something sweet takes the better of you.

Despite my wife’s comments on Cool Whip – It ended up being one of the easiest desserts to make – about as difficult as scooping ice-cream into a bowl.  Though one word of advice, do not serve this after any kind of heavy meal, as the cheesecake is quite filling.

Steeled by this stunning success – I am encouraged to explore further recipes from the book – I had already appreciated the burger selection, and the cocktail lists are definitely interesting.

The book also comes with a list and diagrams of useful household items you should own and basic techniques to know before embarking on this culinary quest. Useful man topics are also covered in the book – like “The Hangover Cure” and the “Perfect Steak”.  Although this book may be more targeted towards guys about to leave home, or college or fellas with simply too little time on their hands, I found it exceptionally easy to follow, entertaining, and would recommend this to others for a bit of kitchen fun.


*Please note that my husband does know how to make a graham cracker or Oreo crust for a cheesecake. The store-bought crust was to stay true to the recipe in the book Smile

Please also note that, minus the Cool Whip, this would be a perfectly delicious dessert. There is just something about that not-so-natural whipped dairy topping aftertaste. . .

In your household who does most of the cooking? Is it you, your significant other, a roommate or someone else? Or do you let takeout handle it? Smile

Tags: cheesecake, cookbooks, dessert, Food, Guest Blogger, men's cooking, recipe

  1. Brian @ A Thought For Food’s avatar

    Thankfully, I married a man (as did he) who knows how to cook… but I know a few people who could use this book.


  2. Elina (Healthy and Sane)’s avatar

    Good job, Eric!! I’m not a cool whip fan either (surprise, surprise) but I think you did a fabulous job. I wonder if I could talk Adam into making dinner sometime… 😉


  3. Michelle’s avatar

    Way to go Eric! I definitely do most of the cooking in our household but I do put Bret to work with chopping. When both of us aren’t busy (which is rare), we like to cook together with a glass (okay, a bottle) of wine.


  4. Kimmy’s avatar

    Ha! Kudos to your husband for trying it out! We cook together a lot in our house, with Dave being the master of breakfast and anything bacon related. Or as the official wine pour-er as I cook. 😉


  5. Melissa’s avatar

    Sounds like a funny book. I’m with you on the Cool Whip too – but I have tried freezing the chocolate Cool Whip, and well, that’s not so bad.


  6. Megan’s avatar

    Nice job, Eric! Meghan needs more desserts around her. I always remind her not to skip dessert. I think my fiance would find this book helpful. Every once in a while when I don’t feel like cooking, he’ll pick up the slack. Usually it’s something simple, but he has been known to follow Cook’s Illustrated recipes from time to time.


  7. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    The book sounds like it would make a good gift for a recent high school or college grad. The pie came out great! I love Cool Whip though 🙂


  8. The Red Menace’s avatar

    Do men need different cookbooks than ladies do? Is this like the “cute” tools I saw at Ace the other day? 🙁 I liked Eric’s post, (he has a good writing voice!) but this sort of thing makes me sad.


  9. alicia’s avatar

    Loved hearing from the hubs! Great post!

    I do most of the cooking around here – but Rafe does have a few great recipes of his own, and we often cook together on the weekends.


  10. Julie’s avatar

    Haha!! Go husband!! Tell him that I too have a soft spot Cool Whip!! There is one single recipe that I use it in, a double layer pumpkin pie, and I LOVE IT!!

    Well done you!! =)


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